Job Loss

1296 Words
Hello, Director Lin, I'm Fellis An, clothing designer for the Tsu Family Garment Company," said Fellis, introducing himself with a smile at Warren. "Fellis An ..." Jumam Warren repeated the name Fellis, then the smile of a rich man who was approaching. Of course Fellis knew what Warren's smile meant, but he didn't reply or refuse, he just smiled thinly. "Warren!" Call Joseph, then he quickly heads to Warren's side, he looks at Fellis, then says to Warren, "There's something I have to tell you." "What things should be said right now?" Warren asked Joseph, then with an eye gesture said the continuation of his sentence: Why should it be now when I'm teasing this beautiful woman. And Fellis at that moment also saw Joseph and thought: Isn't he Alexander's best friend? Why be with Warren Lin? But Fellis immediately changed his mind. In the business world, many events, for example, yesterday were still strangers. Today can also be friends. Why should you think about it! As long as he and Alexander don't look for problems with him, that's a very good thing. "Because Director Lin has business, I won't bother anymore," Fellis said to Warren with a thin smile. "All right, next time we chat again," Warren answered slightly unwillingly, and continued to look at Fellis until he left. As soon as Fellis had gone a long way, Warren immediately grumbled, "Sir, try to say, what business is there!" "Actually, this woman just now ..." Joseph said that he could not continue. If Warren was chasing another woman, no problem. But however Fellis had been married to Alexander, if they were both in touch, wouldn't Alexander feel very awkward? "Sir!" When Joseph did not know how he had to explain the relationship between Fellis and Alexander, Alexander and Morgan also approached them. "Alexander, that ..." "Sir, there's no need to say it again," Alexander said. He knew what Joseph wanted to say, but, the thing that had been allowed to pass, he didn't want to because of himself, he had to explain again. "What doesn't need to be said, did something really happen?" asked Warren while. Does his forehead. Morgan and Joseph saw that Alexander did not want to discuss it, so they were silent, saying nothing. "Sir, just now you clearly want to say something to me, now instead of silence, what's up?" Warren asked, looking at Joseph, he thought to himself. Suddenly, Warren looked at Joseph with a look of no understanding, and exclaimed, "Masa..., good times ..." Joseph, Morgan, along with Alexander were a little surprised. What, Warren like this, was he already aware of the relationship between Alexander and Fellis? "What time?" Joseph asked. "Your eyes also like the woman just now ?!" Warren said to say his guess while shaking his head, not understanding. Hearing him say that, Joseph immediately held back laughter, he shrugged and said, "Right, I really like that woman!" At this rate, it could reduce Warren's interest in Fellis, and could reduce Alexander's awkward feelings. This is not a bad way. "All right then, I'm forced to endure this heartache!" Jar Warren, making a gesture like his heart ached, he looked at Joseph with sparkling eyes, "Sir, based on my experience of hanging out with women for years, I think that woman is really of high quality, now I succumb to you, you must treat it well huh! " "It's just a thing!" Joseph's jerks, turning his eyeballs, made Morgan, who was usually quiet, roll his lips. "Ah, apparently I can see Morgan's feet smile! What an experience that can only be found once every 100 years!" Warren said, still in a jumble tone. Joseph and Morgan certainly could not bear to laugh either. Only Alexander was swept away in his own mind while looking in the direction Fellis was going. On a long road that is invisible, on both sides of the road there are only a few streetlights emitting light that is sometimes bright and sometimes dark, already past midnight, cars that pass very much, dim light makes Fellis feel anxious, the wind the cold north blows until his white coat rustles, he tightens his collar, and speeds up his steps, walks into his little apartment. On the long empty road, only the sound of red high heels was stomping at the ground. Fellis opened the door of his apartment, and as per his custom, pressed the light switch, with the sound of "pats!" the crispy one, in the room still pitch dark. He just remembered: Because he hadn't paid, the building owner had turned off the electricity because of that room. Oh, he again forgot to pay rent! But this time, Fellis could not immediately pay, because now he did not have a job. Fellis laughed at himself, he took off his old coat and hung it on the wall. "Fellis, when your apprentice job is very decent, but your design style doesn't match the design that your company expects, sorry, you're not accepted." This sentence was the most carefree in Fellis's head, but he could not believe it, he was moved from City S to City H by the central company, finally. Finally, at the party he met with Alexander, and he also lost his job! Fellis slammed the design hard on his document map onto the table. He looked at his design under the light of a dim light with a cold view. This was the clothing model of the Kelaurga Tsu Garment Company and the direction of development he had examined by spending a very long time, then chasing almost 1 month in the field of drawing design, the "unsuitable" fire. Really bullshit! How come?! Why, in an instant can it turn this bad could! Fellis thought but still did not find an answer. Clearly he also had no problems with his coworkers. Deputy Manager Hu was also very satisfied with it. Why was he suddenly fired? Now, Director Tsu is still in England and hasn't returned. Fellis has no chance to meet him, less having the chance to ask clearly what is the reason he was fired. Fellis took off his clothes and entered the bathroom. He began to think seriously about things that had happened since when he met Alexander at that time. He was fired, and after that day, not only until here, since he was fired from the Tsu Family Garment Company, he had sent his CV to all the garment companies in City H, but there could be none of the companies that employed him! Is it really Alexander who controls him from behind? But, wouldn't he not have any relationship with Alexander? Fellis gritted his teeth, this Alexander, did he have to press it until there was no way out so that he could let go? He just wants to live well, take care of his son well! He did not bother Alexander! Fellis clenched his hand, the pain of the tip of his nails pierced his palm, making him regain consciousness: The water that hits his body in the midst of this darkness, is cold water! The building owner also turned off the hot water! Fellis immediately turned off the water, then wiped his body with a towel, he put on his sleepwear, then immediately entered the room and poured a cup of hot water to warm his body in the book of his savings. He was not even been able to pay off. He and Joy's living expenses this month, he also has no leftover money for treatment. Fellis poured the remaining hot water yesterday, sipping it slowly, the other hand taking a photo of his son, Joy, on the table, looking at his dim affection. At that moment, Fellis's cellphone rang.
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