Chapter Thirteen

1385 Words
Rhoyda: I sighed. For some reason, I was still not use to Sukuna’s deep slumber whenever he used his abilities.That whole night, I’ve been texting him little things as if we were having a conversation. I tossed my phone on the bed and covered my face, groaning with agitation. I hated how he was making me feel. Like we’ve only hung out a few times, but was it even the right time to say that I should have feelings. “Rhoy!” Cezi shouted my name outside of my bedroom door. I sighed before I lifted my head up to face her. “Mother is leaving for work and wants to say ‘goodbye’.” I got off the bed and followed Cezi outside of the room. We walked down the stairs and I stopped at the last step, watching my mother put her shoes on. “I will be back in a few days.” Mother told me. “Okay.” “My house better be spotless clean the way it is now.” “It will be, mama.” She put her suitcase down and extended her arms to me. I smiled and walked over to her, hugging her as tight as I could. She released me, then turned to Cezi to do the exact same thing. Once we said our goodbyes, mother had left. We waited until her car wasn’t heard in the garage anymore nor near the house. Then, we were finally alone. Cezi clapped her hands together, then turned to me. “So, are you inviting your boy toy?” She asked me. “No, he had to work.” I told her. “Oh okay. So, tell me, how does it feel to date a billionaire?” I shrugged my shoulders at her. “It’s alright.” I told her. “Nothing to brag about.” “Wait, are you joking?” I sat down on the couch and shook my head. “He’s been busy with work.” I told her. “Well, he’s a billionaire, baby sister. What did you expect?” I shrugged and sighed. “I don’t know what I expected. I wanted a boyfriend, not a f*****g workaholic.” “Sis, you need to calm down.” “It just… Sucks.” “It does, but don’t you want a successful boyfriend? Especially one who is young and a money maker?” I looked at her and gave her a small smile. She chuckled as she walked over to me and gave me a peck on the forehead. “I take it your first time was good?” She brought up. I nodded. “He makes me want more, but he’s so damn busy.” I told her. “It’s like, he doesn’t remember that he has a girlfriend.” “I’m sure he does, sis. Work is just getting to him at the moment. You’ll see. Because you want to spend so much time with him that you forget how to have fun with yourself. Don’t worry about what he’s doing.” I smiled at my sister. She always knew how to cheer me up. The thing was, I couldn’t just get Sukuna out of my mind. I wanted to be with him so bad and because we’ve been intimate, I have to keep him closer than I intended us to be. “Thanks, sis.” “Anytime. Now, let’s invite some friends over and we can have some fun.” I grabbed my phone and decided to give Natasia a call. Maybe she would want to come over. It has been a minute. I dialed her number and pressed the phone to my ear as I listened to the dial tone. “Hey girl!” Natasia exclaimed. “What are you doing?” I asked her. “Hanging out with Leo.” Ugh, as usual, I thought to myself “Oh, well nevermind.” I told her, ready to hang up. “What’s wrong?” She asked. “I was trying to see if you wanted to come over.” “I can come by later.” I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Leo, stop.” Natasia giggled. “Don’t bother.” I told her. “Rhoy, wa-.” I hung up the phone and tossed it across the room. Cezi looked at me with a confused look on her face. “She’s with her boyfriend.” I told her. “Natasia has a boyfriend? Since when?” “Since Leo accepted her.” Cezi got quiet. She knew I had feelings for Leo at one point. “You let your best friend claim the guy you liked?” She asked me. I shrugged my shoulder and sighed. “I stopped caring about him.” I lied. “I was talking to Dai at one time and I had to release one. I can’t have feelings for two guys. So, Leo had to go.” Cezi raised her eyebrow at me. “That’s okay. Leo’s nothing, but a dog, anyway. You got the best right now and you need to show him that you’re there for him and him only. Whatever emotions you have towards Leo, throw that s**t out the window.” “I don’t like him, anymore. My mind has been going crazy over Dai.” Cezi smiled at me, then let the conversation go. “I’m going to make me some more food.” She said. “You don’t mind if I have company, do you?” “No. Just keep the noise down for me, please. I’m not trying to hear that s**t next door.” Cezi laughed as she walked up the stairs to her room. My phone rang and I got up, walking over to where I had chugged it. I grabbed the phone and looked at the screen before I hurried up to answer it. “Hello?” I answered. “Sukuna, is that you?” “No, it’s Dai.” I sighed as I walked around the living room. “What can I help you with?” I asked him. “I feel like we need to talk. Sukuna’s not going to be around for that. Can we go out to eat?” “Are you asking me out, Dai? I mean, aren’t you worried about a 45 year old man being seen with a 19 year old?” “I’ll bring Sukuna just in case.” “Good idea.” “I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes, okay?” I smiled. I haven’t been on a date really, so it was the perfect opportunity to get to know Dai more. “I’ll meet you outside. Also, dress like Sukuna as well.” “I know. I’m going to need him in case something happens.” “See you in a minute.” I hung up the phone and hurried upstairs. *** “You be careful, okay?” Cezi sighed. “It’s too late for you to be going out at this time.” “I know, but he wants us to spend time together and I really want to. Please, let me do this?” “I am. Just, don’t make me regret it. Keep your phone on as well. I might need to call you.” “I will keep it on.” Not too long afterwards, a car pulled up to the driveway. I turned around and smiled when I noticed that familiar black car. Ryoko got out of the car and walked over to the back door and Ryoko opened it for me, helping me get in. I looked over at Dai, who was sitting across from me. He glanced my way and gave me a small smile. “You look beautiful.” He told me. I looked down at the outfit I had chosen. Black jeggings with a black, long-sleeve crop top. “Thank you.” I told him. “I wasn’t sure what to wear since you didn’t tell me where we were going.” “Yeah, sorry about that. I thought we’d go somewhere very simple.” “Where to?” “I was in the mood for Mexican food.” Dai smiled at me and nodded. “Then that is what we’ll eat.”
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