Famed 2

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Candace Noah . . I stared confusedly at the paper I was holding Forever young by Pete Seeger , who the hell is he? I turned to look at Loretta , she was also staring blankly at the paper she was holding Do you know of any Pete Seeger? I asked her She shook her head negatively. I am confused here as well , who is BB kings? I don’t know neither, I shrug I brought out my phone from my pocket and searched for Pete Seeger . I gasped in surprise at what I saw What is it? Loretta asked giving me a curious look Pete Seeger is a singer from the 20th century Oh my gawd! She exclaimed. Does that mean they want us to sing a song from the 20th century? I think so, this is really gonna be tough This is not fair! She whined .how did they expect us to learn such an old song? We will just have to try dear, that is the only way we can make it through this round ... * * I bade Loretta and headed to the taxi station . I was having a mixed feeling about the whole thing I was happy I made it through the first round at the same time worried about how I would learn the song “ forever young” by Pete Seeger within a day This is really crazy! I flagged down a taxi and got into in Harmony block. I called and the driver nodded before driving off.... * * I was surprised to see Zara seated with Max in the sitting room when I got home Zara! I called sitting on a stool beside her , when did you get here? I came immediately after school, she replied grinning. how was the competition? It was fine, I sighed Are you sure? She asked, what is with the gloomy expression? I passed the first phase but the second phase seems to be very tough What do you mean by phase? She asked confusedly, I thought it was an interview “It is way tougher that an interview “ So What is tough about the second phase? Pete Seeger Pete Seeger! Who is that? A 20th century singer, I replied and she scoffed So? She asked confusedly I was asked to sing one of his songs titled forever young, I drawled You got to be kidding me! She exclaimed, how do they expect you to get the song? I can easily get it from a music site but I am more worried about the short period I have to learn the song Which is? She asked A day , how will I learn it when I have to go to school tomorrow? You can take the day off, she suggested What about tomorrow’s tests? You know ...... I will take it for you, she replied cutting in.The teacher won’t take notice since we are much in class Really? I asked in surprise She nodded Thanks baby, I appreciated so gist me about today’s competition It was great, I beamed happily.... guess who was the main Judge Who? It was your Kira, I drawled and she screamed loudly Can you pleeeeeaassse keep your voice down? Max pleaded, I am trying to study Sorry max, Zara apologised , I was just too excited .so how was she like? She asked facing me I don’t know , I shrug What did she say? Did you collect her autograph? She asked rushingly Autograph my foot, she is nothing but a rude spoilt brat . That is a mean thing to say, Kira is an angel. Zara defended Whatever, I rolled my eyes She stared at me for a while and smiled What about Chase? Did you see him No, I grunted . Why are you even asking about him? I frowned Because I am his fan, she replied. Oh yeah, I drawled ..................... * * Chase Delgado * * I drove over to cumulus media house for interview with my manager after the wedding ceremony of my parent My phone suddenly buzzed , it was an incoming call from an unknown number I instructed my manager to receive it and he did... * Chase! he called after ending the call Who was that? I asked The manager of Rowland media , he replied What does he want? I asked An interview with you Not today, I am tired . I drawled and he nodded I will reschedule the meeting Fine! I mumbled, I really need to get a private line * * I parked in front of the media house and was surprised to see a lot of people waiting outside . Some were wearing clothes with my names on it Others were holding a banner with either my name or pictures on it Is this for real? I alighted from the car and they all tried to run towards me but was blocked by the securities of the media house I love you chase You are so cute Be my date for a night Just look at me chase I love you so much Chase They kept on screaming my name till I got into the building * Welcome Sir Chase! a lady ran towards us immediately we walked in Thanks, I smiled. Where will the interview be holding? Over here, she said leading us to the interview room * I am honoured to have you here Mr Delgado. A man on suit greeted when we got into the room And you are? Pardon my manners , I am Mr Prado the CEO of Cumulus media house . Alright, I nodded . Can we get started with interview? Sure, he replied He led me over to a seat and signalled the camera men to begin capturing it is nice having you here at Cumulus studio, he started Thanks, I smiled I will love to ask you few questions about your success in the music industry if it is okay by you “You can go on, I agreed and he smiled What motivated you to start singing? he asked I can’t really say because singing has always been my dream Then why didn’t you start earlier? he asked I was busy with other stuffs, I replied and he nodded The Delgado’s are known for music, can that be the reason why you are your elder brother voices are similar?i mean were you both trained to use similar voices Maybe , I replied and he gave me a puzzled look before asking the next question What inspired you to write the song “ only you”, is it a song meant for your girlfriend? Girlfriend? I asked laughing, I don’t have one Really? he asked, i am sure your female fans will be so happy to hear this When do you intend releasing another song? Soon, I replied how soon? he asked Very soon ....... * * I walked out of the interview room after I was done with the interview and was surprised to see Kira waiting outside the room Kira! I called smiling, Are you also here for an interview? She shook her head negatively Then why are you here? because of you , she replied Me? Why? I asked in surprise What do you mean why? Is it bad to check on a friend? I never said it was bad. What I meant to say........ Does it make any difference? She asked cutting in Not really, I replied and she flashed me a smile Can we go somewhere to have fun? She smiled I am sorry I can’t Why? I am so tired Please just for today, she pleaded I really can’t....... Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaassaaeee” Fine, I agreed and she smiled * * Nick Delgado * * I paced up and down the room after watching Chase’s interview on the television Damn, I cursed. he is getting more famous day by day What will I do? What will I do about my voice? how will my fans react if they find out I can’t sing? I need a replacement, I can’t let chase overshadow me...... * * This is getting tougher . . TBC
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