Getting to know the stranger

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Meg didn't bat an eye lash as she padded forward to the place where whiskers had run from with the circular thing also known as 'the alken stone in other planets' in her palm firmly secured and a pocket knife in her other hand. She moved slowly on her toes so as to not alert unwanted attention since this wasn't familiar territory although she had been there a couple of times but she wasn't going to risk getting caught by the protectors of the land. These were the ones who protected every piece of land in the jungle and to go through some parts, their permission was required and she did ask for permission the first time but not today especially when she was in a hurry and this was supposed to be top secret She continued moving for about 30 minutes but nothing seemed out of the ordinary and she was starting to get frustrated because she was moving in circles and her campus direction was not working for some reason. She set out for another method which was making the plants with a red marker just on case but still the same thing happened but this time, the marks were missing. Its like she was not supposed to go in front of there was something invisible on the other side either way she was determined to find out. If this happened to keep outsiders from entering, she sure was going to enter no matter what. The protectors meanwhile were still trying to figure out why the animals on the vegetative side of kloan were missing and only herbivores were missing as well as the few plants that had almost gone extinct were decreasing day by day and still they didn't notice. The leader of the protectors was confused so he decided to contact other protectors inquiring if the same thing was happening to them and all the answers were the same. It was a yes just because in other lands, the animals were found with their organs plucked out and their blood was not there. It was like something was sucking out the blood from the animals. The leader of the protectors was more than confused because he'd been a protector for more than 50 years but nothing like this had happened until now and he didn't know what to do apart from setting traps for those 'animals' who they believed were doing this but it was something far different and dangerous. Mean while the stranger with the mask was preparing to eat the animal he had hunted and burnt that morning and he was more than ready to feast on it when something knocked on his barrier. Annoyed from the certain disturbance, he got out of his bot to go and check it out from the outside for he couldn't afford someone seeing his bot or else that was another problem. He used a passage way that he had created the day he came and he made his way outside cautiously. Who knows who the person was. It maybe the inhumans but since they were dumb they couldn't have found out this early so he suspected it to be some human who didn't mind their own business. As for Meg, she was still trying to hammer the invisible barrier she had noticed earlier when she threw her water bottle in the direction she was heading to only for it to break in air and the water to spill slowly like it was on a wall or something slippery so she decided that maybe that was the thing that precented her from entering. And soon as the stranger had got out, the alken stone began lighting from the girls pocket and then she fell through without her things since she had put them down when she was hammering the barrier but those were all forgotten as soon as she saw what awaited her on the other side. It was a space ship that looked like it was modeled to travel for years and she was astonished. It was a big one but you could easily notice that it was from a mother ship so she didn't waste any minute. She got up and began looking for some kind of entrance but found none to her utter disappointment because she expected everything to work out in her favor. The stranger walked for a few minutes before he arrived at the place where he hoped to find the intruder and heavens was he right. He saw the mysterious girl banging something on his barrier and he decided to settle on one of the trees away from plain sight though he could still see everything clearly. He didn't sit for a long time before his necklace began shining the same time the girl fell through his barrier and this made him stand up in shock simply because his barrier was impenetrable unless you had part of the alken stone or you had something connected to the not or his necklace so this made his wheels in the brain turn and he jumped from the tree before heading to his barrier. It wasn't at all damaged but he was still wondering how the girl managed to enter and it couldn't be the fact that she had the alken stone or else he would have noticed. He checked the girls things that had remained before grabbing them and entering the barrier with them. He found the girl circling his bot and he had a hard time figuring out how this girl was even able to see it. The bot was invisible to everyone from this planet but for some reason she could see it. This made his doubt for this girl increase further more because she was becoming mysterious every single moment. A great distance away from the strangers bot was a military space ship of the inhumans who were waiting for the girl to come back but she had not yet come to their ship for an unknown reason. They just hoped that their lie was convincing enough for her to come back on her knees but little did they know that the girl had found something far interesting. Things had changed in a span of time that even the stranger was confused because this was beyond him. How could the girl be able to do all this stuff? He wanted to figure out who this girl is so he moved forward to where the girl was and he handed her the bag he found earlier and the girl just looked at him in awe. 'Gee what's with this girl' The stranger thought. 'Who are you' the girl asked him and for some reason he gave out his name although only family are the only ones who knew their names because giving out your name meant that the person can control you or summon you at any time and you feel like protecting them for some reason. He had never experienced this but he had seen how his sister and gone through trouble after giving out her name to her soulmate whom she thought was to be trusted yet the rules stated that one was to give out the name to their soul mate after close inspection from the parents and family. 'Loyrane' The masked stranger said and I smiled. I had expected him to drive me away or intimidate me like last time. I couldn't see who he was or his face and not even the eyes but I was content for now because I know soon enough my curiosity would want to see the man behind the mask if he was indeed a man. Loyrane pressed his hand on the bot before entering with me following behind closely though my mind kept screaming at me to turn back and run back home but I was not listening. If I wanted to know more about this strange bot, I had to be strong. The inside of the bot was fascinating. Something I've never seen before. It had great technology and it had rooms and some button that showed the kitchen and it was like earth in a ship. The ship was homely like a house but it also had some other stuff that I didn't understand but questions would come later for now I'll have to enjoy the view. 'Meghan' I tell Loyrane since he had trusted me and told me his name so why not. I know I was going to regret this sooner or later but I wouldn't regret it either way. 'That's my name' I add when he tilts his head to the side and nods when I elaborate further. I continue touring though Loyrane didn't say anything to me since I entered but I figured he wouldn't mind since he didn't stop me. I see many things that I don't know and I mentally note that I'll have Loyrane explain to me what they meant and their use. I also saw something like a camera room showing everything happening outside and I blushed deep red in embarrassment because I'm sure he saw my stunts earlier. By the time I had done touring I was tired and I found Loyrane just finishing to eat though I wished I was a bit earlier then I could have seen how he eats. If he eats with or without a mask. After that I sat down while asking him simple things forgetting that I have to go back home until he reminded me and I headed home though the sun was setting and I know if I found my parents outside I was in deep trouble considering it was past dinner time and I had not told anyone I was heading out. I only hoped for the best since I planned on coming back here everyday
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