A threat that lies in the air

1831 Words
Meg as expected found her parents waiting for her in her room. The journey was not long but she had to be careful because the protectors were wondering around today a lot more than usual so the journey was delayed and on top of that, she found Jena the wolf giving birth so she decided to give it assistance and more time was spent when one of the wolf pups had difficulties in moving because of some side effects of the injection she had given the wolf mother to relax so she had to do some procedures too until the pup was fine though you could notice the limp as it was moving. After all that, she thanked the heavens because all the lights were out meaning everyone was asleep so she headed to the kitchen for some dinner for her stomach was growling non stop. She quickly climbed up the stairs and opened her bedroom door ready to flop down on her bed and sleep but the sight that welcomed her was enough for the thoughts of sleep to fly out the window because in her room, were her parents who were holding the law book. This wasn't going to end well for her and she knew it because the law book was never ever brought unless you did a serious crime so she was so scared. Her parents had just brought the book after disciplining Lily for sneaking in a farm boy because they were having an affair and it resulted in the boy stealing one of the artifacts that they had discovered on their first day of exploring as a couple and for that matter, they decided to discipline her by suspending her from her gadgets and they all knew that was her weakness. And as if the headache was not enough for the parents, they found out that Meg had skipped both lunch and supper and they were not sure if it was her or the cat that had eaten the breakfast they had prepared for her so they let that one go. When they asked Lily about Meg's whereabouts, she was also not sure and she kept whining saying that if they hadn't taken her gadgets she would have known so without further ado, they headed to her room thinking she had slept through but they instead a well laid bed and this made the parents more fearful because this hadn't happened in weeks. So when they heard the door creaking in the night, they woke up since they had dosed in their daughter's room. The surprise on her face was enough for the parents to know what was next and they know she knew better than to bring excuses at this time when she was clearly caught red handed because other times her cat or Lily covered for her but today was certainly an unlucky day for her. Meg was given a punishment of staying in the house for two weeks after a lot of argument when her parents wanted to give her a month of suspension from exploring and staying indoors which was highly impossible of her but after that they settled for the 2 weeks and then headed to their rooms with unimpressed faces. And so far, she had spent only 2 days and she felt like hanging herself. The silence in the house was enough to make someone feel bored more than usual since she wasn't an indoors girl and worst of all Lily remained with the privilege of going on tours with her parents because according to the rules and she quotes ' the rule was to take her gadgets and not the freedom of going on daily routines' which was pretty much involved with going to see her boyfriend from the farm and this made Meg jealous. To her, she felt like the problem was not solved because either way, she would visit her boyfriend and of course she'll forget that gadgets even existed so nothing really changed for her. Speaking of the devil, Lily enters with a dark brown haired boy with sea gray eyes and tan skin, the height of 5'9 and he was carrying flowers in his other hand which Meg guessed were for Lily. Lily rolls her eyes when she finds Meg in the lobby and she makes a serious face ready to strike a deal with her and Meg sure was up for it. And as expected, Lily and Meg made a deal which involved having Meg leave the house for 5 hours only and in turn, Meg was supposed to keep quiet about today's incident of Lily sneaking in the boy again. Meg was more than happy and she immediately picked her bag from her room and whiskers and headed for kloan. She spent an hour avoiding the protectors and at last arrived at the barrier. She entered with ease this time and she suspected this was Loyrane's doing since they had talked about the incident of her banging his barrier and he said he couldn't risk having his barrier broken so he promised to open it when she comes. When she arrived, the door was open and she entered while beaming because she couldn't even describe how she missed this place. She found Loyrane sitting in the camera room and he greeted her to which she replied happily. 'So you didn't come these past days, why if you don't mind' Loyrane asked her. 'Oh I've been suspended from exploring so I'm not able to come for the next 12 days apart from today because I was lucky' Meg replied in one go and this made Loyrane amused. 'Anyway I have only 4 hours and then I head back home' she continued her mood changing to one of sadness and Loyrane thought of something which he only hoped she accepted. 'What if you explore at night instead of day' He suggested and Meg scowled in annoyance. 'I told you I'm banned from exploring be it day or night' she said quietly. ' I meant sneaking out if that's what you call it here' Loyrane elaborated. After the idea sinking into Meg's mind, she grinned and agreed with that idea since she could get to see this place and Loyrane daily or maybe nightly either way she was glad at the suggestion. She spent the next hours letting out her frustration by telling Loyrane everything that happened after she was suspended and he was listening patiently and throwing in a word or two where necessary and for that Meg was grateful. "Why don't you take off your mask" she suddenly asked making Loyrane freeze and she realized her mistake and tried to change the topic but Loyrane promised to tell her one day. However she didn't spend her next hour because a number that wasn't saved suddenly called her and told her to come back home since her parents were on their way home after they had canceled their trip because of unstated business which they were planning on telling them when they got home and this made Meg panic because she knew she wasn't going to make it In time and she didn't know how she will explain where she was to her parents. Loyrane not knowing what to do stood there dumbfounded and he didn't know how to help this human because he couldn't risk using his powers with but if he wanted the girl to keep coming he had to sacrifice because he had grown used to the girl's presence so he decided to help her though he was sure he couldn't control his powers very well but he only hoped for the best. So with that in mind, he grabbed Meg's hand and told her to hold both of his shoulders and step on his legs but she refused in fear of hurting him but after a lot of reassuring from him she accepted and in a blink of an eye, she was at home in her room. Surprised, she glanced up at Loyrane who's face mirrored her expression. She had many unasked questions but she didn't know how to ask yet she couldn't add on the questions that she had piled in her head so she decided to ask away. 'how did that happen' she asked with much surprise and Loyrane only replied with a shrug not knowing how to tell her so he just told her that it was a miracle because his powers rarely work clearly and this made Meg wonder more about his powers but her thoughts didn't wonder further because the front door was slammed and her parents called her and she told Loyrane to do what he did before heading down stairs to meet her parents. The parents who were panicked said that there was a big problem that the protectors themselves had never seen and for that case, the jungle was going in lock down immediately. Apparently more plants had been missing and most of the animals had been eaten and their organs were missing though this time it was different since also people were being taken now. This scared Meg more because she had seen Loyrane burning meat the first day she was there and she had seen plants in his kitchen and this made her doubt him more. She began thinking that maybe this was his doing and this ignited a fear in her and the inhumans words began ringing in her ear and she began hyperventilating cursing herself for even making friends with him yet she knew he was the enemy. Lily and her parents just looked at Meg and they thought that all of this was too much to handle so they carried her to her room and helped her relax though Meg was in a daze and kept whispering its her fault. The parents not knowing what she meant told her it will be OKAY and nothing will happen to her or them but she didn't listen to them so they injected her with the sleeping pills and she passed out. The parents then left while Lily just stared at the events unfolding with wide eyes because she was in shock. Meg woke up later in the middle of the night muttering to herself that she was going to make things right by giving away the location of Loyrane to the Inhumans though her mind kept screaming at her that this was all wrong. Her thoughts were cut short when she noticed a shadow in her room and she went to scream when it grabbed her mouth to stop her from screaming. She turned to look around when she saw that it was Loyrane and she looked at him in shock and fear thinking he had come to take her like other people that were taken but little did she know that he was also not aware of the situation happening but How was he going to convince her?
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