Truth 3

1233 Words
Chase Delgado * * Worrying about Nick, I had a sleepless night I ran my fingers through my hair as I sat up on the bed I was damn confused I dragged myself up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to freshen up . I soon returned to the run when I done I dressed hurriedly, pick up my phone and car keys on the table and headed for my dad room. * I knocked at his door but there was no response from him Is he still sleeping? I wondered I pushed the door opened and walked in. he was seated on the bed and staring into space Dad! I called while walking towards him he jolted out from his thoughts and looked at me I sighed Are you still thinking about Nick? Why won’t I? Why won’t I think about him? I loved him for good twenty- three(23) years thinking he was my son , but it was all a waste Please don’t say that Dad, Nick is your son and will always be . he scoffed It does not change the fact that he is not my blood Does it really matter? I asked calmly Of course it does but dad it ......... I tried to say but he cut me off Can we please talk about something else ? he pleaded Fine! I muttered and he smiled lightly Can I ask a small favour of you? I started What is it? he stared at me Candy’s dad need a Job, is there any vacancy at any of the Delgado’s corporate? he smiled they are all yours now , so you can do as you please I gave him a confused look What do you mean? you are my true son and it is only right for you to inherit all of my properties I scoffed What of Nick? What will happen to him? I will sign one of my mansion to his name and that is all. he finalised I stared at him in surprise And moreover he is wealthy enough to take care of himself. he added Are you really gonna divorce his mother? I probed Of course . he nodded And do you think that is the best thing to do? What do you expect me to do Chase? she cheated on me , that b***h cheated on me. he yelled Listen to her and try to know the reason she did it .i yelled back and he became calm But Chase..... No but dad, don’t let your anger cloud your Judgement. I advised he sighed If after listening to her and you still decide on divorcing her , I will give you my full support he smiled Thanks son, he appreciated it is nothing dad...... * * Candace Noah * * Sitting opposite my dad, I explained everything to him about the Job promise he listened to me without uttering a word So how do you see it? I asked after I was done explaining he smirked You went too far Candy What do you mean by that? I asked in surprise Can’t you see? it will seem like you are taking advantage of his love to get what you want ,people will call you a ..... gold digger. I completed and he nodded Are you for real Dad? is that what you are worried about? ...... for goodness sake! we are not asking for money, we are seeking for a job he sighed Did you tell him about my qualifications? Of course I did . I grinned What did he say? he asked he said he will get back to me ...... I just hope things go well Of course it will dad......... * * Chase Delgado * * I pondered on my dad’s decision as I drove over to the hospital I couldn’t believe he was about to make me the sole owner of Delgado’s corporate I sighed I was really worried about how Nick will feel and react but who can he really blame , he should blame his mother for it * I soon got to hospital and I parked in the parking lot I alighted from the car and walked into the hospital Sir Chase! one of the nurses on seat called while running to me how can I help you? she smiled shyly We are a huge fan of yours and we need an autograph We? I muttered while staring at the second nurse on seat She gave me a seductive smile I scoffed Can we do this later? I am here for my brother oh! You mean the one with a bad voice . She retorted What did you just say? I glared at her Nothing. she replied Better! So can I see him? I repeated Of course you can , he is at the VIP 4 ward How can I get there? Come this way . She said and led me through a long passage * She stopped in front of the last room in the passage This is it. she informed and I nodded Can I go or do you still need me for anything? she licked her lips I smirked Are you for real? Yes sir, I can give anything.. I repeat anything you want . She said seductively Leave . I grunted but ......... I said Leave . I yelled and she scampered away Crazy ! I cursed * I push the door to the ward opened and walked in I stared blankly at Nick’s limp body on the bed , his mum was seated on a chair beside the bed What are you doing here? She glared at me I came to check on Nick . I replied calmly Why? so you can taunt and jeer him for being a looser. she retorted I scoffed And why will I do that? I am not as evil as you What! how dare you talk to me like that!She yelled I smirked Save your voice because you will be needing it when Nick wakes up Whaat do you meen. She stuttered Why can’t you just tell who his father is? Why can’t you. I yelled She scoffed Do you think it is easy to tell a Child that the person he calls father is a fake . She screamed I sighed Then why did you lie from the beginning? It is none of your business. She retorted Oh! I can see, you will ...... I stopped when I heard a faint sound I turned to the direction of the sound and was surprised to see Nick awake When did he wake? I wondered what are you both talking about?he asked faintly Nick! Oh my gawd! You are awake. his mum beamed excitedly Mother! What were you both talking about? he repeated * * Hmmmmh * TBC
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