Chapter 3: Treaty Agreement

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Chapter 3 - *Lacey's Point of View* I turn to look at my parents and welcome them back, but before I have the chance my mom is rushing over to me and looking at me from head to toe. Remember my “dizzy spell” from this morning? Well, you see I actually suffer from epilepsy. I know what you’re thinking. “Wow a she-wolf with epilepsy? How strange.” Trust me, I know it is. My brother and I were wrestling in the yard when he threw me off his back and my head hit a tree. I was rushed into the pack hospital where they found some bleeding in my brain. They did what they could and I actually healed nicely. Except when I had my first seizure. I was at school with Alex when I started feeling dizzy and my vision started to blur. I told Alex to tell our English teacher I wasn’t feeling good, and everything is black from that point until I came to. I woke up in the pack hospital only 2 weeks after my recovery. After an EEG (Electroencephalogram) we found out that I had epilepsy. I can typically tell when a seizure is about to start. I get blurry vision, light headed, and super pale. This morning that’s exactly what happened. Everyone in the pack knows that I have epilepsy. They kinda have to if I’m going to be walking around the pack and all of a sudden they see me on the ground having one. I don’t like talking about it much. My mom, dad, and Lane always are so worried about when I’m going to have the next one. Lane still feels guilty about it and each time I have one just reminds him of that day with the tree. I tell him it's okay and that I don’t blame him, but he never listens to me. My mom continues to look at me, worried as ever making sure that everything is okay with me. With my dad and her having to have to leave before I came to and she is even more worried than normal. “Hi honey! Are you okay? Feeling sick at all? Dizzy? Feverish? Blurry vision? Anything? Oh I’m just so glad you’re okay.” I turn to look up at my mom and answer her million questions she has. She always has such a look of concern on her face. Though I’m sure one day I’ll understand when I have kids of my own. I look at my mom and give her the look as if to say Yes mom I’m okay. Please stop worrying, and with it she kisses the top of my head gently and makes her way to the kitchen. I turned towards dad, “So dad how was the meeting? Is Alpha Williams really what people say he is?” “Ace, what have I told you about rumors? You know I don’t like them. Alpha Williams was as any Alpha should be. Confident and strong willed.” he responded sternly. “Yeah I know dad. Rumors are just a way people entertain themselves. I’m sorry. Though you never answered me about what the meeting was about.” I looked at my dad as an eyebrow raised. “We were going over a treaty agreement. Trying to become allies with him and his pack. Having an alliance with a pack as big and strong as his would prove very useful in a time of need. He has access to resources that we may need someday.” my dad said simply as he headed towards his office upstairs. “Yeah you lost me at treaty agreement. Anyway, I’m going to go to my room and get ready for the party or else Alex will come down and drag me by my hair. So I love you and I’ll see you tonight okay?” I replied jokingly. “Oh yeah! Speaking of tonight, Alpha Elijah Williams. Ace, I invited him to make an appearance, to help show that he is on our side and a trusted friend. I’ll see you tonight!” he replied continuing upstairs. “WHHAAATTTT!!?” I yelled. *Skip to getting ready* “Alex! Who does my dad think he is!? Inviting Alpha Williams! He didn’t even ask me! He just did as he pleased!” I say to Alex with anger in my tone as she is trying to put on the final touches to my makeup. I told Alex that my dad invited Alpha Williams to my party and all she cared about was what he looked like. The talk around the pack is that Alpha Williams is the man of everyone’s dreams. A tall, muscular, dark haired guy who screams s*x appeal. I too have been curious to see what he looks like, but this was not the time. I was angry and now even more so not looking forward to tonight. I decided that for my party I was going to invite the pack and just have a backyard BBQ. My parents set up some fairy lights around the yard and decorated the porch in my two favorite colors. Teal and purple. It looked really pretty. My dad and Lane were each taking turns BBQing and my mom was greeting the guests as they showed up. It is still weird to me seeing the pack bowing to my parents because they are Alpha and Luna. I forget that sometimes. “I can’t wait to see if he actually shows up. He is 18 isn’t he? I’m jealous you have such a hot guy coming to your party.” Alex says with a pouty face. I look in the mirror as Alex takes a step back letting me get up. She did a beautiful natural smokey eye. I could never do anything like that. She has some true talent. I admire the masterpiece that is my face and leave the bathroom to put on my white party dress that I have saved for tonight. It is a short dress that comes just to the knee and is strapless. I slip on my black flip flops that have little black jewels and fassen around the ankle. I put in some black dangling ears and take Alex by the hand, leading her down stairs. My hair for the night was just simply curled with a top knot. “Alex, I seriously could care less what he looks like. I’m angry that my dad didn’t even ask me. But whatever. I’m not letting it ruin my night. Let’s go to the party, might as well meet him sooner rather than later.” I say to Alex rolling my eyes as we make our way to the back door leading to the porch. “Alright alright. You can stop dragging me now. Are you ready to walk in there and meet your possible mate? You know he could be in there right now!” She says eagerly, squeezing my hand with excitement. “Yes Alex. I know. Like I said I’m not holding my breath. I just want to enjoy my 17th birthday.” I tell Alex as I pull my hand away. I try to hide the smile that is peaking through as I think of the possibility of meeting my mate. I have always wondered who he is. What he would look like. Would he be tall? Short? Skinny? Muscular? Would he like me when he finds out that I’m not completely normal as I appear? These thoughts race to my head and suddenly the smile that was once on my face has now gone away and I’m staring at the floor, trying to ignore the game of “What If” my mind is trying to start. Alex notices and lifts my head up to reassure me that everything is gonna be fine. Smiling that big bright smile that never fails to cheer me up. I shake my head and smile a bright smile. I am finally 17 and I was gonna enjoy it. I take one finally deep breath and place my hands on the doorknobs on the back door. As I exhale I open the doors and hear cheering instantly. My mom, dad, and Lane quickly come over and give me a big hug. Yeah, tonight was gonna be a good night.
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