Chapter Eighteen

1153 Words
Sukuna: Hanging out with Liam was cool. He wasn't a f*****g lame, which was nice. We sat at the bar, enjoying a cool alcoholic beverage. "So, what do you want?" I asked him. Liam put his cup down and looked at me. "What do you mean?" He asked me. "I mean exactly what I just asked you. What do you want? What do you desire?" I took a sip of my drink before handing it to the bartender. "I mean, I don't know. There's a lot of things that I want." "Okay, well, let me ask you this: What made you start following Leo around?" Liam got quiet. "I try not to have it labeled like that." He told me. "Well, that's what I see. Don't you ever want to do something for yourself?" "I do, but... It's hard. I want to work like he does and I want a hot girlfriend like he has. Hell, I would love a solid relationship. I just.. I want to depend on myself. I hate that..." "Go on." "I hate that Leo is more successful than me. My parents always took a liking to him. He was someone that my parents wanted me to be more of. Hell, I don't get many women like Leo does. Well, before he started dating Natasia. Now, he's all about her and it, sometimes, make me sick. It makes me wonder if he even considers me as a friend." Hearing Liam talk about his feelings was a little depressing. He seemed weak and I wanted to change that right, then and there. I turned in my seat and looked at the dance floor that was beginning to fill up. The music grew louder as the DJ turned the volume up. "Let's go to the VIP lounge!" I shouted to him. We both got up and headed up the flight of stairs that led to the VIP lounge. My guard opened the door and Liam and I walked in. "This is the VIP lounge?" Liam asked. "Yeah, it is." I told him. "Dude, this place is huge." "Of course. You can do anything in this room." "How did you get the money for these businesses. Dude, I'd be happy to work for you." I sat down on the couch and Liam continued to look around. Once he was done, he took a seat next to me on the couch. "So, what if you did work with me?" I asked him. "Dude, I wouldn't f**k it up." He told me. "What can you do?" "Um.. I can DJ, cook. I'm sure it's not hard to make a drink. I can clean and many other things." "What about an assistant?" He looked at me without opening his mouth. "Did I scare you away?" I asked him. He shook his head. "But, what's the catch?" "You need to leave Leo alone. You learn to enjoy your life without your friends helping you to live it for you." "How am I to do that?" "I'll show you." I snapped my fingers and Jum walked into the room with a contract in his hand. He placed it down on the glass table in front of us and I nodded my head before I turned to Liam. "Just sign your life to me." I told him. He chuckled. "What are you?" He asked me. "The Devil or something?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "My father is." I told him. "I don't think you want to sign under him. HE is a f*****g asshole." Liam looked down at the papers in front of him, then he reached down to grab it. His fingers went to turn the page and Liam hissed as he a cut came on the side of his index finger. "Fuck." He groaned. "Damn paper clip." His blood dripped onto the front page and Liam stared at the paper, which drew his signature in his blood. "What the hell?" He looked up at me and I smirked. I grabbed the paper and handed it to Jum. "Now, let's get to business." I told him as I got up from the couch and walked to the door. "Are you ready?" Liam got up and stood where he was. "What's going to happen?" He asked me. "Oh, don't worry. I promise, you'll get the best treatment. Once I'm done with you, you won't be the same person. By tomorrow, you'll feel different. Now, follow me." I walked out and Liam, quickly followed. We moved through the crowd as we headed up the stairs to my office. Once I opened the door, I moved out the way and Liam walked in. I smiled and closed the door behind us. *** With a shake of my hand, Liam dropped down on his knees, immediately. He released my hand and I walked over to my desk and grabbed the trash can. Then, I placed it beneath him. Liam threw up right afterwards. I took a seat on the couch and watched him the entire time. "Nobody can know about this." I told him. "You tell anyone and I'll kill you myself. Just because you possess a demon, doesn't mean anything. I am still stronger than you." "What demon do I have?" "He's a low level. Don't worry; you have abilities and you will be a lot stronger than humans. Hell, you'll even be more popular than Leo." "What do I do with him? Dude, this is too new for me." I sighed and got up. "Look, I placed the demon in you because of the fact that I know you needed him. You're a cool ass dude that's being a follower. Start by limiting your time with Leo. Come to the club if you have to. If you can work for me, then you'll get a hefty paycheck. What do you say?" Liam nodded his head, fast, then groaned out loud as the demon and him became one. I remember that pain. How I had to be one with Dai. I got it and putting him through that was something I regret. However, Liam needed to be tough. He was weak in my eyes and that sucked. As long as I been going to that school, I noticed that Liam never got play at all. Leo was getting all of the women. I glanced down at Liam, who was still on the ground. "How are you feeling?" I asked him. "Ugh, I can feel something crawling through me." "That's your new demon. He's just combining himself with you and you body." It took a minute, but finally Liam was able to stand up. He wiped the side of his mouth and I smirked as I noticed the long hair on him. "How do you feel?" I asked him. Liam turned to me with a smirk on his face. "Do you even have to ask?" Liam's new demon, Ossuk, responded.
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