Beginning of Dreams

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Candace Noah * * I snapped out of my thought when i felt a hand tug at my clothes I turned to look and shuddered a little when I met the angry gaze of the head nun “Come with me to my office” She instructed walking out of the room and I followed behind her . She pushed the door to her office opened and we walked in. I looked around the office admiring it and a huge sculpture of Mother Mary and Jesus caught my attention, It was really beautiful . “Miss Noah! the head nun called and I turned to look at her “ Are you tired of working here? She asked and I shook my head “Then why were you late? “I had to take extra lessons because I failed to solve an equation, I explained. I promise it won’t happen again “Promise? I gave you my rules before employing you and you went against it so why do you think I will believe you again? Please ma, just give me one more chance, I pleaded. I promise it won’t happen again , I so much love this Job Fine ,She signed . You can go but if this repeat itself I won’t hesitate to fire you “Thanks ma. I appreciated ..... * I went over to the music room hoping to see the cute guy but was disappointed when I met no one in the room I walked out of the building and smiled when I saw him leaning on the black sport car with his eyes glued to his phone Wait a minute! Is that his car?if it is, does it mean he is a Delgado? * I walked nervously towards him hi, I greeted hi, he greeted meeting my gaze. I am Candy, I introduced stretching my hands he looked at my hands and smirked What do you want? “ I want you erm ... I want us to be friends”.I stuttered Friends? Why would I want to be friend with someone I don’t know?he asked gazing intently at me Fine, if I can’t be your friend, can I be a fan? Fan?he asked laughing, I am not a celebrity “You can be one if you want to, you have a great voice all you just need is determination. I said and I heard him sigh Thanks “It is nothing, I can I be your fan? He stared at me for a while and smiled “I am chase , it was really meeting you”... * Chase Delgado * I smiled thinking about the girl words when she left. She was right ,all I really need is determination Chase! my aunt called distracting me from my thoughts. What were you thinking about? Nothing ma Are you sure? She asked worriedly. I was here for a while but you didn’t noticed I guess I got bored waiting for you. I drawled I am sorry for keeping you waiting. She apologised, I had to take care of some things It is alright aunt, I assured her. Fine, tell your mother I will come see her soon Alright aunt . I hugged her I got into the car and drove off heading for home.. * * I drove into the mansion and parked in the garage I alighted from the car and walked into the house I met Nick in the sitting room with one of his bitch hi brother. he greeted smiling, where have you been? “out. I replied Out to where ? “It is none of your business. I replied” how dare you talk back at me. he yelled while standing up “Baby please Calm down.his b***h pleaded “Shut up. he barked and she recoiled in fear How dare you talk back at me. he repeated , do you know who I am? And can you please tell me who you are? I asked in sarcasm I am Nick Delgado, the country most popular singer” Are you really sure about that? I asked What do you mean? Nothing. I replied, just continue with your fun... * I headed up the stairs to my father’s room I knock on the door to his room and waited till he asked me to come in I pushed the door opened and walked in. he was busy with some files Chase! he called while studying me. Is anything the matter? I am ready . I sighed , I am ready to Sing on the big stage Are you for real?he asked standing up I nodded Can you help me realise my Dreams? Of course son, you made the decision and I am very proud of you We will start recording as soon as possible.... * * Candace Noah * *’ I walked back home thinking about only one person..... Chase I can’t believe he agreed to make me his number one fan, ain’t I lucky!...... but how am I going to get to see him again, I forgot to collect his number Oh candy! you are so dumb * It was quite late when I got home. I pushed the door opened and walked in I met my mom and dad in the sitting room, “Candy! my mom called smiling, how was work? I looked at her in surprise. I was expecting her to scold at me for coming home late I am fine mum, did anything good happen? I mean what is with all the smiles Princess! my dad called and I knew for sure there was a good news My dad only calls me Princess when he is in a good mood He picked up a paper from the stool beside him and handed it to me “What is this? I asked glancing through it . Is this for real Dad?. I asked as tears streaked down my face Yes Princess . he replied, I told my boss about your passion for music and gave me this form. “I couldn’t believe my dream is about to become a reality I stared at the paper I was holding , it was scholarship form to Delgado music school If I perform well at the interview, I might be among the lucky few to get into the school.. I guess this is just the beginning of my dreams......
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