Chapter 4: Invitation to the Unknown

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Chapter 4 -  *Elijah’s Point of View* As I wake up to begin the day, I rub my eyes as I had yet another sleepless night. I stretch in front of my window looking down at all the new recruits training and learning the ways of defense and protection. I look over to my bed where Lauren used to sleep. It had been a week since she and I went our separate ways. I was still saddened by the fact that I had to break things off, but… She broke the whole premise of our relationship. Once you find your mate, the relationship is over. We agreed to break up and go our separate ways. Though I would be lying if I said I didn't miss her. Right as that thought enters my head I hear my dad, the Alpha before me, as he used to tell me "Now remember this Elijah, relationships are what made some of the greatest Alpha's have their biggest downfalls. You can date and be with who you please, but don't find your mate."  I never understood, but I heeded my father's words. Lauren was a stand-in Luna until I could find someone who better fit the role. I never intended to keep Lauren as "Luna". People hated her. She was arrogant, loud, and entitled. Not Luna material. Sometimes I wonder how I found interest in her, but I just had to remember it wasn't forever. I quickly shake all the feelings I had regarding the matter. Alpha's don't show emotions. They hold their heads high and rule with the intent to expand the pack. Another one of my Father's teachings.  I throw on my black suit with a white shirt underneath and a red tie. I walk over to the bathroom where I brush my teeth, comb my hair, and look over my appearance one last time. I take note that these sleepless nights are really starting to affect my physical appearance. The bags under my eyes, indicating that I haven’t slept well, are becoming darker by the day. I shake my head to push the thought to the back of my head. I closed the bathroom door and opened the main door to my bedroom where already, my best friend and beta were waiting for me.  "Talk about waiting 20 years. I was beginning to think I might need to come rescue you." Tristan said with a smirk on his face as he is leaning against the door frame.  "The only one that needs saving is your face from getting hit.” I glared at him, yet a smile crept upon my face. This was my best friend, but sometimes he really did deserve a good sock to the face.  We walk side by side, the intimidation and power radiating off of us as we walk down the stairs to the main level of the packhouse. Tristan and I both live on the 3rd floor of the packhouse. Only Tristan, his mate Hailey, and myself live on that floor. We make it to the ground floor and everyone bows their heads in submission.  “Everyone, good morning. Let’s make today as productive as we can, and do our best.” I tell my pack as they wait for me to dismiss them. I look around and see everyone nodding to be in agreeance with what I had just told them. “Continue on,” I say and turn to continue down the hallway that goes past the stairs to where all the conference rooms are at. We have a meeting today with Alpha Quince Carter from Shattered Moon pack.  As I enter the conference room and flick the lights on, I straighten out the room and turn on the coffee pot that is sitting in the far left corner of the room, closest to my chair. The smell of coffee instantly fills the air and I take in a long, deep breath. I turn to Tristan looking at him as if to ask if he would like a cup. He silently nods to me as he is setting up the papers, and I make a disgusted face as I pour creamer and sugar into Tristan’s cup. I drink coffee black. It was never intended to have add-ins.  I hand him his coffee and take my seat at the head of the conference table. I take the first drink from my coffee cup and I sigh as I hold the key to energy in my hand. Where would the world be without coffee? I take another sip of the hot liquid and place it down on the table. I begin to then briefly go over the papers that Tristan has put in front of me. Right as I put my hand on the hot cup, I hear a knock at the door. Tristan looks at me, then back at the door with an eyebrow slightly raised. Confused as to who could be knocking at the door.  Tristan goes to turn the handle on the dark wooden door. He peeks his head around the door and sighs a breath of relief. “Lance it’s just you. Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be out standing at the entrance waiting for Alpha Quince and Luna Sarah Carter?” Tristan is quick to question Lance’s presence. I stand to walk over to the door and see Lance bow his head in respect before lifting his head and continuing on with his explanation. “I apologize for showing up suddenly, but Alpha Quince and Luna Sarah are here. Would you like for me to bring them here, or do you want to welcome them at the front door?” Lance asks. I push open the door the rest of the way. I tap Lance on the shoulder and relax and tell Lance “We will go meet them at the front. Thank you.”  As Tristan and I begin to walk to the front door of the packhouse, we see the Alpha and Luna slightly looking around the packhouse, trying not to move so much. Though it looked like they were both worried about something. Like there is something that they should be checking on. I ignored the thought and just told myself that it was just my imagination.  “Welcome! I’m so glad that you both made it okay. Alpha Quince and Luna Sarah Carter, later if you would like, we can take a tour of the packhouse and our grounds?” I ask while shaking the Alpha’s hand firmly. He looks to me with uncertainty and responds “Maybe some other time Alpha Elijah. We have to leave right after the meeting. Please excuse our rudeness.” After releasing Alpha's hand and moving to shake the Luna's hand, I can see that she bows her head in response to what her husband has just said.  “No apologies needed. I completely understand. I hope that what you guys are in a hurry to check on, is okay while I take some of your time this morning.” I told them. Shock on both of their faces. I read them like a book. It was almost too easy. I begin to walk towards that same hallway and escort the Alpha and Luna to the conference room. As we enter the dark wooden door, we all take our seats in the leather chairs that surrounded the big conference table.  I clear my throat to be able to speak clearly. “So Alpha Quince-” I begin to speak “Oh please, just call me Quince,” Quince says before I can finish my sentence. “Of course Quince. Thank you. As I was saying, Quince, what have you called this conference about?” I was mentally rolling my eyes because I was sure that this meeting was going to run long. If there was one Alpha duty that I hated, it was the meetings. Usually, I could just have Tristan go in my place, but when it’s regarding another Alpha and their pack, it's only of the utmost respect to show up in person.  I look at Tristan who has his face in his hands, awaiting for this meeting to really begin. “Ah yes. Alpha Elijah, I know that you are aware that I own and run Carter Construction. I wanted to talk about a partnership between our two companies. Williams Enterprise is skyrocketing in popularity and we could prove to be very good assets for you later down in the future. Though that is not all… I would also like to propose an agreement between our packs. Become allies.” says Alpha Quince. I entertain the thought for a bit before I make my decision. Yes, Carter Construction would prove great use to my company, I wanted to see what kinds of deals I could get out of this. So before continuing the conversation, Tristan goes over the stat reports for Carter Construction. All that they have accomplished over the years, and I have to say I was impressed. This meeting was proving to be very useful.  *Skip to the end of the meeting* Finally, we close the folders containing the information regarding everything that was talked about during the meeting. The arrangements have been made that we will join in a partnership between companies, and we do have an allies agreement between the two packs. This meeting though ran long, was a good use of my time. Though I noticed the couple becoming anxious the longer that they were there. I wondered what was going on, but couldn’t bring myself to actually ask them. I wondered what was going on, but I couldn’t bring myself to actually ask them about it. The meeting was done, and I said my final good-byes to Quince and Sarah. “Hey Tristan, will you please escort Quince and Sarah to their car, I have some work to do in my office.”  “Of Course Alpha. Please if you guys would, come this way.” Tristan opened the door and held it open like the good gentleman that he was and he stood tall and proud. I packed the rest of the things and pushed in my chair, ready to make my way out as well when Quince asked “Alpha Elijah, as a symbol of our new alliance, would you please be a special guest at my daughter’s 17th birthday? To show the pack that you are indeed an ally that we can trust?” I rolled my eyes mentally because parties were not something I had time for. I looked at Tristan with a look of hope. Hope that he could find a lie to tell them. I would have mind-linked him, but the couple was looking at me, and that was just plain rude. But Tristan didn’t. “Yes, Alpha Elijah would love to come. What time would you like us to be there?” I cursed myself and told myself that Tristan and I would be having a long talk later.  “Yes, I would love to come. Thank you Tristan for escorting them out. Please meet me in my office when you are done.” I gave him a soft but hard look of “you messed up dude” but he didn’t register it. Either he was actually dumb or he was just flat out ignoring me. I'm going to go with the second option. We exit the hallway that we were in and part ways at the front door. I bid them my goodbyes and trail up the stairs to my office. Something about this party was going to be different. I put my hand on my temple trying to think about what I was feeling. Nothing came to mind, so I just ignored it. I finally reached my office.  A dark wooden office aesthetic with grey accents. I may be an Alpha, but I have a sense of taste. I sit behind my desk and I hear a knock at my door. I let them know that they can come in, and Tristan is now standing in front of me. His eyes lit up about the fact that we get to go somewhere later in the day. “They said to be there by 6 pm. You’re welcome.” He said with a genius smirk.  “Yeah yeah. I was going to tell you that you have really crappy social cues, but something about his party feels different.” I tell Tristan. “I was having the same thoughts.” He looks at me with wide eyes. This party was going to result in something different. I just didn’t know what…
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