Chase Dreams becomes true

1843 Words
Candace Noah . . I woke up very early the next Day. It was a practical day and I had to be in class so early I looked at Max who was still snoring and tapped him gently “Wake up kiddo or you will be late to school” he steered in his sleep mumbling some words and continued snoring Is he kidding me? I stood on the bed and kicked his butt Ooooouc! he exclaimed jolting up from sleep Why did you do that? he frowned rubbing his butt That is to teach you to be an early riser. I replied grinning Crazy! I heard him muttered I jumped down from the bed and went over to the wardrobe to bring out my uniform I placed my uniform on the ironing table, plugged in the iron and started ironing Are you going to Delgado music high today? Max asked while watching me iron my uniform How did you know about it? I asked, you were already asleep when Father broke the news to me I wasn’t really sleeping so I overheard it I looked at him and smirked So are you going today?he repeated No the interview will take place tomorrow. I replied After the interview, what next? I don’t know. I shrugged . But if you ............ Max! I called , go and take your bath But I just ...... Just go Max. I instructed Fine. he sighed He dragged himself out of bed and went over to the bathroom Lazy boy! I plugged out the iron when I was done ironing and placed it gently on the floor . I pulled off my clothes and wrapped my towel around me Max! I called loudly, what are you doing in........ I am done! he announced returning to the room with his briefs on Were you planning on sleeping in there? I drawled Just go and bath. he frowned I smiled at him, he was obviously still angry with me for ignoring his questions * I went into the bathroom to freshen up and returned to the room when I was done Max was not in the room, I guess he was done dressing I quickly changed into my uniform, put on my shoes , grabbed my back and headed to the sitting room * I met my mum and Max eating in the sitting room “Good morning mum! I greeted Morning Candy! She greeted smiling, how was your night? Fine mum . I replied and she smiled Have your seat let me go get your breakfast Don’t worry mom I will pass, I will get something at the school cafeteria Do you have enough money? Not really but I will manage the one I have Alright dear I was about leaving the house when she called me I turned to look at her and was surprised to see tears streaming down her face Are you alright mum? I asked She nodded. I am just happy for you, I am happy you finally got a chance to show you talent Mum! I called softly I am sorry baby for everything. She apologised, I was not happy with your grades and I wanted you to improve .. I understand mum.I assured her Thanks dear. She said pulling me into a hug I will be your number one fan. She whispered Into my ears and I smiled ...... * * I got to school feeling excited about everything I walked to my class humming my favourite song titled “my only hope” by Nick * I walked into the noisy classroom and smiled when I saw Zara busy with her books as usual Zara! Zara! I called while walking towards her hey candy! she greeted , what is up? you look really excited Of course I am. I replied grinning , my dad got me the scholarship form of Delgado music school,I whispered Are you serious? she asked Yes friend, I will be a scholarship student of Delgado music school if I get to pass the interview How did your dad get the form? She asked in whispers his boss is a top staff of the school and Guess what? he is also Kira father Kira Montez? She screamed aloud and the whole class turned to look at her What happened to Kira? Mia asked, she is the principal daughter and loved making fun of others It is none of your business. Zara retorted and she scoffed Crazy! She cursed Don’t mind her. I said to Zara who was still glaring at Mia and she smiled So what were we saying , do you mean you will also get to see your Nick?she teased I don’t know. I shrug Why? She asked, I bet you will see him because he goes there Sure, I drawled . how will I explain to her that I wish to see someone else and not Nick? * * I went over to my seat when the chemistry teacher walked into the class I dislike the teacher because I hated the subject In fact I dislike all the teachers because I hated all the subjects * The whole class became quiet when he started teaching I stared blankly at the board not understanding a single thing I sighed as my mind drifted off to the cute guy, I thought about his cute smiles, his black hair , his sea blue eyes ....... Chase! Will I ever see you again ? * * Chase Delgado . . I stretched when I woke up and was surprised to see my mom sleeping beside me When did she get here? I wondered I pecked her lightly on her cheek before standing up from the bed I walked into to the bathroom to freshen up and returned to the room when I was done I went over to the wardrobe and changed into a blue jean and a red hoodie I sat on the bed to put on my shoes when I felt someone tug at my clothes I turned back and smiled when I saw my mom already awake Good morning mom! I greeted and she smiled I am going over to the studio with Dad. I informed and she smiled widely Mum you gonna have a tear if you continue smiling like that. I teased staring at her face She nodded smiling as tears streaked down her face She was happy and I knew it Mum! I called taking her two hands into mine . I am going to become successful and I will make sure no one mock or taunt you again She nodded smiling I need to get going now. I informed while standing See ya later . I waved and walked out of the room * * I met my dad and Nick’s mother arguing in the sitting room and they stopped immediately they saw me It was to late as I heard most of the things they said Nick’s mum was trying to persuade my dad to forget about the son of the maid, which was me but my dad warned her not to call me that again “ I am ready Dad! I informed and he smiled Bastard! Nick mom cursed at me before heading up the stairs Don’t mind her son, she is just being jealous I know Can we go now? he asked Sure. I replied........ * * We soon got to the Delgado music school and my dad parked in the parking lot meant for VIP We alighted from the car and walked in together I was surprised to see most of the students staring at me Why are they all staring? I wondered * There were six men and two ladies in the studio when we walked in Sir Chase! one of the lady called , I am Brenda and it nice finally getting to meet you. Your dad has told us all about you and we are so eager to work with you Thanks! I appreciated I wonder why your brother Nick choose to record in another studio. She continued, do you have an Idea why he does that? That is his headache, My dad replied . Can we get start recording? “Sure, she replied and instructed the others to get ready I guess she is the boss here She led me to a glass room and instructed me on what to do Do you understand? She asked and I nodded Start singing when the blue light turns red. She instructed and walked out of the glass room I watched the light and started singing immediately it turned red. I sang a love song I composed titled “only you “without even knowing why * * ????????????? * My tears remember * It fills up your seat * I try erasing you but I can’t erase you * You have become my everything * Oh you, I can’t see you I can’t hear you But I am okay * Goodbyes are sad My heart aches * But if you are happy ,if you can smile then I will be okay * I will miss you The more I erase you * I will shed more tears than today * By fate I won’t have anyone like you * Only you only you * I just hope you are happy........... * * I removed the head phone when I was done singing and heard the applauds of everyone in the studio I smiled walking out of the glass room and they all kept on applauding “You are a born celebrity! one of the men remarked, where have you been hiding since? Chase! my dad called coming closer to me, you did a good job I never knew you were this good. he said as tears rolled down his eyes I looked at him in surprise, I have never seen him cry before Dad! I called softly and he chuckled “Where did the idea of the song come from? he asked wiping his tears, have you ever been in love before? I shook my head and he smiled When should we release the song? Brenda asked smile , the song is remarkable.... but wait a minute. you voice is so similar to Nick’s , is it a kind of brotherly connection? Maybe . I replied smiling Brenda! my dad called , I want the song released now Sure . She replied and signalled at the men Why so soon? I asked my dad Because the song is too good to be delayed . he replied grinning The door suddenly flung opened and Nick stormed into the room How could you dad? he yelled, how could you choose this illegitimate bastard over me your legitimate son? How do you expect me to choose between my two sons? Dad asked , I am just trying to be fair to both of you because I love you both How can your bastard and I share the same spot in your heart? Shut up Nick! Dad barked , he is not a bastard and I will make sure no one calls his illegitimate again What do you mean dad? Nick asked frowning “I plan on marrying his mother legally and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Dad replied and I gasped in surprise Dad! I called softly, do you really mean it Yes. he replied smiling Done! Brenda announced loudly , the song have been released What!! Nick exclaimed loudly, this cant be happening......: . . Awwww! Congrats Chase . . TBC
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