If I Don't Go, How?

1217 Words
This is a designer who has just worked at our company. General Manager Tsu liked his design from first glance, so he appointed himself to attend this party," Deputy Manager Hu said. At one appearance, he learned that Director Wang was interested in Fellis , so he immediately moved aside, gesturing to Fellis to speak to Director Wang. "Hello, Director Wang, my name is Fellis An," Fujar Fellis introduced himself while reaching out to shake hands with Director Wang. "Director Wang is the largest fabric distributor in our company," Deputy Manager Hu introduced. Fellis smiled at the sign of understanding, he went forward and toasted Director Wang, "Hopefully, going forward, I can continue to work with Director Wang." Looking at the smile on Director Wang's face and all the wrinkles on his face, Deputy Manager Hu said, "You have a chat, I went there first to greet Director Lee." After Deputy Manager Hu left, Director Wang took a step forward. He almost clung to Fellis's body, he said, "Miss An, this is my namecard ..." The fragrance of Fellis's body, like a pair of small hands that intrigued Director Wang's heart. "Thank you, Director Wang," said Fellis, immediately accepting and storing it. At the same time, he made a sincere smile but also seemed tempted, but his body took a step back unnoticed by others. He kept an appropriate distance from Director Wang. After talking for a while, Fellis deftly made Director Wang understand more about the Tsu Family Garment Company. At that moment, Director Wang realized Fellis's ability was no worse than his appearance. He also changed his view of Fellis. Now that Fellis and Director Wang had received useful information, Fellis saluted Director Wang, then walked towards Deputy Manager Hu. "Huft..." Fellis sighed and put down his wine glass, not in vain chatting for that long! "How?" Asked Deputy Manager Hu as soon as he saw Director Wang was gone. "Lumayan," said Fellis, humbling himself, "Director Wang said, if our company cooperates sincerely, if it adds to the quota for goods demand, it will reduce the price of goods by up to 80% for our company." "Very nice!" Praise Deputy Manager Hu, nodding his head in satisfaction, "Our company is planning to enlarge the production quota, the orders we will make to Director Wang's company will definitely be more, now that the price of the fabric has been lowered, the profits that our company will gain will increase." "Fellis, your actions are very good. In the future, Director Wang's problem will be your responsibility," said Deputy Manager Hu, he could always use people. Now Fellis's work is this good, he will certainly give him an award. After that, Fellis followed Deputy Manager Hu to meet and chat with several prestigious bosses. At this time, Fellis stepped back and forth to taste. Finally, they had met almost everyone important. Fellis had drunk enough beer, he felt his face stiff from continuing to smile. After permission from Deputy Manager Hu, Fellis also planned to go to the bathroom too. Heay his makeup. At the Lin family residence villa on the 2nd floor, in the private bathroom of the Lin family ... Alexander incessantly patted Ellie's back, worriedly looking at her, looking down and vomiting. He asked, "Ellie, do you feel like do?" "Uhuk ..." Ellie could only answer Alexander with a heartbreaking vapit. Ellie held her chest, her thin black eyebrows slightly pierced, the red lips that were originally ranumed like cherries were slightly pale. Because of the unrelenting vomiting, her beautiful eyes filled with tears, her delicate white cheeks in the ceramic tub also became rather pale. Alexander saw her with a very compassionate feeling. "Alexander, you also don't worry too much, Ellie is just a little unwell," said Ellie's cousin, who is also the manager of the marketing department at the Gu Family Company, and the Gu's family villa administrator, Wayne Zhou, although his face was as worried as Alexander , but he relentlessly calmed Alexander. "I should have asked Ellie to rest at home, clearly knowing her body was very weak, I still asked her to come," complained Alexander, who was suffering with a very sorry tone of speech. "Ti, it's OK..." Ellie said, raising her tiny white face, she looked at Alexander and forced to smile, she understood the feelings of others. "Alexander, I've fixed it, don't worry, I, uhuk ..." Before finishing speaking, Ellie immediately looked down and threw up again. In pain she was holding her chest, but could not pull out her vomit. Last night, a different party, a different party. Today there were many activities, because this was a different party. The food she ate was different. She was originally not feeling well, but now she also had a stomachache. "Ellie, after this we will be home soon. I will call your personal doctor," Alexander said gently, embracing Ellie's shoulder. "No need," Ellie said, then vomiting again. He only raised his head again, "This is your good friend's party. I must not spoil the fun." "Alexander, Ellie said correctly, however, this is your best friend's birthday party, Ellie, as your wife is also supposed to come, you don't need to blame yourself," said Wayne, intending to calm down. He continued to look at Alexander's hand which continued to embrace Ellie's shoulder, from his eyes seemed a feeling that was difficult to express. "But, if you're like this, I'm really not calm," Alexander said patiently, shaking, "Ellie, according to yes, let's go home, okay?" "But..." "Sir, no, no ..." The sound of shoes knocking on the floor was heard, breaking Ellie's words. Fellis, who was a little drunk, seeing the toilet queue on the 1st floor was very crowded and quite drunk, and he wanted to regain consciousness, so he limped from a toilet to the 2nd floor. With blurry eyes, he saw 3 shadows of people on the restroom. Alexander worried about Ellie's situation so that he didn't pay attention to who was coming. He just turned to Wayne, hinting at her to quickly drive the man away. Wayne nodded, then walked towards Fellis. "Miss, this toilet is a private toilet, please come out," Wayne said firmly before Fellis. "Eh? Why can there be a man here?" Fellis asked, winking his drunken eyes that were a little runny, regardless of Wayne's words, with his lentic fingers, he pointed to Wayne, saying, "Sir, right, beg you to come out." At that moment, Ellie, who was holding her chest, turned to look at the beautiful woman who was arguing with Wayne in the distance. Immediately in her heart she felt a little unhappy. She looked up at Alexander. In a weak and spoiled voice she said, "Alexander, the woman is looking for trouble for no reason. " "Don't be angry, I'll send him away soon," Alexander said to calm him down, patting Ellie's back, then turning and walking towards Fellis. Alexander only smiled softly in front of Ellie, in front of others, he was always as cold as ice, so, before Alexander reached Fellis, his cold voice was heard, "Be quiet." Fellis, who was arguing with Wayne, as soon as he heard the cold voice, he laughed, looking at the person approaching him, he asked clearly, "If I don't go, how?"
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