Finding Philip

1283 Words
Candace Noah * Sitting outside, I was doing my Laundry when Chase drove into the compound I smiled He alighted from his car and walked towards me Good morning! I greeted he glanced at his wristwatch and huffed It is already noon Oh my bad! I guess I was too preoccupied with the house chores to take notice he smiled So how are you? he asked while sitting beside me I am fine, I was just missing you . I pouted Alright . he drawled I frowned, what is with that tone?did you not miss you me? I did candy but I am just too stressed Oh! Are you still worried about Nick? I asked He nodded How is he? is he getting any better? Yes, he is already awake . he informed I sighed in relief But what really happened to his voice? I probed on I don’t know, he shrug I stared at him, he was trying not to meet my gaze Are you hiding something from me? No, why would I do that? he retorted without still looking at me I smirked Why is your voice so similar to that of Nick’s? I continued he looked at me in a huff What exactly do you want to know? The truth Chase, I want to know the truth. I half yelled he sighed It is complicated,you wouldn’t understand But you can make........ I tried to say but he cut me off Is your dad in? I scoffed , are you trying to avoid my question? Where is he?he repeated he went to the mall with Max. I informed he dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a card Give him this when he gets back , he handed the card to me I looked at it, it was his private card Tell him to call me . he added I nodded I need to be on my way. he informed while standing But you just got here . I queried I know , but I need to rest . he insisted Alright. I smiled he leaned towards me, kissed me briefly on my lips before heading to his car I watched him go and smirked he is definitely hiding something from me............ * Roxy Delgado ( Nick’s mother) * * Confused, I sat down in my car thinking of the next step to take I was really confused about everything Will Nick ever forgive me? Damn! I hit the steering wheel with my fist I never expected to be caught up in my own greed My phone suddenly rang and I received it without checking the caller Who is this? I grunted Are you alright Roxy? I heard a familiar voice asked Oh Andy! I never knew it was you What is wrong with you? Are you still worried about Nick? he asked rushingly I sighed Nick is fine, he is already awake . I informed Really? then why do you sound so worried? I am not fine Andy. I retorted breaking down in tears What is wrong baby? Please talk to me. he pleaded I sighed Please just go to Nick , he needs you Of course, I am already on my way to the hospital. he informed Thanks. I appreciated Anything for you my love. he said and ended the call I stared at my phone and smiled lightly he sure does know how to make me smile I started the car and drove off headed to Philip’s family home I have to find Nick father so my son can finally be at peace with me......... * * I drove through the familiar area with a heavy heart Will Philip still be staying there?Will he believe me? Will he ever forgive me? * I parked in front of the small cottage house and alighted from the car I said a silent prayer before walking to the front door I knocked of the door and waited but there was no response What could be wrong? I knocked again and the door was soon opened by an elderly woman . staring at her, I immediately recognised her as Philip mother I panicked a little bit hello ma! I greeted hi dear, how can I help you? she asked staring at me It was obvious she didn’t recognise me I am here to see Philip. I informed And who are you? She arched her eyebrow It is me Roxy, do you remember? She stared intently at me without uttering a word Ma! do you remember? I repeated and she scoffed Why won’t l! Why won’t I remember the b***h who almost made my son crazy ! but ma I.... I tried to say but she cut me off What do you want? she yelled Can we please talk inside? I pleaded No, say whatever you want out here . she blurted Fine! I want to see Philip, I want to tell him about his son What son? she asked The son I had for him twenty three (23) years ago She laughed Are you here to Joke? I thought you had a miscarriage No I lied , I never had a miscarriage She stared at me for a while and sighed Why are you doing all this now? You left my son because he was poor Please Just let me see Philip. I pleaded She shook her head negatively Philip is happily married and I can’t let you destroy his family I am not here to destroy his family , I just want to tell him about his son. I explained She smirked. Let your son remain with his rich husband My son already knows the truth, he already knows he is not a Delgado She widened her eyes in surprise Delgado? So the man you left my son for is the famous Delgado I nodded She scoffed Just get the hell out of here Roxy . She yelled and bang the door shut ...... Oh Roxy! What will you do now? * * Chase Delgado * * I walked into the sitting room and was surprised to see my manager having a discussion with my father My father had a large smile on his face What are they talking about? I wondered hi! I greeted and they both looked at me Come over here Chase! My dad gestured me to move closer I moved closer to them and sat down beside my father What is the good news? I asked staring at my father and then my manager Look at this. My manager said handing me his phone I took the phone from him and stared at the screen On the screen was an image of me So what about it? I gave him a puzzled look Scroll down. he instructed and I did I widened my eyes in surprise as I read through My song broke all records by having more than a billion views in just a month How is this possible? I directed the question to no one in particular Not only that , your fans are asking for a duet performance . My manager beamed I looked at him What do you mean? They all want you to hear you sing a duet with a female lead singer, Kira to be precise I scoffed I can’t sing with Kira Why? My dad gave me a puzzled look I don’t just want to sing with her he sighed Do you have anyone in mind then? I smiled Yes, I am going to sing the duet with candy But she is just a student. My manager queried I don’t care. I retorted It might manager tried to say but my dad cut him off Let them perform the duet together, I respect Chase choice I smiled ...........
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