Chapter Four

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Sukuna: We walked into my room and I shut the door behind us. I removed my arm from around her and we walked over to the bed, taking a seat on it. She looked really nervous when we were alone. “I’m doing what you ask and yet, you’re nervous to look at me.” I said to her. “You… You kissed me.” She said. “Yeah, I did and I’ll do it again. I’m your boyfriend, remember?” She looked at me and nodded. We stared at each other for the longest time. “You’re quiet.” I told her. “I’ve always been that way.” She said.  I got up and stood in front of her. She lifted her head up and looked at me. I leaned down and kissed her lips, gently. Her hands gripped the side of my pants and I deepened the kiss.  “I want to do something with you, but I’m nervous.” She whispered to me. I leaned back up and I gently pushed her on the bed. Then, I hovered over her. She pushed my shirt off my shoulders and I removed it from my body, completely. Throwing it to the side, I lifted her blouse up and began placing small kisses on her stomach. Her hand went to the back of my head, gripping my hair in that small fist of hers. I moved up, slowly and slammed my lips against hers. My hands removed her shirt for her, only leaving her in that gorgeous black lace bra she wore. Her beautiful gray eyes stared back at me and she bit her bottom lip at me. “f**k, you’re so f*****g gorgeous.” I whispered to her, leaning down and kissing her once more.  I held her close to me. “Can we talk?” She asked me. “Of course.” I kissed her lips one more time before moving to her neck. “What about?” “Mmm..” She moaned. “If I give you my soul, are you just going to leave me for dead?” I shook my head as I began to suck on her neck.  “No.” I replied.  “What all can we do? Is there a restriction?” “We can do whatever you’re in the mood for.” She placed her hand on my chest and I lifted up.  “Not now.” She whispered. I stared at her and nodded.  “I can understand.”  I got off her and she sat up on the bed, covering her breast up with one arm. A smile formed on my lips before I leaned down and grabbed her shirt, handing it back to her. She grabbed it and slipped it back on. “What are you?” She asked me. “A demon?” “Bingo.” I told her.  “Hm, it figures with that soul s**t, but is that all you require to be my… boyfriend?” “Yes.” “What if I want to marry you in the future?” I snapped my head to her and raised my eyebrow at her. She smiled and nudged me. “It’s a joke?” She chuckled. I nodded and got off the bed. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed another shirt. “Are you.. Mad at me?” She asked me. “No.” I told her.  “You haven’t said anything really since I stopped you.”  “Oh, no.” She got off the bed and walked over to me. While I threw on a shirt, I felt her hands wandering on my torso. “Babe?” I smiled and turned to face her. “I’m just going to be honest with you, I don’t take well to being teased.”  When she didn’t say anything, my hand wrapped around her neck and forced her against the closest door. She gasped, keeping her eyes on me. “I will make you go crazy.” I told her. “How?” “Don’t worry about it. Just know it’s to come.” I released my hold on her neck and she rubbed it, staring back at me with that shocked  look on her face. “Let’s go.” I told her. *** We got down the stairs and I could feel eyes on us as we walked into the living room where everybody was sitting and conversing. Joo-Won came over to me and bowed.  “Sir, the manager for Dark Hours would like to meet you tonight.” Joo-Won announced. “Wait, Dark Hours?” Leo asked with wide eyes. “That’s right.” I replied. “Have you heard of it?” “Dude, that’s a f*****g popular club. Everybody goes there. Celebrities even show up to have a good time. That’s your club?” “Tonight, it will be.” “Just what do you do?” Natasia asked me. “I would show you guys, but it’ll be too much for you to handle in a day.” “So, we have to leave?” Rhoyda asked me. I smiled as I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. “Yes.” I told her. “But, I will see you at school.”  “That’s not the same.”  “Why not?” I could see the disappointment in her eyes. There was nothing I could do. I had to work and she needed to understand that. I kissed the top of her forehead, then worked my way down to her lips.  “I’ll see you at school, okay?” I told her. “....I guess.” She told me. Natasia got up and walked over to her friend, putting her arm around her. “You’ll still see him, honey.” She reassured him. When she didn’t give me a smile, I needed to figure out what she wanted to do. I was still going to have to meet with the manager, so that was nothing I could do. “Would you like to spend the night with me?” I asked her. She looked up at me, then nodded her head. “Okay, I’ll just come get you after this meeting.”  “Okay.”  “Jum!” I shouted my other guard’s name.  Jum walked in and bowed before he approached me. “Can you take them home?” I asked. “Of course.” He replied. “Are you guys ready?” “Damn, I’m going to miss this place, already.” Liam said. “Dude, who are you telling?” Leo asked.  “Thanks for having us over.” Natasia told me.  “No problem.”  Belle walked in and smiled. “Nice meeting you.” She said. “You, too.” Liam said.  “Dude.” Collin chuckled. Everybody followed Jum, except Rhoyda. She folded her arms over her chest and sighed. “When will you come back to school?” She asked me. “In a few days.” I told her. “I have some business to handle.” She nodded and turned to walk away, but I pulled her back. “Hey, I’m not going anywhere.” I told her. “Our deal still stands, right?” “I know we just met, but I feel like.. I don’t want to part with you. We just got to know each other and on top of that, I want to know more about you. I feel like… I don’t have a memory with you.” “Oh, you will, baby. My promise to you, remember?” I caressed the bottom of her chin and when my thumb touched her lip, she kissed it. I released her and she turned to walk away. “Give your address to my guard.” I told her.  “Okay.” She waved and rushed off.  As soon as I heard the front door open and close, I took a deep breath and sighed. “How did I do?” I asked Belle, who walked into the room, silently. “Good for a man who’s never had a girlfriend or a wife before.” She told me. “What does your host think?” I grabbed the necklace around my neck and I removed it, giving the real Dai a chance to express himself. *** Dai: “Wow!” I exclaimed. “Did you enjoy yourself?” Of course. You’re going to need to return your body to me, though. We have somewhere to be and then, I have to get the girl back. She was disappointed when I told her we had to leave for work. “That’s not a problem. I enjoyed seeing what you do from the inside. Besides, it looked like she took a real liking to you.”  That’s because I’m who she wanted. Now, go ahead and take a breather before we swap again… Joo-Won stood there, staring at me as I walked around the living room. Once I stopped admiring things, I turned to him. “Am I supposed to be getting dressed?” I asked him.  “Yes, Sir.” He answered. I nodded before I turned and headed over to where the marble stairs were. I walked up without trying to rush. Marble was very slippery and I was not trying to fall on my face to get to the bedroom. I wandered into the room and headed straight for the closet. Tonight was important and Sukuna was going to be doing everything. So, I needed to make sure things were good and he dressed to impress. We didn’t need him looking like a bum. He definitely was far from that. I took out a nice black suit with a red tie. Then, I headed towards the bathroom to get ready. I took a shower, threw on my hygiene products, then I threw on my suit. Last, but, not least, I put the coin necklace back on to bring Sukuna out to finish the rest of everything. *** Sukuna: “My god, when they told me you were 19 years old looking to buy the place, I thought they were lying.” Dark Hours’ manager, Mr. Kennedy said to me. “What’s your name, kid?” Everyone of us sat in the VIP lounge for the meeting. The club was absolutely beautiful. The lights were dark purple and they flashed every 20 minutes. People danced the night away. There were people surrounding the fiery bar counter, waiting for their hot, smoking drinks. There was even a dining area for people who wanted to eat. Guards walked around the whole club, making sure everything was intact. The place looked in tip top shape. All I needed for Mr. Kennedy to do was to pass the keys my way.  I grabbed a cigarette from the pack inside of my suit jacket and I placed it in my mouth. Joo-Won lit the cigarette up for me and I inhaled deeply before blowing the thick smoke from my mouth.  “Dai Jin, Sir!” I shouted over the blazin hip hop music.  “Well, Dai Jin! I do want to know how much you are willing to pay for this place?! I had someone offer me 21 million! That was before I heard about you wanting the place!” I took another puff before I snapped my fingers. My guards Iseul and Joo-Won both came with a briefcase each. “Each briefcase carries 1 Bill!” I yelled.  Mr. Kennedy’s eyes widened.  “It better not be toy money, boy!” He shouted at me. “I don’t take kindly to… Pranks!” My two guards opened the briefcase and placed the two briefcases on the table in front of him. “I want the keys to this place and I want your men! I won’t change anything about it! I’ll just add to it!” “You’re offering me 2 Bills for this place?!” He questioned me. “Yes.”  Mr. Kennedy rubbed the bottom of his bald chin and sighed.  “Do you know how to run a business, Kid?” “I’m not a kid.” I told him. “And yes, I know how to run a business.”  “Hm. How did you become a billionaire at 19?” “Something called work.”  “You look like you never worked a day in your life.”  I smirked at him and nodded.  “You don’t know what I did back in South Korea.” “Hm, then maybe I need to not take the deal from you, then. I don’t want no little ass boy running my club.” I licked my lips before smiling wide at him.  “Maybe you need to rethink that dumbass decision of yours.” I flipped the end of the cigarette onto the floor and leaned back on the chair, staring at him.  “Or what?” He asked me. “You’re going to shoot me? I’m sorry, but I got more men than you would ever have.” “Ha ha ha ha ha!” I clapped my hands together and got up. I thought that the meeting would go smoothly, but it was clear I was fooled. Mr. Kennedy was a jerk who thought what every adult older than me would. The world is only for adults to live their fantasies in. However, that’s where I come in. I was going to change that completely. “You might be with a lot of men, but I’ll tell you this: I don’t need guns or more than two men to take your crew out.”  With the snap of my fingers, Iseul and Joo-Won disappeared from behind me. Mr. Kennedy jumped up and looked around the VIP lounge until the lights went off. The music stopped and everybody down on the floor began screaming. “TURN THE LIGHT BACK ON!!” Mr. Kennedy shouted.  “Why when everything in the dark...Is so much f*****g better.”  “SOMEBODY TURN THE f*****g LIGHTS ON!” Ten minutes later, the lights came back on. However, it wasn’t what Mr. Kennedy wanted to see. He screamed at the top of his lungs as he saw blood all over the VIP lounge and the main floor. Mr. Kennedy shook with fear as he turned to face his guards, who were all in a corner, decapitated. Mr. Kennedy turned back to me, shaking his head at me. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!” He shouted at me.  Iseul and Joo-Won were back at my side with a quickness. I leaned forward, placing my elbows on my knees. “I was trying to be a friend.” I replied. “I will never be friends with you.” I shrugged and clapped my hands together. “That’s fine, though. However, you will hand this club over to me, without payment.” “I’m not giving you s**t, you worthless brat!”  “That’s okay. I’ll just take it by force, then.”  I got up and walked to the exit, but Joo-Won and Iseul stayed behind. Mr. Kennedy backed away from the two guards.  “I’ll be in the car.” I told them. “Wait, wait, wait!” Mr. Kennedy shouted. I stopped and turned to him.  “I’ll give you the club. Just please, take the keys and go.” Joo-Won handed him a contract and a pen. Mr. Kennedy sighed before he handed it back to my guard. “Was that so hard?” I asked him. “Just go.” Mr. Kennedy whispered. “Nice doing business with you, Mr. Kennedy. I hope to see you again, one of these days.” With another snap of my fingers, everything came back to normal. There were no deaths, no bodies and his guards were still beside him. Now, my two guards and I had teleported back to the car with the two briefcases in our custody. “Too bad, he could’ve gotten the money if he wasn’t acting like a bitch.” I huffed.  A car pulled up beside us and the window rolled down. Jum leaned his head down so we could see him. “Is everything okay?” Jum asked. “Fine.” I told him. “Did they get home safely?” “Yes. I got your girl’s address as well. Did you want me to take you to her place of residence?” I took the phone out of my pocket and checked the time. 10:30pm, it read. I nodded my head and turned to Joo-Won and Iseul. “Head home.” I told them as I walked over to Jum’s car.  I got in the back seat and Jum pulled off, taking me over to Rhoyda’s house.  *** By the time I got to her house, it was already 12 o’ clock midnight. I wanted to turn around and head back to the house. But, she was the reason I became free and able to obtain a host.  “I’ll be out here.” Jum told me.  The car door opened up and I got out immediately. I walked over to her front door  and knocked on it. Nobody answered at first. So, I assumed she was sleeping. When I turned to go back to the car, the front door opened. “Dai?” I heard a soft voice said my name. I turned around and Rhoyda stood there in an all black shorts and cami top set. Her hair was pushed to the side. She was f*****g gorgeous. “Hey baby.” I said to her.  She closed her door before she rushed over to me and hugged me. We embraced for a good few minutes. Then we separated.  “Did you get the club?” She asked me. I nodded and pulled out the keys to show her. She gasped and hugged me again.  “Congrats, baby.” She said to me.  “Thanks.” I told her. She pulled away from me and I moved back, leaning against the wall to her house.  “Um, sorry.”  She said.  I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “About what?”  “Me calling you that.” “Ha… I don’t care about that. Remember, I told you I’m your boyfriend.” “I know, but… I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable with me saying that. It’s just… My god, I can f*****g call someone that now. It’s still weird, rolling off my tongue.” “It’s crazy, you know.”  She looked at me for a second. “Because you’re mad f*****g pretty. Why didn’t you have a boyfriend?” Rhoyda sighed before she looked down. “I had a crush on someone, but I never had the courage to tell them that I liked them. Then, one day, I deny him in front of my friends and he goes and sleeps with one of them, which is how I came in contact with the man and the ancient coin.” She sighed again and I smirked at her. “Let me guess, the guy you had feelings for is that Leo dude, huh?” Her eyes lifted up to mine and I nodded. I got the picture. I sighed and looked up at the sky. “Do you still like him?”  “No, I don’t.” “Did you summon me to make him jealous?” “No.”  I looked down at her and she shook her head. “Then what?” “I want to be with someone who I know would be loyal and faithful. Someone who I don’t have to worry about when I’m away. A man that I can touch and kiss on. I want to feel what it’s like to be loved and in a f*****g committed relationship. Is that so hard to ask for?” Her eyes glistened and she turned away from me to wipe then “I’m 18 years old and I had to turn to a f*****g demon coin to get what I wanted.” She told me with a smirk on her face. “s**t’s funny, right?” I shook my head. “No.” I told her. “I actually think you made the right choice. For the both of us. Because of your deal, you gave me the chance to be free.” “I’m happy it worked out for both of us.” I reached for her and she moved closer to me.  “I want to thank you for that.” I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck and forced her closer. “Don’t be scared to get close to me. It’s part of our deal and it’s my gift to you.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  B hy  I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. She stood on her tippy toes and grabbed my suit jacket to keep me from moving. “Why did I tell you to stop?” She asked me in a whiny voice. “You can always take it back.” I told her. “I’m scared, though. What if I can’t take you?” “You think I will hurt you?”  Smack… Smack…. Smack…. Smack My god, I enjoyed kissing her. She nodded to my questions and smiled into the kiss. “I’d rather..make you scream.” I told her. Her eyes widened when I said that. She slowly pulled away and bit my lip at her. Before I could pull her back to me, the front door opened and a woman came out of the house, catching us hugged up. Rhoyda pulled away from me and turned to the woman at the door. “You know mom would throw a fit if she saw this, right?” She asked Rhoyda. “You need to get in as mom will be waking up in a couple hours.” A yawn escaped my lips and Rhoyda turned to me. “Will I see you at school?” She asked me. “Yes.” I told her.  Rhoyda kissed me one last time before she turned and walked back into the house. The woman at the door stared at me and I nodded my head at her before I turned and got back to the car. As soon as I got in, Jum turned to me. “Are you ready?” He asked me. Another yawn escaped my lips. My body was tired and I was going to need to let it rest. I nodded my head and leaned back in the seat.  “Ugh, I'm exhausted.” I told him. “Take the necklace off and rest.”  I nodded and did as he requested. As soon as the chain left my neck, I left as well, giving my body to the real Dai once again.
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