Chapter Eleven

2222 Words
Rhoyda: Monday came and we were all back at the school, waiting for first period to start. Natasia and Mika stood beside me as I waited for Sukuna to come to the school. When I saw his car, I grew excited. I know Friday was a little rough, so I wanted to make it up to him. When he got out of the car, he was not alone. Belle and another guy came up to the school. I swear, every time Sukuna came to school, the female students would just whine. When he was with that other guy, you could just see the hearts in their eyes. Both of them looked alike. Sukuna and the new guy were f*****g eye candy. And that just sickened me. I was beginning to hate women lusting over my dude. It was starting to annoy me.  “Wow, who is that guy?” Mika asked. Sukuna, Belle and the mystery guy walked past us and I cleared my throat to get his attention. “Dai?” I called his name.  Sukuna turned to me and gave me a smile before he walked into the school. I sighed and followed behind them. Mika and Natasia followed behind me as we walked over to the school office. Belle turned to me and smiled. “Hello?” She said. “You’re coming here now?” I asked her. “Yes.”  I nodded and looked at Sukuna. He was too busy talking to the school secretary. He handed them their paperwork and then, he turned to me while the secretary walked away for a second.  “Who is this guy?” I asked him. “My cousin, Jae.” Sukuna replied. “Oh okay.”  Jae turned around and nodded at me, then he turned to Sukuna. The school secretary came back over and handed over two papers to Jae and Belle.  “Here’s your schedules.” She told them. “Do you need guides to show you around?” “No.” The three of them said together. “Well, enjoy.” She said. Sukuna, Belle and Jae walked past us and I was beginning to wonder if Sukuna was mad at me about something. Mika snickered as she walked past me. “Looks like you need to kiss some ass today, girl.” She said and walked off. I looked at Natasia and she just shrugged at me. I rolled my eyes and followed her out the office.  “Okay, so we all have classes together.” Sukuna said. “So, we will be going to class TOGETHER.” “Wow, baby brother.” Belle said. “You don’t trust us already?” “I never trusted you.” Sukuna told her. “That’s fine.” Belle said, then she turned to me. “How are you? I see somebody forgot to check on his girlfriend today.” “I didn’t.” Sukuna said as he walked over to me and hugged me. “I was trying to get you guys into the school and situated.” Of course, today was the same old thing. We went to our classes, had break, had more classes and went to lunch. At lunch was where things got interesting. People were beginning to find out more about Sukuna and his billionaire lifestyle. As we sat down at the table, eating some McDonalds, a couple of random guys came over to our table. One sat beside me, pushing me to make room for himself. “Excuse me?!” I exclaimed. “What the hell?!” “So, you must be him.” One of the guys said to Sukuna. “You think you’re so perfect, huh?” Everybody in the auditorium turned, watching the whole confrontation. Sukuna wasn’t bothered, though. Just seeing that wicked smile of his, I knew he had something up his sleeve. The way he sat in his chair at the table that we sat at was a real turn on.  “I’m not talking to a couple of boys.” Sukuna said. “I suggest you leave before you see what I am really about.”  The other guy beside Sukuna chuckled, then he made the biggest mistake of his life. He grabbed Sukuna’s food and chugged it across the auditorium. The only thing you could hear was the sound of the plastic tray hitting the ground hard. I looked at Sukuna and the moment he looked up at the guy beside him, the fear in my body surfaced.  “Let’s see what you got, Rich Boy.” The guy sitting at the table said as he got up. “You can’t take the both of us.”  When Sukuna got up, I got up as well, rushing to his side. I stood in front of him, blocking him from getting to the other two guys. “Dai, please?” I begged. “Please, don’t do this.” “Back off, Rhoy.” Sukuna said to me. “Baby, you’ll get suspended! Please, don’t!” Jae joined Sukuna’s side, ready to fight. They were not playing. Belle grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the two. “Don’t ever interfere with two men fighting.” Belle whispered to me. “What if they find out what he is?” I whispered. “He knows better than to do that. Sukuna is smarter than that.” I kept my eyes on him, though.  “How much do you pay those guys, huh?” Another guy asked as he approached the two standing across from Sukuna. “What kind of job do you do?” “That’s none of your damn business.” Sukuna told them. “You jealous that I make more money than you?” “Not at all. Since you make a lot of money, how about you throw us into that money making business of yours.” “Never.”  “That’s because you’re broke and don’t have s**t. So, I call you ‘bluff. Stop having people think that you’re Mr. Big Shot.”  Sukuna just smiled. Then, he checked his phone right after. “I don’t have time to deal with you three.” Sukuna said. “But, if you feel the same way as you just did a few minutes ago, we can always meet somewhere.”  The guy smiled and nodded. “Us three versus you and two more at the park. That’s if you are as gutsy as they say.” “Of course.” Sukuna said. I didn’t like that at all. Sukuna turned to Jae and nodded. Sukuna walked over to me and put his arm over my shoulder. Then, he threw up the piece sign, chuckling. “Don’t be late!” Sukuna shouted to them. *** “Why did I miss this?” Mika asked. “I’m so mad!” “So, are you going to fight them?” Leo asked. Sukuna leaned back in the car and sighed. “Of course.” Sukuna confirmed.  “My cousin never backs down from a fight.” Jae told us.  I looked at Jae, who was scribbling on his school assignment. My eyes traveled to Mika, who was sneaking looks at Jae the whole time. I smiled at her before I turned to Sukuna, who was doing his assignment on the board. I had already finished the assignment for English, so I was just sitting there being bored. Leo put his pencil down and turned back to Sukuna. “So, I want to fight on your side.” Leo told Sukuna. We all looked at Leo. Sukuna smiled and nodded his head. “It’s up to you.” Sukuna told him. “I don’t care, but I’m going over to that park right after school.”  “Can I come with you?” I asked Sukuna. He looked up at me and smiled. “I don’t care.” He told me. “Just don’t get mad if I fight.” “Oh, she won’t.” Belle said. “She’s going to be in the back watching with me.”  I looked at Sukuna and sighed. I looked around the classroom and saw everybody talking and looking our way. It was clear they were talking about Sukuna and the fight that was going to go down. Natasia patted me on the shoulder and I looked at her. “You have that worried look.” She said to me. “Because I’m afraid they’re going to try to cheat.”  “I’m sure he can handle himself.”  I sighed and looked back at Sukuna. He was talking to Leo, Liam and Collin about everything. Knowing Sukuna, I was afraid for them. He was dangerous and them approaching him was just downright stupid on their behalf. Sukuna looked at me before his hand caressed the bottom of my chin. “You worry too much.” He told me.  “Because you’re my boyfriend and I can.”  “Alright.” He just stared at me and I could just feel myself blushing hard. I hated when he looked at me like that.  “You’re not going there without me, for sure.” Jae said. “I know, cousin.” Sukuna sighed. A knock came on the door and when we looked up Jum and Joo-Woo stood there, waiting for Sukuna, Jae and Belle. “Can I help you?” Mr. Fitzeritz asked.  “We’re here for three of your students.” Joo-Won told her. Ugh, why couldn’t they get me out of class? Sukuna, Belle and Jae got up with their bags and walked over to Sukuna’s guards. “Probably running away from the fight.” Mika chuckled. “Ha ha, no.” Sukuna told her before they left. Ugh, I thought to myself. I know it wasn’t his fault, but I was beginning to hate that he worked. It was like we barely had time to ourselves. I sighed and rested my head on my desk. “Cheer up, girl.” Natasia told me. “I’m fine.” I told her.  “You look jealous.” Mika said. “Hm.” I sat up and turned to Mika. Even she looked at the door from time to time. So, my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me when I caught her sneaking peeks at Jae.  “So, what?” I asked her. “You’re going to try to f**k Jae now?” Mika looked at me with a raised her eyebrow at me. “First off, it’s none of your business whose d**k I ride, okay? So don’t f*****g start, goth girl. Just because you got your first boyfriend and a taste of your first d**k doesn’t mean s**t to me. You’re still a lame in my eyes.”  I rolled my eyes and turned back to the front. Mika always had something smart to say. I wasn’t trying to interfere in nothing, but I wasn’t wrong. She always opened her legs to a guy she had her eyes on and Jae was the new man for her.  “So, are you going to help him?” Liam asked. I turned around, looking at Leo and Liam conversate. I wanted to know that as well. Leo nodded as he put his pencil back in his pocket. “Yeah, I am.” Leo said. “Babe, please be careful.” Natasia sighed. “I will. Just don’t want them trying to jump him and shit.” What’s funny is… They don’t even know that Sukuna could handle himself in the matter. He’s a demon and handling a couple of guys from our school is not a problem. I just hoped he wouldn’t use his powers. I hated the deep slumber he was placed in because of it.  “I wonder if Dai could fight?” Liam asked. “You think he can’t?” Collin asked. “I mean, he has hundreds of men at his house.” Keisha said. “He can fight.” I defended him. “I’ve seen him fight before.” “Of course the girlfriend thinks he’s a good fighter.’’ Jasmine chuckled. “When are you going to let me come to his house with you guys? I miss hanging out with you, Mika.”  “Today.” Mika said. “So, Leo, do you have plans for a party soon?”  “I did.” Leo said. “However, I think we should let Dai plan this one out.”  “Why?” I asked. “Why can’t he?” Collin asked. “We’ve been throwing parties every weekend and your dude needs to step up. I mean, he is hanging out with us and you know the rules. He has to at least throw a huge party.”  I sighed, but nodded my head. Natasia stuck up for me, so I didn’t have to do it. However, Sukuna, I wasn’t sure how he was going to take the news. He was so busy with work that I didn’t think he would have time for it. “You need to ask him.”  Mika told me. “I’ll ask him.” I told her. I turned back to the front and took my phone out. Then, I texted Sukuna to let him know what’s going on.
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