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Chase Delgado * * Staring blankly at the doctor, I was confused about what to say or how to react I don’t believe it Sam, there must be a kind of mix up somewhere. My dad panicked There is none, I had to screen the blood twice Just to be sure. the doctor explained You can opt for a DNA test if you wish. he added My dad scoffed I don’t need any test, I just need to confront that b***h I call a wife he stood up abruptly and stormed out of the office in a huff Neil! Neil! the doctor tried to call him back but I guess his mind was already made up I sighed Are you alright Chase? the doctor faced me Can I see my brother? I ignored his question No, he is in the emergency room. he replied Oh! I need to get going . I informed while standing up I was about to go when the doctor called me I looked at him Please Calm your dad so he does not do anything stupid. he pleaded I nodded before walking out of the room * * Nick’s manager ran to meet me immediately I walked out of the doctor’s office What is wrong Chase? Why did your dad come out of office looking so angry? he asked rushingly I ignored his questions What did you do to Nick? What are you talking about? he retorted You knew very well that Nick can’t sing so why did encourage him to? I fired at him I just wanted him to be happy. he defended happy? Is this what you call happiness? Nick life is in a mess and it is all because of you . I yelled What do you mean? he asked confusedly I smirked Good night ! I bade and took my leave * * I drove home as fast as I could. I was worried my dad might do something crazy But how did it get to this? Does it mean Nick is a bast....... Damn! If Nick is not a Delgado, then who is he? * I soon got to the front of the mansion. I honked the car horn and the security guard opened the gate I drove into the compound and parked in the garage I alighted from the car and ran into the house . And as expected, I met my Dad and Nick’s mum having a heated quarrel Dad please stop! I yelled he looked at me and scoffed I need to get the truth from this b***h I shifted my gaze to “the b***h”, she was whimpering in tears Please Chase tell your father I know nothing about it. She pleaded Did you hear that Chase? She is nothing but a lying b***h. my dad yelled Dad please just let her go, Nick needs her. I pleaded But she is yet to confess. My dad retorted She can do that later , what is most important is saving Nick’s life he sighed Fine! You can go.......and also get ready to sign the divorce papers. he informed and stormed up the stairs What did he just say? Nick mum asked in shock I shook my head in pity before heading upstairs to my room... * * Roxy Delgado ( Nick’s mother) * * Tears streak down my eyes as I drove over to the hospital I never expected all this to happen so fast How will I tell Neil that I was already pregnant before I got married to him? how will I tell him that I married him because of his money? Oh Roxy! You are doomed * I parked my car and scurried into the hospital Where is my son? I yelled to no one in particular Calm down Madam, can you first tell me who you are? a lady on white uniform asked while walking towards me I am Mrs Delgado. I informed and her eyes widened in surprise Wow! You must be Nick’s mother? Where is he? I barked he is at the emergency room but you can’t go in . she replied Why? I yelled The doctor is in the best position to explain to you. she informed Fine! I sighed and headed to the doctor’s office * I pushed the door to the office opened and walked in What is wrong with my son? I half yelled he looked up at me Calm down Roxy! he said with a smirk how can I be calm when I don’t know if my son is dying or not ? I retorted He will be fine, Just have your seat . he assured I sighed as I sat down Who is Nick’s father? he suddenly asked What do you mean by that? I pretended Quit pretending Roxy, have you forgotten we used to close friends back then at college? I scoffed If you were truly my friend, then why did you tell Neil the truth? he laughed The truth? I can see you have finally confessed No I erm mean that .... i stuttered Shut up! he barked . Nick’s is in a critical condition and the least you can do is to say the truth What exactly is wrong with my son? I whimpered he needs blood Then use mine , we have the same blood type...... * * Candace Noah * * I laid on the bed trying to force my self to sleep but still couldn’t My heart was heavy as I thought about the conversation I had with my dad earlier on What would happen to us if my dad gets fired from work? how are we going to feed? how are we going to survive? I sighed What should I do? Should I tell Chase about it? I think I really need to do that I dialled Chase number and he picked it on the second ring hi baby! he greeted how are you? What of Nick? Is he better? I asked rushingly he will be fine. he assured I sighed in relief how are you? Are you alright? he asked rushingly I amm not rrreally fine. I stuttered What is wrong? Kira threatened to fire my dad. I replied Kira! Why would she do that?... I mean what business does she have with your father? he asked confusedly My dad is her family driver. I replied with a low voice Oh! And what was your dad offence? he did not do...... I was about to say when he cut me off What qualifications does your father have? Just a high school certificate, he dropped out from college. I explained he sighed I will talk to my dad about it and will get back to you tomorrow. he informed Are you for real? I beamed in excitement Sure Thanks baby. I appreciated It is nothing I love so much Chase I love you too baby.he said and ended the call........ I wriggled on the bed in excitement, Dad will be so happy to hear this .........
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