Meeting the stranger with the mask

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Meg woke up screaming and covered in sweat. She didn't know what to think about the dreams she had been having lately and she didn't want to worry her parents who had been preparing to go for another adventure somewhere far. She didn't think the dreams were of meaning and the circular thing she picked never lit at night or day for that matter so she took it that she was paranoid or maybe still in shock. Lily was never the same since their last exploration where they met the inhumans and she never left the promises nor the house and her situation was beginning to draw unwanted attention. But either way, Meg had to act. She didn't want the situation to become worse than it is so that morning, she decided to head back to kloan the place they had last explored. She hoped that she would find the inhumans or else she was doomed. She set off early without informing anyone and by middle day, she was at the tree where she had tied the stranger. She began calling out but nothing was heard from the other side. So she thought that maybe they had migrated it moved back to their planet but little did she know that the inhumans were watching her but just decided not to respond. Their motivation was for her to become desperate and then she'll have no choice but to work for them. Meg continued her search but to no avail. She decided to head home but decided on it when she noticed something glittering at the end of the tree high in the branches. Her curiosity made her climb the tree but she found nothing when she got there. "Meg you're going insane. This is stupid" she told herself and this made someone above her snicker. She looked around one more time before heading down and back to the path that led to her home. She didn't want to show it but she was disappointed. Only when she did arrive did she feel something heating in her pocket. It was one of the main reasons the inhumans came to earth and unbeknownst to her, she was being followed by one of them. She didn't mind the hearing and continued her journey till she reached her room successfully dodging everyone apart from whiskers her cat. Of course she had forgotten about her beautiful creature the past days and seeing her now made her feel terrible for forgetting her. "Poor cat must be getting nightmares too" she thought to her self She picks Whiskers up and lays her on her bed while she's stroking her fur. The following days went by without any of the dreams that haunted her and its like everything became normal. Lily began exploring again only that this time, she went with her parents and she no longer felt insecure and jumpy in her room when the light flicked on fearing that the dreams would come true. Everything was perfect only that it was the calm before the storm That evening, she went in her room tired from all the work she had done today and she needed a shower badly. When she got to her room,she found whiskers eating something on the floor and she hadn't fed her so she became cautious. She ran over to whiskers and removed the food from her causing the cat to scowl at her and run towards her bed. "Ooh whiskers you shouldn't eat food that I have not given you. Its only me who should feed you" Meg said scratching whiskers tummy She sighed and went to bring her the food she usually eats not even glancing at the content her cat was eating thinking that maybe Lily had done it. She's always hated whiskers because they never got along even as enemies. She didn't even check her surroundings like she used to do and if she had, she would have noticed the silhouette of a person by her window. The person said some things to the cat and after flew out the window just when he had the door opening again. Meg suspecting nothing at all, she entered while humming and smiling to herself. She had been happy the past few days and she really enjoyed the days. She always slept with one thought in mind and that was the number of times she had smiled throughout the day. She put whiskers food on her plate food and left to go and shower. She was so tired that after showering, she slept in the bath tub not at all bothered that she wasn't in the comfort of her bed. But this time was different, when she slept in the tub, she began reminiscing the events of that specific day at kloan and she frowned in thought when she remembered she caught movement from behind the poplar tree moments before whiskers clawed at her arms. She immediately woke up and after grabbing her towel, she dashed to her bedroom with one thought in mind. "She was going back to kloan first thing tomorrow" And with that in mind, she slept. All this while, someone was watching her again without her knowing. He had been watching her for the past few days because the girl was fascinating to him and maybe because he thought she looked familiar or because of her beautiful smiles, he didn't know either all he knew is that she couldn't get out of his mind since they met at the other place with her throwing the knife at him. He could remember the day like it was yesterday. He inwardly laughed when he remembered how stunned she was when the knife didn't touch him. He had even gone as far as preventing the nightmares from disturbing her again yet this was a crime in their planet but lucky him, he was not on that planet. And with that in mind, he crawled in the window and grabbed the cat who was watching him silently all through the nights and days he had been there. The little creature loved him a lot that it didn't even tell its master that it was seeing someone. He picked out some berries from his pocket before feeding the cat who purred in content. "This planet was truly fascinating" he thought to himself. Meanwhile, the inhumans were reporting to their king about how they had began slowly discovering the weakest point of the planet. If they were to capture it, they had to target the weakest point of the planet. And this left an unanswered question. On all sides. The girl, The stranger with the mask and the inhumans "Who will stop them?"
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