The full truth

1156 Words
Chase Delgado * Seeing Nick awake, i was surprised to the core When did he wake? Did he hear my conversation with his mother? I wondered Chase! What were you both talking about? he repeated while staring at me I smirked That question should be directed to your mother What do you......he tried to say but I cut him off I am glad you are awake brother, I will come check on you later. I nodded at his mum and took my leave ....... * I walked through the long passage to the reception . I was surprised to see Kira seated at the reception room , her eyes was glued to her phone I walked towards her and tapped her gently She looked startled for a moment , and then quickly composed herself Chase! She smiled When did you get here? I asked Not quite long, I was told only family members are allowed to visit Nick. she explained Oh! So how is he? Is he better? She asked rushingly Yes, he is awake now , I informed Oh my gawd! She stood up and hugged me I chuckled and released myself from the hug Do you still want to see him?.... I mean I can talk to doctor Never mind Chase, he is getting better and that is what really matters Oh! I smiled Are you free to chat? We can hang around somewhere. She asked with a smile I am sorry Kira, I need to call at my girlfriend’s home She stared at me without uttering any word Are you alright? I asked She nodded Good! I turned to go, but stopped when I remembered I had something to ask her What was Mr Noah offence? What do you mean? She asked confusedly What did he do to you? I continued Nothing. She shook her head Then why did you threaten to fire him .I yelled I waaas just jjokking. She stuttered Joking?i never knew you to be a clown. I scoffed Don’t be angry Chase , I can apologise to him if that is what you want . She pleaded You don’t need to do that because he won’t be working with your family again. I informed What do you mean by that? he is hopeless without my family . She boasted I chuckled Oh Kira! You are really so naive Are you planning on...... she tried to say but I cut her off Good bye Kira! I bade and walked out of the hospital........... * * Roxy Delgado * * I stared blankly at Nick without knowing what to say Mother! What does he mean by that? he asked weakly Nothing. I lied trying not to meet his gaze he tried to sit up and fell back to the bed Arrrgh! he groaned while holding his head Don’t stress your self baby. I said trying to hold him but he pushed my hands away Baby! I called softly What were you both talking about? he repeated Can we please talk about it later? I pleaded as tears rolled down my eyes he scoffed Who is the child with a fake father? he asked and I froze Who is the child? he repeated while staring at me I sniffed I will tell you when you are strong enough. I promised No mom , I want to know now . he insisted Fine! I sighed * I was pregnant of you before I got married to Neil What! What are you trying to say? Are you trying to say I am a bastard? he exclaimed in shock No baby,I shook my head What exactly are you saying? You just told me that my dad is not my father. he yelled as tears rolled down his eyes Baby! I called softly Don’t call me that. he warned But I am...... I tried to say but he cut me off Who is my father? I stared at him without saying anything I said who is my father? he repeated I don’t know Chase ... erm I mean I don’t know where he is He scoffed What do you mean you don’t know? Do you go around sleeping with men hell no! I screamed Then who is he? Doesn’t he have a name ? I sighed his name is Philip and we met when we were in college * Philip was a caring man, he loved and I guessed I loved him too My parent never supported our relationship because he was from a poor family They pleaded with me to leave him but I couldn’t because he was the only man that made me feel special We continued with our relationship and I soon got pregnant with you . he asked me to run away with him but I was scared of leaving my parent , I guess I never really loved him that much My dad came home one day with a shocking news about an arranged marriage with his friend’s son I cried and pleaded with him that I was no interested but he insisted I should know the boy first I agreed * I liked Neil the first time I saw him but he was just too proud he told me bluntly that he is in love with someone else but I still choose to stay because of ... the money Yes, the money.he was so wealthy and I guess I was too greedy * The date of the marriage was fixed and when your father came looking for me , I lied to him that I lost the pregnancy he begged me remain with him but my mind was already made up.. I chose money over love ... * It was after the marriage that I found out the woman Neil loves was a maid, she was no other person than Chase mother Damn! I heard Nick cursed it turned out that his parent never supported his relationship with her because she was a dumb maid ............. * Nick! Please forgive your greedy mother. I pleaded he stared on without saying anything Baby! I called and he fumed Don’t ever call me that! he warned staring at me , his gaze was deadly I sniffed But I am still your mother Mother? You are nothing but a bitch Nick! I called in surprise Get out from my sight . he yelled * * Nick Delgado * I watched my mother , no the b***h run out from the room how can she be so selfish? I ran my finger through my hair as I tried to think but couldn’t Damn! I was getting crazy What would happen to me now? Where would I start from? My whole life is a mess and it is all because of that stupid concert , no it is all because of Chase...... * TBC
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