
2006 Words
Candace Noah * * Candy! Candy! I heard my dad called, you are running late I am almost done. I hurriedly plaited my hair into a bun and applied little makeup. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and was satisfied with my look. I was putting on a short blue gown on a black sandals. It was the day of the interview and I had to look my best I sling my backpack across my shoulders, grabbed my guitar and headed to the sitting room * * I met dad seated alone in the sitting room with his eyes glued to his phone I am ready! I announced and he looked up at me Finally, he sighed . so can we go now? I nodded We walked out of the house, got into the car and drove off * * I prayed silently as my dad drove me over to Delgado music school I prayed for success in the interview, I just wish everything goes on well Princess! dad called distracting me from my thoughts I turned to look at him Are you alright?he asked I don’t know dad, I shrug It will be alright, he assured taking my hands into his and giving it a gentle squeeze... * * We soon got to the music school and I was surprised at how huge it was I mean it was way bigger than how I expected it to be ... Dad! Is this really where the interview will hold? Yes Princess, why did you ask? I am really nervous Calm down candy , just give you best shot and I am very sure you will be chosen Really dad? Yes dear, I have listened to you sing and am very sure the judges won’t be able to resist your angelic voice Thanks dad, I smiled You are always welcome Princess I gave out a heavy sigh before alighting from the car . I waved at my dad as he drove off.... * * I braced up and walked into the school compound The school was so huge that I got really confused of the direction to take I spotted a lady coming my way and decided to ask her for directions I walked towards her smiling Good morning! I greeted .i am new here and ........ You are here for the interview. She completed and I nodded Can you please direct me? I pleaded Sure, she replied. walk into the building and climb up the stairs to the second floor.The school hall is at the extreme end Thanks, I appreciated * * I followed her direction and soon got to hallway This school is so beautiful! I remarked walking through the hall way The floors were marbled and the doors to the class room were made with glasses ... * I stood in front of the school hall and sighed before pushing the door opened Oh my gawd! I exclaimed in shock at the number of students I saw seated in the hall Are they all here for the interview? I wondered I walked in feeling more nervous and sat at the back row Morning! I greeted the girl beside me .she looked at me and smiled Hi, I am Loretta and you are? Candace, I replied but you can call me candy Candy! She called smiling Have the interview started? I asked She shook her head negatively. They are yet to start Oh! I exclaimed The hall door creaked opened and a girl dressed like a barbie doll walked in. She was playing Chase music and most of the students turned to look at her I really love Chase! Loretta remarked smiling , I can’t wait to go to his concert I looked at her and smiled They all love my Chase , did I just say my Chase?oh candy! you need to wake up from your dreams ......... * The hall immediately became quiet when a woman came out from the next room to address us Good morning everyone, I am Brenda and I am here to pass an information before the interview starts , she started She looked around to make sure we were all listening before she continued This interview is like a competition and it comes in three phases . The first phase will start in a short while and we will be selecting only 25 students from this phase What!! Only twenty- five students, I thought within. how can it be possible? when the student present are more than an hundred............. You all must go in with your scholarship form as a proof that you really need to be here, is it clear to you? Yes ma, we chorused When are we going to start the interview? I heard someone asked We will start as soon as the judges of the day arrives .she replied Candy! Loretta called I turned to look at her,she was obviously nervous I don’t think I will make it through the first round, she said with a hoarse voice Why? I asked I do mess up whenever I am really nervous I took her hands into mine and squeezed it lightly Don’t say that , I am sure you will do better. I assured She was about to say something when the whole hall became very noisy Kira! Kira! I heard the voices of people squealing in delight I felt my Jaws dropped when Kira and two other infamous celebrities walked in surrounded by body guards Is this for real? I wondered pinching my cheek to be sure i was not dreaming Kira is really here and she is going to be the main Judge ...... * * We were soon called in one by one and I was getting more nervous I brought out my scholarship form from my backpack and prayed silently I stared in pity at a girl who came out of the interview room crying Is it really that though? I wondered Next, I heard the woman called and I turned to look at Loretta Loretta! I called but there was no response from her It is your turn Loretta ,I tapped her gently Really? She asked jolting up and I nodded She gave me a small smile before running into the interview room I pray she performs well! * I smiled when Loretta came out from the room with a big smile across her face Next, the woman called and I sighed before standing up I prayed silently as I walked quickly to the interview room * * I entered the room and closed the door silently behind me Hi, I greeted Kira and the two other celebrities Your name? Kira asked without sparing me a glance I am Candace Noah, a huge fan of yours. I replied grinning She looked up at me and scoffed I asked only for you name dummy? But I just....... Can you please just shut up, she barked and I bowed my head in shame What are you singing? She asked “Only you” by Chase Really? She scoffed, how did you get to learn a song that was only released yesterday? I looked up at her without saying anything I can see you are one of those girls that foolishly falls in love with celebrities, she said eyeing me Start singing, she drawled I cleared my throat and started singing * * ???????????? * My tears remember * It fills up you seat again * I try erasing but I can’t erase you You have become my everything * Oh you, I can’t see you I can’t hear you But I am okay * Good byes are sad My heart aches * But if you are happy , it you can smile , then I can smile too * I will miss you The more I will erase you * I will shed more tears than today * Like fate I won’t have any one like you........ * I rounded up the song and the two other celebrities applauded “ you have an angelic voice! One of them remarked, you just need to work on some notes Thanks, I smiled You can go, Kira drawled and I bowed before leaving Gosh! She is so proud * * I walked over to my seat and Flashed Loretta a smile before sitting How was it? She asked Fine , I replied grinning. I can’t wait to hear the results Me too....... * * Chase Delgado * * I smiled watching my parent sign their wedding certificate and the marriage register It was a court wedding attended by me and a man dad introduced to me as my new manager Congratulations mum! I hugged her No one will ever call you a mistress again , I whispered into her ears She disengaged from the hug and caressed my face warmly I was happy she was happy........ * We walked out of the court and I was surprised to see a lot of reporters waiting outside Who are they here for? I wondered Chase! You are finally out, they called while running towards me What me? How do you feel having more than a million view in less than an 24 hours? a fat woman asked What motivated you in writing your hit song? another asked I stared at them gobsmacked as they all continued to ask questions I turned look at my dad and he smiled Is that what it feels like to be a celebrity? * * Candace Noah * * The whole room was silent as a grave yard as we all waited patiently for the result I took a deep breath when miss Brenda came out of the interview room holding a long piece of paper That is the result, Loretta informed holding my hands tightly You all performed brilliantly but like I said earlier on only twenty five people will pass through to the second phase, Miss Brenda announced So if you hear your name , you are among the lucky few that was chosen I felt my heart beating faster when she started calling the names. * She called the first twenty names and paused to receive a call I looked at Loretta and sighed , neither of our names were there Do you think we will make it? Loretta asked worriedly Don’t loose hope, I assured her “I am sorry for that , Miss Brenda apologised when she was done with the call And the remaining five on the list are Tiffany Moses Ben Castillo Candace Noah Loretta Samuels Philip James I jumped up in excitement when I heard my name We made it! We made it! Loretta screamed hugging me Yes dear we made it, I squealed in excitement All those chosen should please go over to hall 2, Miss Brenda informed and left * * I held Loretta as we walked over to hall2 This school is really beautiful! Loretta remarked Sure it is, I replied * I stared in awe as we walked into the hall, it was more beautiful that the first all A man on suit was seated in front obviously waiting for us We walked over to the front row and sat down Hello sir , I greeted the man and he smiled he made sure everyone of us were in the hall before he started talking Congratulations for passing through the first phase and welcome to the second phase The second phase is similar to the first phase but just with a slight difference How? the barbie faced girl asked What is your name young lady? the man asked Tiffany Moses, she replied grinning Tiffany! the man called , raise your hands next time if you have to ask a question. Is that clear? Yes sir , she drawled Good! so in this stage , you will be singing a song I selected Wow! I exclaimed And we will be choosing only the best 10 This is gonna be tough! Loretta whispered So you are all gonna to go out and pick a paper from the box at the entrance of the class ,you will be singing the song written on the paper you pick ... I raised up my hands and he nodded Are we going to sing today? I asked No, he replied. You will all be singing on Thursday........ * * TBC
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