Chapter 2

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"Hey" Lily says coming into my view. "Good ole friend is back" she sneers Gee now what has got my poor lily in a bitchy mood. "What's got your pants in a twist" I asked her clearly confused "Oh you don't know you don't know" She laughs and I give her the look. "OK fine. You darling should tell me how the hell we got here" she says and as if she's pressed a button on my head, I begin to remember everything. Poor me, How could I forget in such a situation. I take that moment to look around and I notice that we are in some kind of building. I would not exactly define it as that because it was anything but and its like we were floating. "lily I need you to be calm and tell me what you remember" I say grabbing her shoulders to look her in the face. "When I woke up, I saw you carrying me and brought me here and after, you pressed something on your hand and it glowed for a second and then bam, I'm out like a light" she says and I immediately get a headache I'm sure the last thing I remember is passing out. So how did I carry lily here? something's wrong. Yep surely because how could a passed out person carry a walking person? Surely even the thought seems dumb. I get up ready to check my surroundings and as if it was expected, my legs were tied to something black so I couldn't move. Wait how did I not notice? In just a span of time and I'm already forgetting. Today's been strange really. Just then a door, which I didn't notice until now, opens and someone entered through it before it closes behind him. I'm sure my mouth is agape, like how could the door disappear after someone going through it? I guess I'm going insane or maybe this is some dream really. The person comes in but this one is different from the one who I fought before I passed out if that could count as fighting. This one was moving on something like a skate board but it was floating and he was dressed in a blue costume and the face looked like it was designed by a baby. The face had gruesome scars running from the hairline to the left cheek and they were deep and red. And his face wasn't even a Humans', it was something undescribable. The person was scary by just one look. His eyes were shaped with slits like a snake's, and his eyes didn't have Color. They were simply red but with dark black swirling through. I couldn't help myself so I screamed and Lily, had passed out. She always does when she's in such situations. I think this inhuman thing was used to such expressions so he tapped something on his head and his face transformed into a humans. That's when I calmed down though I was still cautious. Who even transforms like that? I'm sure I'll get nightmares at night "Who are you" "What are we doing here" "How can you transform faces like that" "What do you want from us" I ask all of them at once not giving the inhuman thing a chance to answer. Not like I expected it to but did I say that this thing is good at surprising? because I'm sure it said something or else I've lost it "We seek help" It says its voice having this thick accent that wasn't from around here "And how I'm I of help" I ask putting on a brave face yet inside I was a bundle of nerves "You're people seem to have the kind of knowledge we need to go through the procedure of saving our kingdom and its people" It says studying me carefully and I for sure know that I'm about to pass out. "So you want to use me?" I ask horrified not getting anything at all "Nope we simply want you to help us" It says treating on thin lines because I for sure could feel a headache forming "How do you expect me to help you?" I ask "We are looking for someone who could be dangerous to your planet if he continues roaming around" It says its voice slightly heavy at the mention of that someone "And why would I help you" I snap "Because you wouldn't want your planet to get destroyed. But we shall understand if you don't want to participate for we will let you go and let your planet perish or you could help us save your planet and ours" the inhuman thing growls "How do I know that you are telling the truth" I ask feeling stupid for even considering the offer "We can show you the future" It says and this time I actually laugh "Do you think I'm insane?" I shout "Of course not" It says "OK forget that. How will I find the person you're looking for if I don't know what he is or who he is" I say "You've met him before" "When" They show me a recording of the guy I threw the knife at before passing out and I gulp. I wouldn't even dare go through with this plan. I wouldn't want to involve myself in things I don't know of and I'm sure this is something stupid or maybe a dream But when I think about it, I realize that this is totally insane so I decide to go with the safer option. "I'm not going to help you" I say finally and the inhuman thing looks at me before motioning for me to lift my legs up. I do so and the black thing let's go of my leg and I immediately scurry over to lily who was in shock no doubt having heard that conversation. The inhuman thing taps something on its hand and we are thrown out and back to the place I passed out from. "OK that's enough adventure for today" Lily says no doubt thinking about heading home and honestly that's my exact thought. We begin heading home with everything playing in my mind and I don't know what to think now. This has never occurred before. I've seen aliens once when I was a kid in the laboratory my dad used to work in. It is believed that they were hiding behind human faces and others say that they came to our planet for refuge. I think I have to tell dad about this. We make our way back to the path that leads us home and I remain wondering how its still day with the amount of time we've spent in that thing or building. It was totally weird because after we were thrown out, I looked back to see where we were but there was nothing. More reason for me to believe that I'm insane. We arrive at home shortly before dinner and our parents tell us for shower and come down for dinner which we do exactly though I'm still thinking of today's events. After dinner, we head to bed and I sigh thanking heavens cause I was going to get some much needed sleep after today's incident. Before I even close my eyes, something lights in my room and I freeze. Could it be the inhuman thing? probably not. I could see the light coming from the place where I kept my stuff I use for exploring. Swallowing my fear, I head to the cabinet where I put them when I see that the light is coming from my bag. I open to see the circular thing I had picked up during today's exploring, producing the light. I put it out of my bag and go to press it when something lands beside me. I turn around in curiosity when my eyes land on some familiar person. The stranger with the mask. Holy mackerel this isn't happening
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