Chapter Seventeen

1137 Words
Rhoyda: Joo-Won came to get me and the car ride to Sukuna was too quiet. He was talkative with Sukuna, but since I was in the car by myself, he had nothing to say. "How is everything?" I asked Joo-Won. "Calm. And you?" "I'm good." "That's good. Did you want to stop to get something to eat before we got to the Boss?" "Yes, please." I hated to admit that I was hungry, but school didn't feed you that much or you chose not to eat because of how bad the food tasted. So, of course, I wouldn't mind eating something from McDonalds or Burger King. Hell, Burger King was calling my name at that very moment. "Can you take me to a Burger King, please?" "Of course." He drove until he found the fast food place. Then, he pulled out of the traffic, sliding into the drive-thru line. *** "What took you so long?" Sukuna asked as he wrapped his arms around me. I showed him the bag and he raised his eyebrow at me. "I was hungry, so I asked him to stop to get me something to eat." I told him. "Was that okay?" "Yeah, that's fine. Thanks, Joo-Won." "You're welcome, Boss." Joo-Won walked off and Sukuna pulled me upstairs to his office. As soon as I walked in, I saw Liam sitting there. "What are you doing here?" I asked Liam. "You never hang out with others, except Leo." "And do you see Leo anywhere?" Liam asked me. I shook my head. That was strange and well, I didn't see Natasia, either. So, it was clear they were together. "Well, he's hanging out with me." Sukuna told me. I glanced over at my boyfriend and smiled. Sukuna sat down behind his desk and began to type on the computer. I sat in the chair on the other side of his desk and stared at me. "Can we talk?" I asked him. We didn't clear up what happened the other day and I felt that I was finally ready to come clean. Tell him how I really felt about him. "I don't have nothing to say and I'm not going to talk to you about it." He responded. "Um... Okay." He stopped typing and turned his eyes to me. "I don't care about it anymore, okay?" I nodded. Well, that ruined my chance. Sukuna went back to typing, then he turned his next words to Liam. "Hey Liam, question?" I asked. "Do you work?" "Um no, why?" "Maybe you need to do something for yourself instead of following Leo around. It's clear he has his own life and you're not getting anywhere with being his dog." I looked at Liam, who looked down at his hands. "I wasn't trying to be mean." Sukuna told him. "But, you're right." Liam sighed. "I've been hanging out with Leo since the beginning of our high school and it's like I depended on him to be there with through everything. Now that he has Natasia, I'm not in that little circle." "You're not supposed to be. He moved up and you're just where you were before. However, I might have something for you that I know that you will like if you kick it with me for the remainder of the day." Liam looked up and nodded his head. "I think you'll like what I have to offer." "Sure, Dai." Sukuna went back to work without another word to me. Well, what the hell was I doing there for if we were going to just stare at each other. I sighed and got up from his chair. "Do you want me to leave?" I asked him. "That's up to you." He told me. "As you can see, I have work to do. Or did you forget?" "You know what? Whatever, I'm going home." "I said it was up to you, but since you're so eager to leave, bye." Wow, what the hell? I turned to look at him and when he didn't even budge from that computer, I shook my head and left the office, slamming the door behind me. Heading down the stairs, I walked over to Ryoko and asked him for a ride. He nodded his head and we headed out the club. Ryoko led me back to the black car I had just came from and once again I was going back in to be taken home. Ryoko opened the door for me and helped me inside the car. "Thank you." I told him and he shut the door as soon as I got in. Once he was in the driver seat, he started up the car and pulled away from the club. My phone went off and I was hoping it was him. However, when I answered it, my sister's name popped up. "Yeah?" I answered. "Where are you?" She asked me. "On my way home. Why?" "Well, I have a job interview and I won't be back at the house tonight. I will be going with my boyfriend, if that's okay with you." At least she was excited. I was lowkey jealous. At that moment, I wanted to spend time with Sukuna and yet, he was busy with work and a f*****g attitude. Did I mean to upset him last night? No. The thing was, I just ended up having feelings for him and that's something I have never experienced for anyone. "We're here." Ryoko said thirty minutes later. I looked out the window and saw that he was in front of my house. That was fast. I told him thank you and got out of the car, closing the door behind me. Cezi walked out, dressed in her interview attire, which consisted of a office suit outfit and black heels. Her heir was put into a bun and she only wore natural lipstick. She was just downright gorgeous and her outfit increased it. It fit her right and I was happy to see her exciting moment. "How do I look?" She asked me as she spun around in front of me. "You look good." I told her. "Thank you so much. Now, if you excuse me, I have to head out." Cezi and I hugged before she walked to her car and got in. Once she drove off, I walked into the house and closed the door. I headed over to the couch and sat down. Then a groan escaped my lips as I realized that I had forgotten my food. My anger towards Sukuna had made me forget to eat the one meal I was craving. Ugh... I relaxed on the couch for a minute until my stomach began to growl in hunger. Sighing, I got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen to go make something to eat.
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