Chapter 24

2572 Words
Nates pov Where the hell was she?! I had been driving everywhere when nobody had seen her, not a soul! I knew they weren’t lying to me when I made sure to give them the hard stare, even the ones that I knew, that liked me and just looked at me like they didn’t recognize me anymore, who I was. I started to feel the same way; Madison came into my life and awakened something I had craved all my life. I was not friendly if that meant I would be without her. I knew I was panicking, looking wild and desperate when my car finally rolled up onto the driveway again; I just stared at the wheel, hands still holding a blank gaze; she was really gone…. and it was all my fault, mine, and Nana's. The tiny pinch of hate pricking my heart scared me when I looked up slowly. Hate towards Nana and what she had done to me and was controlling my life; I had never seen it before. The blond girl with an attitude that blew me away didn’t keep her mouth shut. I just got out and walked inside. Nana was standing up in the living room. She had been waiting for me to return, but I didn’t care. I just walked over to my room and got my trunk out. I was leaving, and she was not stopping me. “Nate baby, please, what are you doing?!” Nana was standing in the doorway behind me when I was pushing clothes inside, not even caring what it was; I was not staying here and dating whoever Nana approved of; I had already lost Madison because of her, and I wasn’t playing around anymore. I didn’t answer her when I just opened my wardrobe and saw the jacket that I had worn on the date last week; she probably had Madison clean it and iron it, seeing that it looked flawless on the hanger, f**k! I was such an i***t not to see Nana using her all the time! “Nathaniel Evan Jameson, you better answer when I’m talking to you! I raised you better than that!” Nana was making her voice like a whiplash. Usually, I would have just listened, felt terrible, and rolled over, but not this time; she was not my mother. I was no longer a kid who needed her to tell me what to do; I was a grown-ass man! “You did raise me, Nana, but now I’m leaving.” I didn’t want to waste any more breath trying to get her to understand that she did not have me in her claws anymore; I was my own man, not Nana's, not Melanie’s, and not Madison's… f**k the last part made my chest burn, I just wanted to find her again, tell her I was sorry for messing things up between us! “What?! No, you can’t! What about me, Nate? I need you?!” Nana shrieked when I turned around. I had my duffle bag over my shoulder and a cap, knowing she did need me, but I needed Maddie. “You can always find some poor, defenseless girl and make her do all the work around here and don’t even feed her.” Nana looked guilty when I said that and gritted my teeth; well, it was about f*****g time she realized what she had done. “Nate, stop this!” Nana's voice was terrified now when I walked out and slammed the door hard, shaking the tiny house. I threw my duffle bag inside, already having my phone out, telling Hayden that he had just found a new roommate when Gracie, one of the neighbors, looked at me. I frowned at her. What the f**k was her problem anyway? She wasn’t one of the ones Nana socialized with; she called her strange because she had odd, colorful outfits and didn’t go to church like the rest of us. “She walked home, and that's what lost people do... They just follow their way home again.” Gracie didn’t stay to explain that monologue she had been saying, her eyes shifting nervously when she darted back behind her hedge again and was gone. What was that all about? Madison walked home. How f*****g simple was that?! Why hadn’t I thought of that?! I was already inside my car, going towards where Gracie had pointed; she was weird, but man, I could kiss her right now when I burn rubber, shifting fast trying to get my s**t together, and where she was even live?! I guess it was the wealthy neighborhood, the one I never stepped foot in unless I had to, unwelcome, and I was from the wrong side of the track, no matter how you put it. Holy s**t. I was just about to start my search engine when I saw the most enormous mansion I had ever set my eyes on, having a big sign with cursive lettering in gold. SCOTT. Oh. I stopped further away from the main gate; I wasn’t that stupid that I would just stroll in and get arrested or told off. This was a felony, Nate, and you were doing it like the big dumb i***t you are! I was making curses when I climbed the fence fast and effectively. It wasn’t even that hard, and maybe three guys stayed in a part of the mansion and didn’t move around; Madison could be having a party on the other side of it, and they wouldn’t notice. I started to jog. No more windows were lit up, and I sighed. Well, at least she was smart, not bringing attention to herself more than she had to when I noticed the small streak of steam coming out into the night air from the window to my left. It was the second floor, and I just looked up. How the hell did Madison get in here? Could she really climb that well? I stared at the balcony that was underneath it and made another big sigh. It was time to see if I could make it in the academy... I took a foothold of a wooden pergola with roses, which made me curse more when the thorns made me bleed more than once. I was climbing toward Madison in a tower with long blond hair. This wasn’t a fairy tale, and I already knew there was a significant chance of her just pushing my ass down the balcony, and I would deserve that. My foot slipped, and I grabbed the balcony at the last second, my fingers gripping the edge hard and gritting my teeth; it was a dead drop about seven feet down, so I wouldn’t die if I let go. Still, it would hurt like hell, and I wasn’t planning on giving up on my girl, not when I was here and ready to do anything to get her back! “Maddie!” I was hissing it first, just dangling in the air like a damn moron; my shoulders were going to feel this tomorrow, that was for sure when I realized that the guard wouldn’t hear me and started to yell at her, she wasn’t that hard to wake up, I already knew that. Suddenly, she was there. Her angelic face was tired, and she had been crying what seemed like an ocean. This made me feel worse when she stared at me like she couldn’t believe I was there and hanging on to her big balcony. “Nate?!” she looked at me like she was scared to death, not remembering that she hated me when I just made a grin back, knowing what this looked like, me just hanging here and stalking her more or less; I didn’t care. “Yeah, it’s me, Maddie.” I sounded so soft towards her when she suddenly remembered that she did hate me; oh f**k. “Leave…. or you know what? No, just drop dead.” She didn’t even smirk when I did at her pun. She was so thoughtful and sexy, standing in a velvety purple outfit; she looked amazing, just like she always did. “Madison, please, I’m sorry for what happened, I was a d**k, and I know it!” she was just about to turn around and walk inside again; seriously!? She was going to leave me here, hanging on to her home, and my muscles were starting to ache. I was strong, but I wasn’t Superman! She stopped and put her head out again, staring at me, making her hair fall down, and I noticed that half of it was missing. Did she cut it off, or what? “Listen here, Bubba, I don’t know what you think you are doing here being some damn knight in shining armor, but it’s not working; I don’t want you.” She seemed final when I made a curse, trying to make her not leave me; she was so stubborn, I was going to explain everything, but she didn’t even give me a chance! “Just f*****g listen to me for once, Madison!” she looked at me surprised, hearing that I was the one that was pissed and not only her, and I swear I saw a slight glimmer of her liking it. “I’m listening, so what’s on your mind, green bean giant?” I gritted my teeth some more when I started to cramp up in my left arm, and she didn’t see it. Why was she so stubborn that she couldn’t help me up so we could talk?! Our eyes met again, and I made a strained face from the pain in my shoulders that would kill me when she looked worried again. She really didn’t want me to fall, trust me. I wasn’t so keen on that either. “Madison, just help me up, and you can do whatever you want to me, I promise!” She made a tempting smile like she was thinking it over, and I made even more curses when she was gone, and I looked down; s**t, it was really high up, wasn’t it? Maybe I would die, come to think of it! “Madison!?” I yelled her name again when she popped out and threw something that I could only take as a bedsheet that she had tied together and looked at it suspiciously, my breath starting to get jagged. She just made her eyes roll like I was impossible right now. “It’s tied to a marble statue that weighs even more than you do… at least, I hope it does….” She made an evil smirk that impressed me; she was something else, wasn’t she? I grabbed the sheet and slightly groaned when I swayed the smallest before looking up at Madison. She had fear in her eyes, like she really didn’t want me to fall to my death, no matter what she was telling me, so she did care! I hoisted myself up like I have done a hundred times, and she was impressed coming closer; maybe she doesn't even know it, watching me when I'm just happy to be alive, my arms and shoulder burning from hanging forever on that ledge! “You look like a crap, big boy.” She stands over me, arms crossed, and now that I’m not in danger, she really looks like she wants to kill me for coming and chasing her down, but I don’t care when I’m still panting hard; my chest rising and falling just staring at her, f**k she is so beautiful! “You look beautiful, Maddie like you always do….” She just snorts when I say that, but it’s nothing that I’m not expecting. She did yell after me that she hates me; she does. “Yeah, sure I do. I’m so beautiful standing here on my balcony, and my hair is gone, and I look like I hadn’t been asleep for a week.” She says it in a dead voice that makes me flinch. She probably hadn’t been sleeping on that stupid couch, which was the worst. I knew that too when she just saw my sad face, snarled, and looked away like she couldn’t wait to get rid of me. “So, now that you aren’t dying get out of my home.” She had power in her voice when she spoke this time with me still looking up from the ground where I was lying and just staring at her proud posture; s**t, she was so f*****g hot when she did that; she just took my balls and held them like she wasn’t taking any more s**t from me. “I can’t move my arms right now…. So, if you are kicking me out, give me thirty minutes or so….” I made a moan of pain when she suddenly looked worried again and stopped when her baby blues caught mine, making her mutter something like she caught herself caring, and she hated it. “Fine, but you smell; just come inside and get a damn shower, then leave.” I made a surprised face at her, a shower. Why the hell did she want me to shower? I didn’t have a change in my back pocket and was not returning to my car, risking her shutting me out again. “Just get in and take the damn shower, and I will get you some clothes… it’s like I’m still at your Nana's house… geez….” She made a frown when I didn’t answer and just got up. I didn’t want to talk about what happened with Nana. I follow her swaying hips and stare at her ass, not even hiding it when she notices and smirks like she knows she is hot, and I smirk back; maybe she didn’t hate me that much, even if I didn't deserve that. “Alright, here it is, big guy; try not to get too overwhelmed by the knobs; it’s just the same as your place, just bigger.” She didn’t look at me anymore, and I felt the hope in my chest start to fade; she wasn’t saying my name anymore; that wasn’t a good sign! “Sure.” I just say that and walk inside, one step at a time, Nate; at least you were here, and she hadn’t kicked you out; that was step one. “Towels are to the left, and don’t touch my shampoo; it makes your hair blonder.” I turned, frowning. Was she kidding me? Why did she have that? She was the blondest girl I had ever seen! She didn't need that, did she? “I’m blonde.” She made a huff like she already knew that, but she did smile at me this time when my eyes were just searching after her, hoping that she would forgive me for what I said and did down that stupid laundry room. “Yeah… that’s right, you are…, but I’m not… she just smirked when she closed the door on me, and I just stood there like an i***t that she was making me feel like she wasn’t a blonde?! I looked around, it really was big in here, my arms hurting like hell, and I made another grunt of pain when I was trying to get my shirt off, and it wasn’t happening, f**k.
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