Chapter 14

2390 Words
Madisons pov So, he didn’t want me along?! Just stared into my eyes and looked like he wanted to kiss me; he nearly did, and then! I wasn’t coming along with him from nowhere when he was finally doing something fun! That was not going to happen! I was sick of the house, and as soon as we got back, being silent and annoyed, I slammed the car door hard, making him just do a sigh that I didn’t pretend to hear. He was the worst! Just sitting there and pretending that he didn’t almost kiss me! probably was afraid I would tell Nana, and then she would have a heart attack and die…. I smirked when I saw her, and she frowned, seeing that Nate was unloading and carrying my package from Masie; she was going to work me hard, but I didn’t care; it was worth it. “Nate, baby, what are you doing!? Be careful!” she got up from her chair and looked like she wanted to go and take the massive box from his arms when I just made an eye roll; it wasn’t that heavy, and he didn’t seem to even feel it when he smiled at her walking past me still standing in the small driveway, I hated her so much, old bat. “Nana, it's fine; it’s not even that heavy, look!” He hoisted it up, and I hated that I turned and just gawked at him, and when he smirked like he knew exactly how impressed I was, i***t! “Still, be careful; I don’t want you to hurt yourself for a silly reason like carrying a box.” Mrs Jameson turned her gaze to me, and I stopped smiling; she was so mad at me. "Nana, please, this isn’t half of what I usually bench, you know that….” Nate smiled at her, and she softened up immediately like she never had fury in her eyes when he walked inside. Mrs Jameson stayed behind, just giving me a scowl like she was just waiting to get me alone so that she could think of ways of making me pay for being alone with Nate, seducing him. I scoffed; she was just as stupid as him! I followed at a distance when Nate carried the box into his room, making my heartbeat faster; why did he do that?! I knew the old miserable hag wouldn’t want that; opposite, she would kill me if I was near him. “Nate, I made you lunch. Come and eat when you worked so hard; I know you are hungry this time.” Mrs Jameson was already walking inside the kitchen when she suddenly stopped, hearing Nate's voice breaking her confident walk. She turned around, staring at him like he was crazy. “No, thank you, Nana; I had lunch with Maddie.” He smiled when I saw the slight twitch in her left eye, like a sign that she was pissed now. She didn’t speak for a few seconds, too long for it to be natural, when she made a surprised face like she wasn’t expecting that. Believe me, he wanted to do more. “Oh! That’s great; I’m glad you ate, baby….” She looked at me, and I didn’t back down this time, not this time. I wouldn’t take it; let her throw me out then. Let Nate see her for the old bastard she really was. “Why don’t you and Madison have it for dinner? since I’m going out with Hayden.” He sounded so casual when she swallowed when I snickered; that would never happen. “Oh no, she can’t eat that, I made meat stew, and she is vegan, aren’t you dear?” she turned and pinned me down with her hard old eyes when I just shrugged; I was not playing along, no way. “You know what? this vegan thing is overrated, so I will ditch it.” Nate looked happy, and I just smiled at him, ignoring the old woman about to crack her soft and sweet surface to her grandson; it couldn’t happen soon enough. “See Nana, she isn’t that bad…” I don’t know if he said it for himself or to her. How his eyes had found mine made me stare back; nothing was in my head right now. Absolutely blank space when he did a sweet smile, and I just smiled back like an i***t. What the hell was happening to me?! “Oh heavens!” I just made a face when she made a dramatic sway with her body and held her hand over her chest, making Nate drop whatever was happening between us and just swoop in, holding the panting woman in his arms, looking like he was panicking over what was happened when I just crossed my arms and sighed, oh she was so faking it, she was. “Nana! Are you feeling your heart?! Do you need me to call the ambulance!?” the distressing voice and face were clear as day when she started to cough. I just watched the old woman. She was good at this, playing Nate like a goddam pawn when she looked up and gave him a gentle smile like she didn’t look like she had a heart attack ten seconds ago. “No, it's fine, Nate… I just need to lie down… no need to worry about me, I’m fine….” She was caressing his cheek and looking at him like she had never let him go. He picked her up and didn’t even give me a second look when he walked inside her bedroom. The door was caught in the draft, making it slam hard behind him and making me flinch from the way he had just disappeared and the cold feeling in my chest that he was mad at me and hadn’t even looked at me. I just stood there; I didn’t stand a chance against her. I realized that the moment he had just walked out on whatever we had between us, she would always come first, and she made sure she did. Why did I want to cry when I didn’t know how much time had passed and the door opened again? Nate was still not looking at me, and I just made a slight whimpering noise that I didn’t even understand; why was he mad at me? I hadn’t done anything to deserve that? “Is she okay?” I walked after him into the living room, and he stopped; his muscular back was tense, and he didn’t even need to show me his face to make me know that he was pissed at me for asking. “Why do you even care?! You don’t even like her?!” he turned around slowly, giving me that handsome face with such friendly and warm eyes that had coldness when I made another small whimper; he wasn’t being fair! She was mean to me, and he didn’t even see it, blinded by how she pretended to be nice around him. “No! I don’t like her! But I like you, okay?!” my eyes dilated in fear when his face dropped like I had said the last thing he ever wanted to hear from my mouth and just didn’t say anything back. I went silent. Crap. This was it; Nana would kick me out, and Nate would help her; I could see it when he looked confused and guilty at the same time; what the hell was happening with me!? I didn’t even know what I said before it was too late! He suddenly looked at me again, his eyes on the wall and staring at me like he finally had made up his mind, making my chest start to hurt because I knew that I wasn’t going to like it, no matter what he was going to tell me. This was him not wanting to get closer to me. “I can’t be with you, Madison; when will you get that? You are too young, and that’s not even the worst part. you hate Nana, even if she has done much more for you than you will ever understand.” He didn’t even scream when I dropped my jaw and arms down, defeated; what did he want me to do? Love a freaking sadistic psychopath that was stringing him and anyone else along dressed up to a sweet old lady?? "Understand? Oh, Bubba, you're the one that doesn't get it! I have been cleaning this rathole for two weeks straight because if I don't, my ass is out that door the second I don't!" Nate looked baffled when I scoffed, glaring at his stupid face. How did he get so naive?! Mrs Jameson was a monster! “No! No, she wouldn’t do that! Nana would never take someone in and then just do that—throw out a seventeen-year-old girl on the streets, no way!” Nate raised his voice when I looked confused at him. Who was seventeen?? “I’m not seventeen, you i***t! I turned twenty last month!” Nate seemed to stop. Had he believed I was seventeen all along?! That would explain why he felt so bad and was so weird the way he acted around me. Good guy Nate wanted me, an underage girl. I almost wish I was just to make him suffer more. “What, you’re twenty?” He sounded accusing and relieved at the same time when I didn’t answer and just pulled up my phone and opened IG, showing him the picture of me in front of my new car, with a satchel that said twenty on it and my tiara. Oh God, I missed that life, living here with the old bat and stupid guy! “Yes, like I said, I’m twenty, Nate. I got two new cars last month. My dad even flew in famous chefs, and I want my old life back...” I sounded defeated at the end, my words fading out when he looked at me nervously. It was like he was sweating suddenly from staring at me with his blue eyes; he was trying to get his head around this like I was lying to him. i***t. “Oh, thank God!” he exhaled deeply like he had been holding his breath for the last ten minutes when I just frowned at him, smiling at me like a fool. Did he think we were cool again just because he didn’t have the hots for a seventeen-year-old? Because we were not! “Yeah, Mr wannabe Cop, you can relax….” I sneered when he didn’t stop smiling, and I crossed my arms when he looked like a whole new man, shoulders back and looking at me with a confident smile that made my heart go faster… no! No, Madison, Nate, looking at you like that changed nothing! He still was an ass that didn’t deserve me; none of them did! “I saw your birthday; it was 05!” Nate accused me when I made a snicker. Yeah, sure it was. It may have been in the fifth month, not the year 05, that i***t; of course, he didn’t understand that! “I was not born in 05, you baboon; my birthday is in May! It’s European, Nate!” I sneered back. He didn’t know that, and why would he?! He had never been outside the border a day; I don’t think he even had left the county! “What, why would you do that!? We are not in f*****g Europa, Maddie!” He was cursing again, making me even more smirky; look at him sweating up a storm; he really wanted me, didn’t he? He had been holding back, afraid that I wasn’t legal, funny. “You’re not, but I spent my winters in France, Bubba….” Nate made a slight scowl, amused me; he sure was a hard-working American, wasn’t he? Didn’t even know s**t; he was stupid and hot, and that was it. “You have no idea how bad I wanted to kiss you… oh f**k Maddie….” The way he said Maddie made me get hot in one second; one freaking second was all it took for him to get my breath heavier and just have a cold solid feeling in my body that paralyzed me. I loved it. “You did?” I almost whispered it when he grinned and nodded when I slightly moaned that he picked up; oh god, what was happening to me?? “Yes, so much… right now I want to just go over and kiss you, know how you taste like….” I didn’t know how to say something back; it was like my whole mind was blank, and I would never be able to speak again. “Maddie…. Can I kiss you?” he sounded so warm and needy, just like I felt deprived and desperate. I made a slight sound that didn’t make sense and just did a slight nod, the most minor movement I had ever done in my whole life. I gulped when he walked the short distance, closing the distance between us, and I looked up. His face was warm, and his eyes trapped me in the haze he was giving out. He looked so good and made me feel even better the way he just made me smile from looking at him. I expected him to just pull me close, fast and dramatic. Like they did it in the movies, but no, he just leaned forward, slow, and made me bite my bottom lips, staring into his eyes that were keeping me in lockdown and making me feel like we were the only two people in the entire world. “I like you, Maddie, I don’t even know why, and I know it’s too fast and Nana hates you and …” I didn’t want to wait anymore when I just pushed myself up the last part, standing on my toes and felt the sweet lips that catch mine. He finally pulled me closer, making my hands snake around his strong neck. I didn’t even feel it when my feet touched the ground anymore because high up, and I was already high on Nate.
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