happy again

1420 Words
Chase Delgado * * I was heading to the record studio when a girl bumped into me “I am sorry “. She apologised looking up at me and I immediately recognised her . She was the girl I met at the orphanage,the girl that motivated me with her words, she was my first fan...... but why is she crying? I wondered She mumbled an apology and was about to leave when I caught her by the arm Why are you crying? I asked Nothing I said why are you crying? I repeated The competition, she replied What happened to it? I asked confusedly I was judged unfairly, she repeated Do you sing? I asked and she nodded while sniffing Seeing the way she was crying, i knew the competition meant a lot to her so I decided to help her out If I ask you to try again, will you? I asked staring intently at her What!! she exclaimed Will you? I repeated and she nodded Good! I exclaimed taking her hands into mine as we headed to the hall............ * * I pushed the door to the hall opened and we walked in All eyes turned to look at us and I heard people calling my name in whispers Why do they all look scared? Is this a competition or a t*****e room Sir Chase! Mrs Brenda called while running towards me , what are you doing here? Are you the judge of the competition? I asked ignoring here question She shook her head negatively Then who is? “Kira. she replied pointing to Kira who was staring blankly at me I let go of the girl hand and walked towards Kira Chase! she called , why are you here with her? She frowned “I want to see her perform. I replied “What do you mean by that Chase? she has been disqualified”. She yelled Disqualified? What did she do? I asked “She could not not siiinnnnngg “. she stuttered “That is a big fat lie”. Mr Brenda retorted ,the girl has an angelic voice I looked at Kira and scoffed , it was obvious she was the one lying Brenda! I called Yes sir, she responded looking at me I want to hear all of them sing and I want them Judged fairly Are you going to Judge them? She asked “No . I replied, Kira will and I am sure she won’t Judge unfairly this time around or will you? I asked facing her She shook her head negatively Fine! I drawled , start the competition all over again * * Candace Noah * * Did I just hear right? I will be given another chance to sing Oh candy! you are one lucky girl I walked towards Loretta and sat down beside her Oh candy! I am so happy for you. She beamed , how did you get to meet Chase? I will tell you about it after the competition”. I promised and she nodded * * The first to be called to the front was the barbie girl Your name please? Kira asked “Tiffany Moses”. She replied What song are you singing? Love me again by Diana May”. She replied “Go on with it .she instructed She started singing and I must admit she got a beautiful voice * * The second person to be called to the front was Loretta “You can do it Loretta”. I encouraged her and she smiled She walked up to the front and gave all her best * * I waited for about two hours before I was called up to the front , in fact I was the only one remaining to sing I took a deep breath before walking up to the front I was really nervous but I knew this was the only chance I have got Name? Kira asked “Candace Noah. I replied glancing at Chase who was seated beside Kira “You can go on with your song. She drawled * I tuned my guitar with my eyes closed and started singing * ???????????? * May God bless and keep you always * May all your wishes all come true * May you always do for others * And a lot others will do for you *’ May you build a ladder to your stars * And climb on every rung * May you stay forever young, forever young * May you stay forever young....... * * I heard cheering and clapping when I was done and opened my eyes to see almost everyone clapping I turned to look at Chase and he gave me a small smile He stood up and whispered something to Kira before leaving the hall..... I just pray everything goes well.... * * I felt my heart beating loudly when the witch was about to announce the result “I am really nervous! Loretta said holding my hands tightly “We will make it. I assured her “ * If your name is being called, please go over to the next room”. Kira informed and soon started calling the names Nick Jonas Benita Gold Tiffany Moses Adams Jeff Ciara Daniels Loretta Samuels Ben Castillo Philip James Marimba Dan She paused and sighed before calling the last name which was mine Candace Noah * I screamed and hugged Loretta when I heard my name I could not believe it, I really could not believe it “I am so happy. Loretta beamed as we jumped excitedly Me too...... * We met no one in the next room when we got there We walked over to the front row and sat down So can you tell me how you met Chase? Loretta asked “I didn’t meet him, I bumped into him .I replied Just like that? She asked and I nodded “Well that is hard to believe because he acted like he knows you before now” Why did you say so? I asked Can’t you see the way he held your hands and stood up for you?. I felt someone tug at my clothes and I turned to look I was surprised to see barbie smiling at me hi Candace! she greeted sitting beside me , I am Tiffany “Just call me candy. I informed and she smiled How can I help you? I asked “I just want to be your friend, she grinned Friends? Why?i asked “Because you are a friend to Chase . she replied Really? I scoffed and she nodded Can you please....... she stopped when a fat man on suit walked in Why are the men here always on suit? I wondered * Good afternoon! the man greeted, I am Mr George and I am in charge of the third phase competition He looked around to make sure we were all listening before he continued The stage would be the easier, you will perform a song written by you “Wow! this is great. I remarked and you are all going to be Judged by top celebrities What!!!! I exclaimed loudly and the man turned to look at me Do you have a problem with that miss? he asked No, I replied Good! this is a school that mould its students into celebrities so we are looking for the best five Do anyone have a question? he asked I do, Tiffany raised her hands What is it? the man asked “Will Chase be present? She asked grinning The man looked at her and laughed. he will be present if he is not busy Yippee! she exclaimed excitedly I frowned at her Why is she so excited about my Chase? * * I bade Loretta and headed to the bus station I was so excited about today. Chase stood up for me, my crush stood up for me I thought about his gaze on me and smiled sheepishly How I wish I can see him again? I stood at the station waiting for a taxi when a white sport car stopped in front of me Who is this? I wondered Candy! a voice called winding the glass down I tilted my head to get a clearer look at the person and gasped in shock when I saw Chase... Sir Chase! I called “Get in “. he instructed What? I asked in surprise “I said get in. he repeated” I opened the car door and hopped into the front seat Are you happily now?he asked and I nodded Wait a minute! how did he know I made it through this round? or is he........ Where are you headed to? he asked distracting me from my thoughts home, I replied And where is your home? Are you planning on driving me home? I asked in surprise Is there a crime in that? he asked I shook my head negatively Good! So tell me where you live? he asked “Diamond block”. I replied and he nodded Is this for real? I asked pinching my self a little Oh candy! You are really so lucky...... * * TBC
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