Chapter 2: Happy Birthday to Me?

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Chapter 2 - *Lacey's Point of View* I wake up on the couch in the living room. I look around trying to find my mom or dad around but I find no one. I get up slowly from the couch and look at the clock on the stove, it reads 8:15 am. Where did the last 45 minutes go? I walk to the front door of the pack house and its no surprise to me that Lane is training with the other male pack members. I start to walk over to him, but he sees me out of the corner of his eye. He puts his hand up to signal training to stop and makes his way over to me. "Hey Lace, how are you feeling? Should you really be up walking around?" Lane asks as soon as he is within inches of me. He puts the back of his hand against my forehead as if to check my temperature. Lane is a tall 6’3 guy with bright blonde hair and piercing green eyes. He is built like a tank, but that's just because he loves to train with the other pack members. He believes that him being a future alpha means that he needs to start preparing now. He has been preparing for 18 years. Yep, my older brother has spent his whole 18 years on this Earth preparing to be the future alpha of our pack Shattered Moon. Oh, did I also mention he is mateless? Well, now you know. "Lane I'm fine. I woke up on the couch and couldn't find mom or dad so I walked over here to ask you." "Oh, they went over to another pack for a meeting. They said that they would be back soon. Are you sure you feel fine?" Lane asks again, still with worry on his face. "Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. We all know this is my normal so there is no use worrying about it. What meeting are you talking about? Did they say when they would be back?" I said almost annoyed that he was so worried about me. I know he worries because he loves me, but it still bothers me that he looks at me like I'm about to fall apart at any moment. "Alright alright. Jeez, you don't have to get all snippy. No, they didn't give me a time. They are at the Redwood Sun Pack. They said something about having to discuss something with Alpha Elijah? I don't know exactly." as he rolls his eyes at me. Why would my parents have business with Alpha Elijah? On my birthday of all days. I look to Lane confused but shake it off as another "pack thing" and just let it go. I wasn't totally interested in pack things. The only way that I would ever help run a pack is if I married an alpha. The likelihood of that happening is slim to none, so I won't be holding my breath. I simply nod in response to Lane and just continue on my way. I head back to the pack house and right as I enter the front door I'm tackled to the ground. I hit the ground with a hard smack of my head on the wood floors and the wind being knocked out of me. I look to see who it is that is now laying on me, angered and annoyed by whoever this was. "Ow! What the hell!? Who do you think yo-" I'm cut off by a pair of silver eyes and a big bright smile and I know exactly who it is. My best friend Alex. "SURPRISEEE!! Happy birthday!! I went into your room to try and find you and you weren't there. " Alex says as she embraces me in a giant bear hug. "Hey. Can't. Breathe. Need. Air." I try to get out of how tight she is squeezing me. "Oh haha. I forgot sorry. I'll let you go now." She pushes herself off of me and helps me up to my feet. "Jeez, Alexis James. Was that really necessary?" I look at her still a little angry and trying to brush off my jeans. She is taken back by the use of her real name, but that look on her face doesn’t last long. "It's my best friends 17th birthday! Of course, it's necessary! Have you decided what you want to do tonight? Are you excited about possibly finding your mate?" She says excitedly. She moves her eyebrows up and down as a form of teasing me because now I’m of age to find my mate. Alex always had a million questions. With her, she needs to know every secret this world has to offer. Yeah, some people want it, but to her, it was like oxygen. Her big smile and eagerness may have been what got us to start being friends, but her curiosity was what made staying friends with her all the more appealing. She has been my best friend since I was 5 years old. We met at school during playtime with the other pups. I didn't really socialize with people around me, I was very shy. Alex came up to me and gave me the biggest hug along with the biggest smile and asked me to jump rope with her. We have been best friends ever since. She is 5’5 and has short red hair that is shaved on all sides though the top remained long and curly. Her eyes are this silver color that just sparkles with life compared to her soft cream-toned skin. "I haven't even thought about it. I'm excited about the possibility but I don't have high hopes. Lane still hasn't found his mate and every girl in our pack seems to have a crush on him. If it happens it happens, if not then oh well." Alex goes to roll her eyes at me and say something in return when my parents walk into the pack house.
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