Chapter Twelve

2237 Words
Sukuna: “Who?” Jum asked me.   I sighed as I looked at the clock that was hung up on the wall above my TV stand. There was only an hour left before I had to meet with those bastards. I didn’t want to say anything in front of everybody, but I already sensed it when they approached. They weren’t even human. They were demons, but a weaker rank. The only person who was stronger than me was my father. Other than that, I was second rank.  Belle and Jae were third rank, but still powerful.  “This group of guys at the school.” I answered, rubbing the bottom of my chin. “Did you sense them as well, Sukuna?” Jae asked. “Yes.” I replied. “Belle?” Joo-Won said my sister’s name. “What about you?” “Yes, I did.” She answered. I looked at my sister who looked the other way. There was a reason my sister was third ranked in the demon world. Even though she had powers, she was limited. Like my father, I owed everyone of his powers, but they came with a limit. Due to my mother being a mortal, I wasn’t a pure blood, but I did get the respect I deserved for being his first boy.  “Do we need to step in?” Ryoko asked.  “There will be people at the school.” I told them. “So, no.” “Damn, I was ready to use my powers, too.” Jae sighed. “Oh well, I guess, fist it is.”  “We can.” Belle said. “However, remember that those fuckers need to go back to Hell. I mean, who in the hell let them out?” “They escaped.” Jae stated. “I’m sure your father didn’t let those assholes out.”  I shrugged. My father was capable of anything and I could not tell you how confusing it was to me.  “So, what now?” Jae asked. “I want to talk about you and Mika.” Belle said. “Is that even a thing?” “It will be.” Jae sighed. “She seems like a girl who gets around.” “Oh she does.” I chuckled. “Caught her f*****g her friend’s boyfriend while her friend was next door, sleep.”  “Oh, how exciting.” Belle smiled, widely. “You should tell the friend, just to be messy.”  “Oh, I hold it over her head if she tries to do something. “ I had Mika wrapped around my damn finger.  “Please tell me you don’t like her?” Belle asked me. “No, I don’t.” I told her. “My heart is with Rhoyda. Besides, that’s Jae’s girl.”  “Uh huh.” Belle rolled her eyes. I looked at her and she just raised her eyebrow at me.  “Whatever.” I told her. Jae clapped his hands at me and I turned to him. “Are we throwing a party for your birthday?” He asked. “No, I’m going to the fair for my birthday.” I told him. “A f*****g fair? Are you kidding me?” “No and you’re going as well.”  “Hm.”  Jae took a coin from his pocket and began flipping it on his finger.  “Your father placed you up here to keep you busy, Sukuna.” Jum sighed. “I hope you remain true to your word and his choice for you.”  “I know what I need to do. However, I need to remember that I have a girlfriend. She was also a reason for me to come here as well.” “It’s almost time.” Jae said. “Are you ready?” “I am.” Belle said as her and Jae got up from their seats.  I sighed and got up as well. “Ryoko will take you.” Joo-Won told us. “If you need back up, just whistle.”  “I know.” I told them as I got up from my seat as well. “I’ll handle it from here.” *** Like I said, it didn’t take long at all. I grabbed the guy around the neck, slamming him hard against the closest tree. He groaned as blood spilled from his mouth. There was a lot of people around us, cheering. It was clear they had nothing better to do. The guy before me, gasped, digging his nails into my hand as he tried to get me to remove my grasp.  “All of this could’ve been avoided.” I told him. “Now, let me see who the f**k you are.” That’s when his voice came about. His true voice. The voice that only I could hear. That raspy, annoying ass voice that came about belonged to no other, but Archeron. He was a follower of my father, but he was always not the best spy in the underworld.  “Nice to see you, too, Young Prince.” Archeron chuckled. “I see you are doing well today.”  “What do you want?” Archeron chuckled again.  “Just to see what you are doing. Is that a problem?” “Did my father send you?” “Oh man, of course he did.” “Hm.” I nodded and looked around. Jae cracked his knuckles as he glanced down at the guy on the floor in front of him.  “You tell him that nothing is going on. I’m doing my part.”  “Hm, should I also tell him that you are spending a lot with that girlfriend of yours? You know he wants you to put ‘equal time’ into both, right?” Archeron laughed up a storm and my hand flew back to his throat, squeezing it, tightly. Feeling the pressure from my hand, Archeron gagged. “Alright.” He croaked.  “Go back home and tell my father that everything is fine. He doesn’t need to send his minions down here to spy when he can come down here, himself.”  Archeron nodded his head and tried to remove my hands from his shirt. Holding him with my one hand, I was able to use my other hand to send the demon back to where it belonged. As soon as my finger touched his skin, I could feel Archeron’s possession slipping away, instantly. The guy gasped, blood leaking from his nose as I removed the demon from inside. Once it was clear, I released the guy and he fell to the ground. He looked around, panicking. Then his wide eyes looked in my direction.  “I suggest you go home.” I told him. He wiped the blood from his nose, then got up from the ground and ran off. His friends got up and ran after him. The crowd finally cleared up and I turned to Jae. Rhoyda came over to me and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. “Are you okay?” She asked me. “Yeah, I’m just a little bit tired.” I whispered back. She looked at me as a yawn escaped my lips. Damn, I hated that my powers still worn me out. Now, I was going to be missing a week of school again. A loud whistle was heard and I turned my attention to Ryoko. “Let’s get you guys home.” He told us.  “No, we drove over here.” Leo said. “I’ll take me and my friends back to my place.” “Are you sure?” Rhoyda asked. “Yeah.” Natasia said. “We’ll see you later?” “Of course.”  I put my arm around Rhoyda and we followed Ryoko with Belle and Jae right behind us. We got to Ryoko’s car and he unlocked the door for us to get in. We all got in and another yawn came out. “You over did it?” Rhoyda asked me. I nodded.  “Did you get the demon out, at least?” Jae asked me. “Yeah, I did.”  I rested my head on Rhoyda and as soon as Ryoko climbed into the car to take us home, he handed me an energy drink that would help me stay awake. It only worked temporarily, but at least I was able to send Rhoyda off without falling asleep. Jae and Beller were gossiping about the whole situation. Rhoyda stayed quiet, but I know she wanted to question me about the whole situation.  “How did you do that?” She asked me, leaning on me.  “Do what?” I asked her.  “I know you didn’t fight him all the way. It was clear, you made everybody turn their focus on something else.” “It’s another ability that I have.” I told her. “It’s an exorcism. That guy wasn’t his true self; he had a demon in him. A lower rank demon at that.”  “Is he gone?” I turned to her and nodded my head.  “So, another week without you, right?” She asked me. “Yes.”  “Why do you make me go through this? You know I hate being without you.” I sighed, shaking my head in the process. “You act like I mean to do things. Remember, I’m not a mortal. I’m a f*****g demon, for f***s sake.” I turned my head to her and she was just staring at me with nothing to say. “If you’re going to complain, then you don’t need to be with me.”  I moved over in the seat and she sighed. “I wasn’t trying to complain.” She whispered to me. “I was just telling you how I felt. It’s already bad enough I don’t get to spend time with you.” I chuckled, rubbing the bottom of my chin. “I should’ve never done it with you if that was the case.” She mumbled. “That’s how you feel?” She stopped talking and we not long afterwards, we were at her house. Ryoko got out the car and opened the door for Rhoyda.’ “Can we talk tonight?” She asked me. I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “No, not tonight.” I told her. “I’ll be sleep.”  She sighed and got out the car. Ryoko closed the door behind us and Belle chuckled. “That’s what happens when you give your d**k to a virgin.” She said. “I’m starting to see that.” I told her.  “It’s not, but you just don’t see where she is coming from.” Jae added. “You took something valuable and now she’s crazy over you. Your soul is basically connected, cousin.”  “I never said I regretted it.” I told him. “I’m going to talk to Uncle about finding you something that’ll lower your slumber days. A week is too much and you’re going to lose her if it keeps happening.”  I leaned back in my seat and rolled my eyes at the same time. Ryoko pulled away from Rhoyda’s house and headed down to mine. I was ready to get in my bed and get some sleep. The motion of the car wasn’t helping, either. The soft bumps and the soft music playing in the car was driving me close to the end of letting my soul travel from within.  “She’s the reason I’m here.” I told him. “There’s no way I can lose her.” The phone in my pocket buzzed and I took it out, ready to see it was. Rhoyda was texting me and her messages were, of course, not happy. After responding to her and getting her to calm down, we were finally at the house. Jae and Belle got out the car first and I followed behind them.  “How’d it go?” Jum asked as soon as I walked into the house. “Was it like you predicted?” “Archeron was possessing him.” I sighed as I removed my jacket and handed it to one of the servants.  “Your father’s servant?” Joo-Won asked. “Why was he there?” “I don’t know, but he caused a lot of problems at the school.” “Well, of course, he did. Archeron has always f****d with you since you were young demon.”  We walked into the dining room and I took a seat at the table. Ryoko walked back into the room with more paperwork and a loud groan escaped my lips. “f**k!” I shouted. “They want to add things to the clubs.” Jum said. “Fill it out and we can get started on it.”  “Ugh, fine.” I sighed.  Ryoko dropped the papers in front of me and I began to fill them out.  “Anything for me to sign?” Belle asked.  Jae came in with her and they both took their seats. I glanced at the both of them before I threw two thick packets at them. “Yeah, there is something for you guys to sign.” I told them.
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