Chapter Nineteen

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Rhoyda: The next day at school, things were being weird. Natasia and I sat on the rail while Leo and Collin were hanging outside. We were waiting for Liam and Sukuna. Mika, Keisha ad the others came over. Keisha and Collin hug each other and Mika rolled her eyes at the two before she turned to me. "So, where is your boyfriend?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me. "He's coming." I told her. "Mika, have you seen Liam?" Leo questioned. "I tried calling him last night, but he didn't pick up the phone." "He's probably grown a pair of balls and decided to stop following you." Mika told him in a serious tone. Leo glared at her and shook his head. "Look, he's probably still with my boyfriend." I told him. Leo turned to me with a raised eyebrow. "Why was he with Dai?" Leo asked me. "Well because you basically ditched him yesterday." I told him, truthfully. "He didn't ditch him." Natasia defended. "We had to be somewhere." "Ha, what the clinic?" Mika asked while laughing. "f**k off, Mika." Natasia told her. Natasia glanced at me and I just shook my head at her. Then another car pulled up to the front. A familiar black car. Ryoko got out the car and walked to the backseat, opening the door. Sukuna came out first, then Liam came out behind him. When I say the bothe of them looked f*****g good, I meant every single damn word. Sukuna had always looked good, but Liam.. Wow! Just unbeliveable. "Holy s**t!" Mika chuckled. "Is that Liam?!" Same light brown eyes and milky complexion. Tall and built like a football player. Yeah, that was f*****g Liam, alright. Belle and Jae joined the others as well. Then Ryoko closed the door and went back to the driver's side. He got in and drove off from the school. "Dude, where were you?" Leo questioned Liam as soon as they joined us. "He was with me." Sukuna answered. "I'm talking to him." Leo told Sukuna, then he went back to talking to Liam. Sukuna chuckled before he turned to me. I gave him a small smile. "Can we talk?" I asked him. Sukuna stopped smiling and looked the other way. "Later." He told me. Sighing, I glanced at Mika, who was enjoying the whole show. Of course sehe would since she didn't have to worry about it. Plus, she was someone who liked messy situations. "So, where were you?" Leo asked. "With Dai." "Since when did you two start hanging out? I thought you and I were best friends?" "We are, but... Lately bro, you've been different." "Different how? The only person who's different is you! Like what the hell, Liam?!" "Dude, ever since you and her started messing around, it's been nothing, but her. You can't even have a decent coversation with me without bringing her in it." "That's not true. Are you f*****g serious right now?" Leo was heated. Natasia stayed by his side, staring at Liam. "You're really going to throw this friendship away?" Leo asked him. "I'm not throwing anything away." Liam told him. "But, if this s**t continues, I will." Sukuna, Liam, Belle and Jae walked off, leaving me and the others just standing there. What the hell's going on? Leo sighed as he turned to me. "Scratch that, your boyfriend is a f*****g jerk." He told me before he walked off. I wasn't surprised to hear that, either. Sukuna was becoming different each day. As much as I wanted a boyfriend, he wasn't the one that I was looking for. When I wished for a man, I wanted someone fun and entertaining. However, he was becoming serious and not fun anymore. I didn't know what was going on anymore, but if he didn't lighten up, I was going to break up with him. The bell rang and I looked around to see that I was the only one there. However, when I glanced up at the front door, Sukuna stood there. He didn't smile or anything. So, I turned and walked down to t he bottom steps, then I took a seat on it. Facing forward, I could hear his footsteps. Then, he stood in front of me. "Talk to me." He told me. I shook my head. "This is not what I imagined my relationship with you would be." "What are you talking about?" "You're too busy, then you broke up my group." "I didn't break anybody up." "You did, Dai! Liam and Leo were close as hell until you changed him. What did you do?" I stared at him and he sighed. "I did what I what he wanted me to do." "And that was what?" "It doesn't matter. What matters now is that Liam can stand up to people like Leo. It's clear he wasn't happy." I shook my head, then got up from the steps. "If you don't change, you and me are done." I told him. Sukuna stopped talking and the both of us just stared at each other. He, then shook his head at me. "You don't mean that." "I do." I tried to turn and Sukuna grabbed me and pulled me back to him. "You don't f*****g mean that." "I do, Sukuna. If you don't change." "You wanted me like this." "I didn't ask for a disrespectful boyfriend. I wanted someone who would...Who I could..." "Could what?" I stared into his eyes and sighed. "I want to fall in love. I can't do that with someone who is as evil as you are." I moved away from him and headed back up the stairs. Sukuna stayed where he was. He didn't follow me or anything. I opened the door to the school, then turned around. "Are you co-?" However, Sukuna wasn't there. I looked around, wondering where he could be, but... I couldn't quite figure it out. It was as if he disappeared in thin air. "Dai?" I called his name as I walked back to the steps. I looked to the left, then the right and back to my left. Nothing, but empty streets. Sighing, I went back inside the school. *** The rest of the day was quiet. Sukuna hadn't returned back to school. Belle and Jae knew something was up because each time I glanced their way, they would glare at me with hatred in their eyes. It made me wonder if Sukuna told them what I told him. I mean, that would've been a b***h move, but I couldn't even complain. Even when lunch came, he was nowhere to be found. Jae and Belle ended up leaving once lunch ended. I felt exactly how they did. I was worried. It wasn't like my boyfriend to not come to school. As I headed off to class, I took my phone out and decided to text Sukuna. Me: I'm worried.... Please, message me back... I put the phone back in my pocket and headed off to my class, which was math. Normally, I would've been on high alert since math was my favorite subject. However, I wasn't. My mind kept going back and forth from math to Sukuna. From Sukuna to math. Damn it, I missed him. I knew I said some awful things, but.. I had to let him know how I was feeling. I missed him. Even if it was just for thirty minutes or the rest of the school day. I missed my f*****g boyfriend. It made me wonder what he was doing. Was he okay? Was he upset? What was going on? As the school day ended, I stepped out the building with Natasia and the others. Mika, of course, was going to start with me, like she always did. "How are you feeling?" Mika asked. "I mean, your boyfriend has ditched school without you." "Mika, stop." Natasia told her, then she glanced over at me. "We can hang out if you want to. I don't have any plans." I shook my head and glanced up in the streets. I stopped on the last steps and a smile plastered on my face. Sukuna stood there, wearing casual clothes that time. No suit, no guards with him. It was just him. He saw me and waved to get my attention, but he had already had it. "Looks like he just needed to clear his head." Natasia told me. Liam walked past me and headed in another direction. Leo sighed and I glanced over in his direction. "Go with him." I told him. "Yeah, I am." Leo told me, smiling. "We need to talk, anyways." Leo kissed Natasia and walked off, running after Liam. "I'll see you guys later." I told them. "Okay, girl." Natasia said as her, Mika and Keisha left together. I walked over to Sukuna and he turned and got in the car. I got in on the passenger side and he quickly pulled away from the school.
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