Chapter 26

1614 Words
Madisons pov I had packed everything inside my bag, according to Nate, when he had showered, and I walked outside, not wanting to attack him when he was hurting; he was insane! He climbed two floors for me, two! No guy had ever done anything like that! He told me he loved me…. my chest got the hard, cold feeling roaming my body; I had no idea how it had happened, but I did love him back, and that was just as crazy since we didn’t know each other, but that was going to change, it was! “Maddie, let’s go….” Nate was standing in the hallway, my bag on his back, making me feel bad. It was big, but I wasn’t going to leave my stuff behind anymore, and it wasn’t just clothes and shoes that he was carrying; it was memories. I had a photo of my mom inside my room and a pair of socks I wore when I was younger; she had a fluke to take up knitting. They were ugly, but I loved them because she made them. “Yeah…” I whispered when he nodded, and we moved. It was surreal sneaking around my own home; luckily, I knew where to go, and we dodged into one of the corridors leading into the library on the bottom level of the house. No suits would be in, and they didn’t seem like big readers. We were walking down the spiral stair slowly when steps were heard in the distance, and he stopped me, putting his hand on my left boob when I gasped; he did that on purpose when the steps faded, and I smacked his hand away, frowning. “Nate, stop that!” I hissed when he chuckled like I was being funny, and I just sighed; you tell a guy you love him, and suddenly, they think you will let them do anything to you… well almost…. Crap, I wasn’t even that mad at it, and he knew it. He grinned, lifted me up the last steps down, and looked so happy that I lost all my anger against him. He was happy and loved me; what more could I ask for? “Nope, I’m never going to stop touching you now that you are mine… and you love me, Maddie, so what will you do about it?” He looked mischievous when I just huffed and smiled when I let my hand stroke over his crouch, making his smile disappear and turn into a suffering frown I smirked at; two could play this game. “Oh, you are playing dirty right now….” He chuckled softly when I looked innocent and shrugged; he deserved it. “That’s right, and don’t you forget that….” I made a small purr that he looked even more turned on by. I wanted to stay here and let him have me in the library. Still, the footsteps were coming back when he just gestured to the balcony doors. I nodded, walking fast towards them and opening the lock before feeling the fresh night air turning into morning in the distance. Having Nate behind me made everything feel surreal. Nate loved me, left my home, and felt completely fine. This day and night hadn’t been the craziest I had ever been through; believe me, I have seen crazy before. “Move, babe.” I tried not to make a choking sound when he whispered that into my ear and leaned over like it wasn’t the first time he had said that to me. Not Madison, not Maddie or Cutie, no, he said, babe. I turned around, still shocked, when he winked like he knew what he just said. I had no idea why it made me feel like my knees wanted to give in and just stare at him stupidly when my heart was racing. It wasn’t because I was afraid of being caught, and I didn’t care; it was all him, and he knew it too. “Yeah, you heard me. You are my babe, and that’s what I will call you from now on. If you oppose it, take it up to the committee.” He smiled more and pointed to himself when I just fluttered my eyes and stared at the big guy; he was insane, no doubt about that. The real him was not the exemplary guy he wanted to always show the world, and I loved every second of it. “I … I don’t hate it….” I blushed when he nodded like he understood and moved us down the stairs onto the soft, wet grass we had moved over. I sighed when I saw the big fence coming up in the distance; this would not be easy for me, nor for him. Nate still was hurting even if he wasn’t telling me, I wasn’t stupid seeing the small looks of pain when he moved his shoulders, and I wanted to kick myself for being so childish and not just pull him up. I didn’t want to hurt Nate. No matter what I was thinking before, I loved him and didn’t want him to suffer because of me. “Okay, hold on.” We squatted down in the grass by the fence when he removed my bag. I looked at him, scared this time that he would get hurt when he handed the bag over to me, and I took it, didn’t even complain or say no; it was my stuff, and I could carry it just as much as he did. “So, what’s the plan here?” I was still down when I took on the heavy bag and made a surprised gasp. Just how heavy it was, how strong was Nate? He didn’t even break a sweat having this monster on his back! “Now, you wait here for me to draw the old guys out, and you make it back to the car; you know how to drive, right?” he looked concerned for two seconds when I just made an offended face; of course, I could drive, i***t! “Good, then go to this address; it's apartment 23. You ask for Hayden. Don't go inside if he isn’t there; just wait on the stairs for me, okay?!” I looked scared and confused at him. Was he leaving me?! No, I did not like this plan, not at all! “Nate, don’t leave me. What happens if they catch you!? Then you can wave goodbye to your police academy; they won't let you in!” He smirked at me like I was being cute when I couldn’t believe he could be this stupid! I was the one who had come here; if they were to arrest anyone, then it would be me! “They won't catch me, didn’t you see them? Middle-aged guys that spent more time on their asses than on foot. This is an easy gig, and that’s why they are here. I will be fine; you just go to the car, and I will meet you back at Hayden’s place.” He leaned over and kissed me before I could protest and was up. I saw helplessly how he was going over to the front of the house, and someone, a man, yelling, and then he took off, making me stare in amazement. I didn’t even know he could move that fast! I watched all the guys go after him, one on foot and the rest by car, just stopping to pick up the one panting from running the slight stretch, and Nate was already gone. Oh! This was my chance! I got up, making a deep moan from the heavy bag, and just started to run, almost tripping over my feet and panting just as hard as the suits when I was out the front gate and saw Nate's car being parked a few streets down, having his car keys in my hand and started to sprint again, cursing at my last PT telling me lies about how great my shape was, fake! My lungs were burning, and my body was feeling like jelly when I unlocked and just did a last shove with my tired arms that cried for me to stop moving into the truck and almost crawled inside, closing the door fast; I just wanted to get out of here and see that Nate was okay when I started the car and looked at my phone, listening to the GPS where to turn. I was wiping off the sweat from my face, Nate better be okay, or I was going to kill him! Telling me he loved me and then just dumped my ass so that he could distract authorities with guns; what if they shoot him?! The thought made me want to hurl, and I tried to push away the image of him bleeding on the pavement! No, he was fine! He had to be! I arrived, looked up at the blocks that made up the apartments, and frowned; Nate's friend lived here, but it seemed like a sketchy neighborhood, nothing like the tiny houses surrounding Nana and his place; this was just…. Rough…. I stopped myself. Stop being so judgmental, Madison! You hate when people do that to you, and now you are better than that, right? I made a small reprimanding speech over in my head when I took the bag on my back again and locked the car. I didn’t want to leave anything when I approached the house with the number 23 on the map and opened the door, stepping inside. This was going to be interesting.
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