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Chase Delgado * * Nick gasped in shock immediately he heard my song have been released I looked at him and scoffed, he was so self-centred how can you do this? he yelled to no one in particular and stormed out of the room Is Nick alright? Brenda asked facing me and I nodded Then why did he act like that? Is he jealous or something? I don’t know. I shrug Are you alright dad? I asked my dad while studying him, he was looking kind of tensed I am alright son,he assured. I ought to be the one asking if you are alright I am dad, I replied smiling. You really made my day how? he asked “For helping me with my dreams and also agreeing to marry mother” he smiled I should have done that a long time ago but I was selfishly worried about how Nick would react without even thinking about you. I know I have not been a good father to you and I am so sorry for everything It is alright. I smiled Wow! Wow! Wow! one of the men suddenly exclaimed loudly What is it? my dad asked Chase’s song got five thousand views in less than 20 minutes. he replied and was immediately surrounded by his workmates Wow! Brenda exclaimed, this is unbelievable I stared at them without saying anything Your Song is gonna be....... he stopped when his phone rang and he immediately received it I brought out my phone from my pocket and searched for my name , I was surprised to see the number of views Unbelievable! I muttered, I never expected my fame to be so fast... Sir chase! Brenda called distracting me from my thoughts I looked at her and smiled Can I be your number one fan? she asked smiling I shook my head negatively Why?she frowned because the space is already taken I thought about the girl and smiled. What is her name ? I tried to remember but could not.... * * Candace Noah * * I bowed my head in shame as the principal scolded at me What exactly is wrong with you? he frowned. This is the second time a teacher has reported you today for being so unserious in class,what is wrong? Nothing sir, I replied and he sighed Do you enjoy failing? I shook my head negatively Then get serious with your studies, listen attentively in class. he advised You are in your final year and studying should be your priority Alright sir. I muttered Any more complaints about you will attract a detention, he warned . Is that clear? Yes sir. I replied You can go to you class. he instructed I walked out of his office feeling like a complete failure * I walked into the class feeling gloomy . i noticed everyone in class were looking at their phone with their headphones over their ears Weird! I muttered I went over to my seat and sat down, I was in no mood to talk the anyone I placed my head on the table as I thought about the warning the principal gave me Why are you so dull candy? I asked my self Candy!I heard Zara called I wiped the tears from my face before looking up at her What is wrong?she asked staring at my face, what did the principal say to you? Was he harsh? I shook my head negatively Then why are you looking all gloomy? she asked sitting on my table The principal scolded me for being so unserious in class , I pouted . I really don’t know what I should do What if I help you study? She suggested Really? I beamed excitedly She nodded Thanks friend , I appreciated and she smiled Have you listened to the song that Delgado record released today?she suddenly asked No, I shook my head. What song? “This. She said increasing the volume of her phone I listened to music smiling, I really loved it. Nick is really good! I remarked Nick? Zara scoffed, the voice might be similar to that of Nick’s but he is not the singer Are you kidding me now? I frowned Why would I? If Nick is not the singer then who sang it? Nick’s younger brother, she replied wriggling her body to the beat of the song And doesn’t he have a name? Chase, his name is Chase Delgado....... Chase! I exclaimed ,Are you for real? She nodded. Do you know him? Yes, I am his number one fan. I replied grinning * * I listened to the lyrics on the song and kept on playing the song all over and over again I so much loved it , I never knew he was this good Aren’t you going home or do you want to sleep in school? Zara asked tapping the table When did you get here? I asked in surprise I have been standing here for a while now but you were to engrossed with the song to notice me I am sorry, I sighed I sling my back pack over my shoulders and stood up Can we go now? She asked and I nodded We walked out of the school holding hands How did you know Chase? She suddenly asked I smiled knowing she would ask me about him “I don’t really know him but I met him once” Where? At the orphanage Really? She asked, how I wish I could see him also I looked at her in surprise. I thought you promised to be loyal to Kira alone I know but Chase is so different , his voice is so magical and he is really cute......... Oh yeah, I drawled * I met my brother eating his lunch when I got home Welcome Candy! he greeted flashing me a smile What is with smile? I asked curiously Just go into the room and see for yourself.. * I pushed the door to the room opened and walked in The brand new guitar on the bed suddenly caught my attention Is this really for me?I wondered walking towards the bed I picked up the beautiful red guitar and a paper fell from it I picked up the paper and turned it over, there was a note on it I read the note out loud and a smiled “Baby! Your guitar was too old so I decided to get a new one. So follow your dreams, believe in yourself and never give up. Remember mum always got your back... Thanks so much mum! * * Chase Delgado * * My dad parked in front of the mansion and instructed me to go in Are you going somewhere? I asked Yes son , he replied. I need to go over to the courthouse to make preparation for the wedding tomorrow Alright dad. I smiled I alighted from the car and he drove off * I knocked on the huge gate and it was immediately opened by the security Welcome sir! he greeted opening the gate wider I gave him a small smile and walked into the house * I was surprised to see Nick laying on the sofa drunk There were few bottles scattered in front of him I shook my head in pity and headed upstairs to mother room I pushed the door to her room opened and walked in She was reading a book Mum! I called while walking towards her She looked up at me and gave me a curious look I knew she wanted to know how it all went They all like my song mother , they really do love it . I said and she smiled Guess what mother! She gave me a puzzled look You will soon become a Delgado, You will get married to Dad tomorrow....... * * We move . TBC
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