Fake Cousin's Brother

1099 Words
The seconds are also their eyes fixed. A familiar face as well as a stranger stormed into view. It doesn't feel the same, but the same memories come back to slip out of their memory. Alexander's relieved and heartless actions 4 years ago made Fellis's turbulent heart filled with hatred again. The pain from his nails stuck in the palm of his hand made him realize his shock. Alexander, forever he could not forgive the man, only he did not want to provoke. It's better if the two of them don't see each other again. Even if they accidentally meet again, they are no more than strangers! In an instant, Fellis thought a lot. Finally, he stared at Alexander at a glance with a flat look, then immediately went to the bathroom. Of course, Alexander was also surprised at the moment they had the stare. Fellis has changed. His p***y cheeks when he was 20 years old and when he was married were gone without being used to it. Her beautiful face coupled with thin makeup seemed to be more charming. The most important thing is, Fellis' aura has changed. If 4 years ago Fellis was still a lily with glowing water grains, then Fellis, now a red lotus that fascinates everyone. Only by shaking his petals can he make the eye that sees him amazed. It's just that a pair of Felli's eyes that highlighted hatred made Alexander feel like sculpting, however, he was the one who was guilty. On that night 4 years ago, he forced Fellis to leave him, and when he left, he didn't bring a penny. During these 4 years, Alexander was reminded several times of the stupid smile on Fellis's face. Also, when Fellis made a drunken reliever soup for him, he was reminded of the night of the rainstorm 4 years ago. He hurt her, that's right. Sometimes Alexander thought, if only Fellis had brought the divorce compensation money, could he forget it fully? The next second, Fellis decided to leave. Seeing him leave, Alexander immediately stepped forward. "Alexander!" At that moment, Ellie suddenly appeared beside Alexander, his pale, thin hand squeezing Alexander's burly arm. Ellie realized the peculiarity of Alexander. When his eyes are on a woman, no more than 10 seconds at most. But this time, Ellie found that it was not only her eyes that looked at her for a long time, but her feelings were also very deep. Ellie turned her gaze towards Fellis, but she only saw her figure, who had hurriedly left. Ellie found that this woman's posture was good too, and her dress style was modern. Viewed from behind, her face must be beautiful! Because Alexander never mentioned Fellis and erased all traces of him after he signed the divorce papers, Ellie never met Fellis. Let alone his figure from behind, even if Fellis stood before him, Ellie did not recognize him. But, even though Ellie didn't know Fellis, her eyes were still pouring: even though there were many girls who tried to tempt Alexander, Ellie knew that Alexander would keep his loyalty. But why could the woman in front of him attract Alexander's attention so easily? Ellie could not help coughing. He looked at Alexander and asked as if nothing had happened, "Alexander, why?" "No, it's OK," Alexander immediately turned and grabbed Ellie's hand on her arm with a gentle smile. "That woman just now, do you know?" Ellie looked at Alexander while finding out. Alexander paused for a moment, then shook, "No." Five years ago, Alexander and Fellis were married. For the sake of not making him hurt, the marriage was not made public, the media did not know. Ellie had only heard of Fellis's name, but they had never met each other. Now they met accidentally. Alexander did not plan to tell him about this. He knew that Ellie was a suspicious and sensitive person. His health condition is not good, it will be tight until the situation worsens due to too many thoughts. "Ng," Ellie nodded and didn't ask again. It's just that his eyes are still following the direction Fellis is going. "Alexander, I'd better go to Ellie's home first. After all, this is Mr. Lin's birthday party, it's not good if you leave the event first," Wayne suggested. "But Ellie ..." "Alexander, I'm fine," Ellie shook Alexander's arms with understanding, "If not, I will hold her until the party is over. However, it's not very good if you leave the event first. " "But your body condition is also not possible!" Wayne panicked a little. He took a step forward and said to the two, "Just let me know, Alexander is here, and I will take Ellie home to rest." Alexander thought for a moment, then finally nodded, "Just so." Alexander also did not want Ellie to force herself. He stroked Ellie's cheek, then said quietly, "Go home and don't forget to rest." "Ng," Ellie dyed Alexander's cheek, "Send my apologies to Warren." "Ellie, Warren already knows, you don't have to worry." "Ng, then I go first," Ellie smiled at Alexander. Her beautiful brown eyes filled with love. After saying goodbye to Alexander, Ellie leaves with Wayne's lead. After leading Ellie to the Rolls-Royce limousine, Wayne did not sit in the wheelhouse, but sat next to Ellie. Wayne looked around, then pulled Ellie's shoulder and asked attentively, "Ellie, why does your stomach suddenly hurt? Is it better now? " "Quickly get rid of your hand, now we are outside!" Ellie's body trembled, she immediately brushed aside Wayne's hand from her shoulder. "Isn't there no one around here ?!" Wayne turned and looked around. Seeing his hand removed by Ellie without hesitation, he said in an amateurish tone of sadness and disappointment. "You can't do that either! If you see people, let us both die!" Ellie's face, which was initially pale, turned a little red with tension, "Wayne, you have to be a little careful." "Ellie, do you know how suffering I am? I see you sick, but I can't be the first to care about you. Do you know how sad I am? For your sake, I have to pretend to be your cousin's brother. Every day I see you making out with Alexander, but I can't do anything, I suffer so much! " Wayne looked at Ellie's beautiful face that also looked pale. Again she held Ellie's shoulder with a dusty emotion. "I told you, forever we will not be possible together. I also told you, if you don't want to be beside me, you can go! "
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