She is a b***h

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Chase Delgado * * I smiled Thanks so much dad It is nothing son , I believe in you.he smiled Are you sure she got what it takes to be a singer? my manager probed on I smirked You will just have to find out for yourself... I stood up and was about heading upstairs when Nick mother walked in She walked towards my dad and knelt in front of him I am sorry Neil . She apologised My dad scoffed What exactly are you sorry for? Are you sorry for being a b***h or sorry for giving birth to a bastard? she bent her head without uttering a word Speak up woman. My dad yelled and she recoiled in fear I am sorry for everything. She pleaded as tears rolled down her eyes So who is the Nick’s father? My dad continued I don’t know . She sniffed What do you mean you don’t know? my retorted I was r***d. She blurted out Then why didn’t you tell me about it? My dad probed I was scared you would turn your back on me , I was scared you will reject me Neil. She continued crying My dad smirked Your story does not move me, it does not change anything. We will go on with the divorce and that is final What! You can’t do this to me Neil . She pleaded. Chase! Please help me talk to your father. She faced me I scoffed I need to have some rest . I informed and headed upstairs to my room * * I collapsed on the bed immediately I got into my room I was damn tired I pulled out my phone from my pocket and was about dialling Candy’s number when a call came in through I check the caller , it was an unknown I sat up on the bed and received it hi! Who is this? I asked hello Chase , this is Candy’s father. he informed Oh Mr Noah! how are you doing sir? I asked Fine , Candy told me everything and I am really grateful. he appreciated It is nothing sir . I smiled So when will you be Chanced to talk? erm... let’s make it on Monday if it is okay by you Monday would be perfect, where should we meet? Is it at the company or the music school . he inquired No, let meet at the mansion by 2. I informed Okay! Come along with you credentials. I said and ended the call I smiled I dialled Candy’s number and she picked up immediately.... * * Candace Noah * * Placing my phone on my ear, I listened with keen interest to what Chase was saying Is this for real? I asked in disbelief Yes baby, I want you to sing the duet with me I squealed in delight and I heard him laugh Save your voice for the big day Thanks baby for making my dreams come true .I appreciated as tears rolled down my eyes It is nothing, you deserve the best. he said and ended the call What is it? What did he say? Why are you crying? my dad asked rushingly I looked at him and then at my mum Baby! Why did you squeal so loudly? My mom probed on Mum! Dad! I called as tears rolled down my eyes What is it baby? You are putting us into suspense I smiled My dreams are about to come true, Chase asked me to perform a duet with him. What did you just say? My dad asked standing Chase asked me to perform a duet with him. I screamed in delight Oh my baby, the sky is your limit . My dad pulled me to a hug while my mom kept on squealing Oh Chase! I am really so lucky to have you ..... * * Nick Delgado * * Confused, I sat on the bed as different thoughts clouded my mind What will be my fate now? I called Chase a bastard whereas I was the real bastard Oh Nick! You are doomed Damn my mother for being so bitchy How could she betray a man who love her because of money! The door suddenly flung opened and my manager walked in hi Nick. he greeted while walking towards me hey! I grunted I am glad you are awake , Roxy called me earlier to inform me I stared at him in surprise Roxy? No erm I mean your mom . he stuttered I scoffed What is wrong? Why do you look so gloomy? he continued Nothing, I lied Come on Nick, you know you can confide in me Fine ! I sighed My mom came here to spill some trash And what did she say? he asked She told me I am a f*****g bastard. I yelled how iis that that possible. he stuttered how do you expect me to know? I barked he shook his head I don’t believe it , I don’t believe it I smirked Just go over to the mansion and get me some of some stuffs he stared on without saying anything Andy! Are you deaf? Erm .. no what did you say? he stared at me I scoffed, where did you keep your brain? I am so ... he tried to say but I cut him off Just go get some of my stuffs from the mansion....... Alright! he nodded * * Andy ( Nick’s manager) * * With a heavy heart, I drove over to the Delgado’s mansion Bastard! What does he mean by that? I scoffing Why didn’t Roxy Inform me about it! Why didn’t she! * I soon got to the Delgado’s mansion and I parked in front I alighted from the car and walked towards the huge gate I knocked on the gate and it was opened by the security Good evening sir! he opened the gate wider I nodded and walked in Is Mrs Delgado in? I asked and he nodded * I met Mr Delgado seated in the sitting room with his dumb wife hello sir! hello ma! I greeted how are you Andy? he smiled I am fine sir And how is Nick doing? I heard he is awake Yes sir . I nodded and he sighed So what brings you here? I came to pick some of Nick’s stuff and also to relay some messages to his mother Good! She is upstair in her room. he informed I nodded and headed upstairs to Mrs Delgado, no Roxy room....... * I pushed the door to her room opened and walked in She was seated on the bed with her chin resting on her hand She was engrossed with whatever she was thinking that she took no notice of me Roxy! I called and she jolted out from her thoughts Andy! What are you doing here? She asked in surprise Chill baby, I came to see you What! I thought our relationship was meant to be ..... she tried to say but I cut her off Who is Nick’s father? She gasped in shock Were you just using me? I asked and she shook her head negatively Then what exactly is going on, you promised to give me some of the property once Nick’s get it but how is that going to be possible now? he is a bastard and have no right to the property . I yelled Please keep your voice down . She pleaded I huffed So what do you plan on doing? Nothing, she retorted What do you mean by Nothing? do you mean all your promises were just bluff . I frowned I don’t know what to do, I just want my Nick to forgive me . She said as tears rolled down her eyes I stared blankly at her as she cried Andy please tell me what to do . She pleaded I smirked Why don’t we get rid of Chase . I suggested and she scoffed That won’t solve anything It will .if Chase dies , Neil will be forced to give all his properties to Nick And why will he do that? Nick is not his real son I smiled Nick might not be his biological son but i bet Neil still loves him She sighed So what do you think? I pulled her close to me I don’t ... she tried to say but I shut her up with a kiss She pushed me away We can’t do this here Andy And Why not? I thought you love me I love you Andy but this is my husband house Really? I scoffed I walked to the door and bolted it So how about now, can we do it? I walked towards her She swallowed hard I pulled her close to me and kissed her hungrily Annnndy! She moaned softly I broke the kiss and smiled I pulled off her gown and she was left with only her b*a and panties I unhook the b*a and threw it to the floor I pushed her to the bed and mount her Andddy! She moaned softly as I suckled on her n*****s I smiled I shifted her pants and started fingering her She wriggled in pleasure as she used her hands to suppress her moans I unbuckled my trousers and immediately pulled it off together with my undies I ripped off her pants and penetrated deep into her Annnndy! She moaned I kept on thrusting deeps Into her Will you do what I ask you to do? . I whispered to her ears Yes baby. She moaned softly I smiled Don’t forget I love you . I love you too I kept on banging her , she was nothing but a bitch........ * * I sat on the bed watching the b***h as she dressed You are a bad boy! She remarked I huffed Don’t forget your promise to me I won’t . She smiled Good! So what is the plan? She smiled I will start by being nice to Chase and his mother so that when I strike, no one will suspect I smiled I will keep on using both mother and son till I get what I want , I will use them till I get the Delgado’s wealth......... * * Speechless * TBC

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