Chapter 5: Pinewood and Fresh Rain

1976 Words
Chapter 5 - *Lacey*  Alex and I burst through the back door into the amazing scenery of my 17th birthday party. There is an abundance of clapping as I walk onto the porch and admire all the work that my parents and brother put into tonight. The porch railing is decorated with a bunch of little fairy lights that sparkle in the nighttime. There are teal and purple streamers everywhere. A giant canopy is set up where all the dancing is being hosted. I am in awe of the sights that I am taking in. As I spin around to take in all my surroundings, Lane stands ready to catch me.  “I take it that you like it, Lacey?” He asks sincerely. “I love it. Thank you, Lane.” I embrace Lane in a big hug. I take a big breath and I pull away from him to look around some more. I was thankful for all that they did for me. I may not have been a big party girl, but I knew tonight was going to be fun. I mean, 17. I made it. The age that every she-wolf can’t wait for. Now it was time to enjoy it. As I make my way to the canopy I find Alex talking with my parents as they are setting up the eating table. The sweet smell of BBQ right off the grill was making my mouth water. Between the BBQ smoked chicken, the homemade potato salad, and the potato chips. I was ready to stuff my face with all the food in front of me. I grabbed a plate ready to start loading it up when my mother gave me the look of “guests first”. I slightly glared at her and made my way to the back of the line.  By the time that I made it to the front of the line, I was ready to eat a horse. I hadn’t eaten all day. I picked up a piece of the chicken and scooped myself a nice serving of potato salad. There were 3 different kinds. Though, my mom’s was the best. No competition. I look at all the other options and decide to grab some sleeves of grilled pineapple and a glass of lemonade and make my way over to the table where my dad, mom, brother, and Alex were sitting. As I can finally put a fork full of food in my mouth, I moan at the amazing flavors of my dad's amazing grilling skills. “Do you like honey? Really?” My mom asked. “Mom,” I grabbed her hands and looked at her “I love it. It is the best 17th birthday ever.” I wrap my mom into a tight embrace and allow myself to hold her just a little bit longer.  I look to my dad who is just smiling at my mom and me. I smile back at him. I really was enjoying myself. I wasn’t much for parties and big social gatherings, but this was something I could get used to. As I hurry to finish my plate of food, Alex is quick to take my attention away from eating and onto her.  “Lets gooo!” Alex says with the biggest smile on her face. “Go where?” I ask her with my eyebrow slightly raised in confusion. “Do the dancefloor. Where else?!” Before I can even protest I’m being dragged by my wrist to the dancefloor with her. She knows full well that I have two left feet, yet here she is dragging me to the floor. I have come to just accept what is as there is no use trying to convince her to reconsider. “Alex. You know I can’t dance. Why did you-” And I’m cut off before I can even finish my sentence. My favorite song comes on, almost as fate is telling me that I need to be dancing right now. If there is one thing I know it is to not tempt fate. So I roll my eyes and allow my music to take me over. My eyes close and I let the rhythm of the music glide my body into movement. The song South of the Border by Ed Sheeran floods my ears, taking over my senses. The bright lights and the warmth of the other bodies around me was something of a euphoric feeling. It was as though I had little to no cares in the world. None other than making sure I was enjoying myself. This was about as close to club life I was going to get. Though if this was what it felt like to be worry-free and content with my surroundings then I didn’t care who was around.  Alex comes and dances with me. She and I move to the music as if we had been taught to dance since we could walk. We are on the floor for a few more songs when I tell Alex I need a break. She couldn’t hear me, but she nodded indicating she knew what I meant. I go over to the table and take a nice big gulp out of a water bottle. I realize as I look around that I have no yet thanked everyone for attending tonight. So I tell myself that it is time to make my rounds. It is kinda expected when you're Alpha and Luna’s daughter. I give myself 5 minutes before I stand up and make my rounds. I took my shoes off as they were killing me to wear anymore. As I come among my first set of people to thank for coming to my birthday party. I bow my head at them in response to all that they were telling me. I smile politely and continue on to the next set of people. I did this a few times before I came up on my last set of people and I came to realize I have not yet seen or met this “Alpha Elijah Williams”.  I looked around the room looking to see if there was anyone that I missed. When I realized that I had said thank you to everyone in attendance, I was a little letdown. Though I don’t quite understand why. Had I had my hopes up all this time? Did I really want to see someone I’ve never met? Something in the back of my head told me to not quite lose hope. I continued back to my parents and began to conversate with them. I hadn’t realized that it was 10 pm. There was one more hour left in the party before the night was over. I was hot and sticky from all the sweat and body heat from all the werewolves in one place, but I was almost ready to call it quits. I lean to my dad and he leans in so that he can hear me, as the music is still glaring at top volume. “So much for your new little friend to show up,” I smirked at him. He knew exactly who I was talking about. “He still has one more-” And my attention fades. I smell the most intoxicating aroma. Pinewood and fresh rain. The best combination in regards to smell. I suddenly feel the drive to try and find the source of this amazing scent. I look around not leaving where I am standing, as I do not see anyone new entering or exiting the party. That was until I saw the most godly man I have ever set my eyes upon. Thereby the entrance of the back porch turning back around from closing the back door, stood a man like no other.  It was as if the moon goddess made him to be the exact definition of perfection. Everything about him was in perfect proportion. He was 6 ft 3 with dark brown hair. Shaved on all sides except the top was still long, but nicely kept. He was muscle all over and he was intimidating. He is looking around, I assume looking for my father until suddenly he stops. When he stops, I suddenly hear the most low toned and threatening growl to ever come out of a werewolf. Everyone at the party was down on their knee and neck bared in submission. Yet, I was still standing. He looked like a god from far away and he may radiate intimidation, but I wasn’t afraid of him.  He sniffs the air, quickly looking around as if to locate the very air that he breaths. As soon as his eyes landed on me I knew… He was looking for me. He stalks towards me like a predator hunting its prey. Part of me was excited, but another part was terrified. He comes closer and closer with every long stride that he takes. I can feel my dad, my mom, and my brother looking at the space between us that is quickly closing. He finally reaches me, only a foot or two away.  He looks me up and down. I can see now that he has the most defined jawline. He could cut the air if he turned his head too quickly. He had eyes so blue they reminded me of a clear blue sky. They had hints of green in them like the grass. I leaned my face up at him, as he was taller than me and I took a deep breath. Breathing in his scent as if it was the oxygen I breathed. As if I couldn’t get enough of it. He stared me up and down, and suddenly I felt naked. Though I was fully clothed it seemed as though he could see right through it. I felt bare under his stare. Yet still, I didn’t submit. I can feel the stares of everyone around us, watching as this scene unfolds in front of them, yet none daring to make real eye contact. Suddenly he takes a threatening step towards me that makes me take a step back. He growls and I know that I am to stay in my place. He took another step towards me closing the gap that was keeping us so far apart.  His hand brushes my hair off my neck and I feel tingles as his skin comes into contact with my own. I shiver under his touch. I lean my neck more to the side giving him more access to my now uncovered neck. I don’t quite understand the feelings that are coming over me. All I know is that I don’t want him to back away from me. I want him to be closer. Even though I just met this man and I don’t even know his name, I want him closer. As he lowers his head to bring his nose into the crook of my neck, he inhales deeply and slowly. Making sure he fills every ounce of his lungs. As if it will be the very last time he smells it. He lets out a low growl of pleasure as he exhales from breathing in so deeply. As he goes to do it again I hear the most handsome and most appealing demonic voice finally speak. Staking his claim at long last. He speaks in my ear, but at a volume for everyone within earshot to hear, the words roll off his tongue, and in one word my whole life changes as I know it. “Mate…” ------THE END OF THIS CHAPTER------
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