Chapter 15

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Nates pov I was still holding Madison in my arms, my hands on her thighs, never wanting to let go when we still hadn’t parted our mouths. She moaned again, making me want to do nothing more than just walk inside my bedroom and keep exploring her beautiful body; from her sweet face to her slender body, she was just the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, more beautiful than Melissa ever was. “Nate….” She pulled back, panting when I chased her lips back, tugging on them playfully and making her moan again; oh s**t! She was going to kill me with the way she just looked at me, all flushed and looking like she was just as turned on as me. If she didn’t feel my d**k that was hard for her, then it was because I was holding her up, trying to hide it the best that I could; I didn’t want her to freak out from just having my hard-on poking her, no matter how much I enjoyed this. “Yes, Maddie…?” I was trying not to attack her lips again that were swollen from me, and she just gave me a shy smile; she looked nothing like the girl in the IG who was just a spoiled brat; she looked like she was just herself, and I loved that, every part of Madison showing me her genuine self, that was driving me crazy and hot for her at the same time. “Wow…. Just wow…” she smirked when I made a bigger grin. That was just what this felt like; she was still smirking when I kissed her again; this time, it was more careful and slower, making her open her mouth; oh god, I just wanted to feel her tongue against mine, but…. Not yet…. f**k. She was inexperienced. I could already tell when she kissed me and how she looked at me, I mean, I wasn’t that much of a player like Hayden was, but I had dated girls during my teen years, and then it was Melissa… I dropped her right of way when Madison was here in my arms, and she was holding her slender arms around my neck. that felt so good…. And she was twenty, thank you, God! I would have waited… no matter what I tried telling myself and her, I was already addicted. I knew it was being lost in her baby blue eyes. “Okay… I need to like to cool off or something, or this will start getting dangerous; I just don’t want to stop Maddie, and I know that you need more time; I don’t want to rush whatever this is….” She looked disappointed when I let her down again, making a shocked face and feeling my d**k against her stomach. It made me chuckle; yeah, she was nowhere near ready for the next step. “Okay….” She looked like she wasn’t going to argue for once, and I just pulled her closer again, stroking her face with my hands; she was so beautiful. so much that I couldn’t get it that she liked me back, she had a ton of guys telling her that she was gorgeous and all that, but she listened to me when I said it; that made me so f*****g happy! “I don’t know what we are going to do about Nana; I get it… she doesn’t like you, and I don’t know why because I sure as hell do….” Her eyes lighted up even more when I stopped stroking her face and just kissed her forehead; she smelt so amazing, like I could drown in it, and I wouldn’t mind. “I don’t know either… I just… well … I can take her being mean, Nate; she is afraid of losing you…. I get that now….” She had her nails in my back, making circular motions that felt so that I made a small grunt. She smiled at me and kept going even more, making every part of my body tense and relaxed. Oh, it felt so good! “Just give her time…I'm sure she will come around. She didn’t like Melissa either… or any of the girls I dated….” I stopped when I saw her face. It felt like she didn’t like hearing about me talking about other girls. They happened, but it was the past; she was here now. “Great…. So, what you are saying is that if we start to date publicly, she will try to kill me?” I didn’t like how she sounded serious; Nana was a good woman, even if she didn’t want girls going out with me; she was just trying to protect me, that was all! “No…. and don’t say that! You don’t know her or me... “I regretted what I said right away when she pulled back her hand, making me lose that great feeling of tingles down my back. She just looked pissed at me for even saying that to her face. “Oh, sorry that I’m new around here; I love being here and not home in my mansion! Cleaning every damn day when you are working or out running!” Madison sneered and took a step back, and I followed instantly; I didn’t want to lose our connection, not what was inside me and just our skin touching; I just didn’t. “I’m sorry, I am!” I tried to soften my voice to avoid waking Nana up. She had taken her pills for her heart, and I didn’t want to make more noise than necessary; it was a miracle that she hadn’t woken up from Madison shouting at me. She made a face like she was still mad but wasn’t going to sneer at me anymore, well not as much, maybe when I pulled her closer again, her soft breast just pushing into my chest; I loved that part. “It’s so hard being here… and… I’m not used to this, Nate; you have no idea what it feels like for me...” she sounded sad again, making me want to comfort her. I got that. This place was small and modest, and she was used to living her life to the fullest, doing whatever she felt like, not lifting her pretty fingers more than pointing at stuff. “Then tell me, just tell me what I can do to make it better… I know it sucks being here… but I like that you are….” She looked up with tears in her eyes, but she had hope in them, which made me feel better. I wanted her to know I would do and listen better to what she was saying, even if I still had difficulty understanding that Nana did not like her. “I want to come along today when you go out.” Madison looked more determined when my eyes narrowed; what? I already forgot about that part. The only reason I even had agreed to that was to try getting my mind off her, and now that nothing was stopping me, I couldn’t care less about going out with Hayden. “No.” She gasped, not expecting me to sound so serious when I was ready to make whatever changes I could to make her happier. Still, she was not going out with me, and that was it. “What?!” she was gritting her teeth when I frowned at her beautiful face. She was still underage to go out, and that was the law; she shouldn’t even be out and about like that. There were other things we could do, but not drinking at being at places I honestly didn’t want her. “That’s not what you said like thirty seconds ago!? I want to leave this damn house, and that’s it! I want to wear a dress that isn’t used and do my damn hair; look at my nails, Nate; they are dirty! Do you know how many times I have been cleaning in my life! Zero!” she hissed, not wanting to wake Nana either when she held her slender hands up, showing them off, and I stared at them, hypnotized. She was so perfect. “You are still too young; I’m not saying we can’t do anything else; just don’t drink.” I took one of her hands and kissed it gently, looking at her when she instantly dropped her irritation. I kissed her hand; it was all it took, noted. “I never said I was drinking! I don’t know what you think about me, but I never did that before I came here; it just messes with your head, and I don’t need that… I just want to have fun!” She made a snappy tone when I smiled at her. Oh, it’s like she was made for me. The more I got to know her, the more I liked what I saw. “Alright, you know what? Let’s do it then… let’s just go out and have fun… and you can meet Hayden….” I made a moaning grunt when she smiled so brightly that it made my heart start to beat faster. I just wanted her to be happy; that was it. “Great! I’m going to go and look at what Maisie sent me. Oh, I need to shower again!” She was already walking away from me when I pulled her back, making a small yelp that made me chuckle when she looked up surprised. I kissed her again, just because I could. “Stop right there, cutie; I wasn’t done with you….” She smirked when her eyes lighted up, and she put her arm around my nape, one at a time, and I just pulled her up to meet my lips again; she tasted so good.
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