Competition goes wrong

1592 Words
Candace Noah * * I practiced the song all over and over again but still couldn’t get the exact vocals used in the song . Pete Seeger sang the song with a low pitched voice while I had a natural high pitched voice ... What will I do? I sighed in frustration I tried to sing it again but still couldn’t get in “Try singing it your own way. Max who had been watching me quietly suggested What do you mean by that? I asked I mean you should try give the song a little twist, he replied Do you think it will be better that way? I asked worriedly It will at least be better than the rubbish you have been singing since yesterday, he drawled I looked at him and smiled “Go to bed , it is already late”. I instructed how do you expect me to sleep when you are still battling with your song? he frowned “Oh! My baby brother is so caring . I teased “Just go away”. he retorted and I grinned * I tried to see the song with my high pitched voice just like Max suggested I picked up my guitar from the bed, tuned it to the rhythm of the song and soon started singing ..... * * ??????????? * May God bless and keep you always May all your wishes come true May you always do for others And let others do for you ................I smiled when I was done singing, the song came out beautifully Max! I called but there was no response from him I turned to look at him and smiled when I saw him already asleep I kept on singing the song till I drifted off to sleep... * * The next morning * A stinging slap across my face jolted me up from sleep ooouch! I exclaimed while sitting up Why did you do that? I glared at Max who was laughing at me “That is to teach you to be an early riser. he replied grinning What do you ........ I stopped when I noticed he was already dressed up for school I glanced at the time, it was 8:00 Damn! I cursed , why didn’t you wake me up earlier? “You were sleeping so soundly”. he replied while leaving the room I got off my bed and ran into the bathroom to freshen up I returned to the room when I was done and went over to the wardrobe for a change of clothing . * I stared at my reflection when I was done dressing and was satisfied I wore a blue floral gown and a white sneakers I sling my backpack across my shoulders , grabbed my guitar and ran out of the room * * I met my mum and Max having breakfast in the sitting room Good morning! Morning candy! She smiled, how was your night? Fine! I replied and scurried out of the house * I flagged down a taxi and got into it Delgado music school! I called and the driver nodded before driving off I closed my eyes and said a silent round ,I pray to make it through the second round.... * * The driver soon got to the school and parked in front of it I paid him after I alighted from the taxi Thanks miss , he appreciated and drove off.... I walked into the school compound and headed upstairs to the hall where the competition will be taking place.... * I pushed the door to the hall opened and walked into the noisy hall I looked around the hall for Loretta and smiled when I saw her seated at a extreme corner. Loretta! I called while walking towards her She turned to look at me and smiled “You were late . She queried “ I practiced all night. I replied and she smiled I sat down beside her placing my guitar gently on the floor The hall became quiet when Miss Brenda Came out of the next room to address us Good morning! She greeted . Welcome to the second phase of the competition and like you all know only 10 of you will make it to the next round . You will all be singing here in front of your peers and the judges ... Oh no! Loretta exclaimed, I don’t like the idea of singing in front of everyone Why? I asked It makes me really nervous, she replied and I smiled It will be alright. I assured her * Kira is here! a girl announced and the whole hall immediately became noisy “ I love you Kira. a boy squealed and I scoffed I stared at her as she walked in with the same girls of yesterday she was wearing a very skimpy gown and I must admit she really looked beautiful They all walked over to the judges seat and sat down gracefully . Why must she be the judge again? she is nothing but a rude brat * * Chase Delgado * * The sound of my phone ringing jolted me out of sleep Damn! I cursed I received the call without confirming the caller was “hello! I grunted Chase! don’t tell me you are still on bed? a voice asked Who is this? “It is me Dave, your manager”. he replied Oh! I am sorry , I never knew you were the one “It is alright”. he need to come over to the music school Why?i frowned , can’t I just take the day off No Chase, he replied and hanged up * * I dragged myself up from the bed, went into the bathroom to freshen up and returned to the room when I was done I dressed up in an all white outfit, picked up my car keys from the stool beside the bed and headed downstairs * I met Nick’s mother seated all alone in the sitting room with her eyes glued to her phone Good morning ma! I greeted She looked up at me and scoffed Bastard! She cursed, how dare you open your filthy mouth to greet me. She glared at me “I am sorry. I apologised and walked out of the sitting room Why does she hate me so much? I wondered * * Candace Noah * The first girl was called up to the front of the hall .. What is you name? Kira asked without looking at her Ciiarra Sancheeeezzz. She stuttered What song are you singing? “Merry time by bald gold , she replied “Go on with it”. Kira instructed and the girl started singing with an off key tune Oh my gawd! Loretta exclaimed, This is so bad Very very bad, I drawled Stop! Kira yelled and the girl immediately stop singing What the hell are you singing? Kira scoffed “I am am sorry. the girl stuttered “Get out . Kira barked , you are not meant to be here The girl bursted into tears as she ran out of the room * I almost peed on my pants when I was called Next What! I exclaimed “You can do it candy. Loretta encouraged giving me a small smile I stood up , picked my guitar from the floor and walked over to the front What is your name? Kira asked staring at me Candace Noah, I replied What song are you singing? “Forever Young by Pete Seeger” Good! Let us hear you sing I tuned the guitar and started to sing * ????????????? * May God bless and keep you always * May your wishes all come true * May you always do good for others * May you build a ladder to your stars * And climb on every rung * May you stay forever you , may you stay for............ * “Stop. Kira yelled and I immediately stopped I felt my heart racing fast What did I do? I wondered She looked and me and scoffed Are you sure you are singing a Pete Seeger song? She asked I nodded sheepishly Then why the hell did you make use of a high pitched voice? she grinned evilly “But Kira she sang the song even better than Pete Seeger”. one of the celebrity girl defended me “Shut up. she barked at her and turned to look at me Why did you make use of a high pitched voice? she repeated I tried to talk but no sound came out “You are disqualified from this competition . She informed and the whole hall became quiet But why? Miss Brenda asked , she didn’t do anything wrong in fact I was mesmerised with her voice “I am the main Judge here miss Brenda, she drawled What are you still doing here? she asked facing me...... Get out I picked my guitar and ran out of the hall as tears streak down my face...... Is this really the end of my dreams? I wondered running and bumped into someone “ I am sorry , I apologised looking up and gasped in surprise when I met the gaze of Chase Chase! I called wiping the tears from my eyes he stared at me without saying anything “I am really sorry”. I bowed before turning to go and he caught me by my arm “Chase erm I mean Sir Chase. I stuttered Why are you crying? he asked Nothing, I lied I said why are you crying? he repeated “The competition”. I said as tears flowed freely down my face What happened to it? he asked “I was judged unfairly, I replied Do you sing? he asked and I nodded he was quiet for a while If I ask you to try again, will you? What!! I exclaimed in surprise Will you? he repeated and I nodded Come with me,he instructed taking my hands into his as we headed to the hall ignoring the stares and whispers of everyone around.......... * * This Kira na wa oo * TBC
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