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***BETH'S POV*** I stared out the window, my heart pounding in my chest. I watched as the Alpha and the wolf fought, their bodies locked in a ferocious battle. Suddenly, the wolf breaks away from the Alpha, and it bounds towards the window. I felt a jolt of fear as I saw it leaping towards me. I knew that I had to move, but my body suddenly became frozen, rooted to the spot. As the wolf came hurtling towards me, time seems to slow down. I felt like I was moving in slow motion, my body heavy and unresponsive. I thought that it was the end of me and that the Alpha wouldn't save me, that I was going to be consumed by the wolf. But just as the wolf reached the window, something stopped it on its tracks. It was like an invisible force field, pushing the wolf back and keeping it from me. I watched, frozen in fear and wonder, as the wolf struggled to break through. I watched the wolf struggle against the invisible force field, I saw the Alpha racing towards it. He was moving with incredible speed, his teeth bared and his eyes flashing. He collides with the wolf, and they both tumble to the ground. I held my breath, not sure what was going to happen next. Suddenly, the Alpha stands to his feet, the wolf lying at his feet, defeated. I felt a wave of relief wash over me, and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I stared at the Alpha, wondering what he was going to do next. He looked up at me, and our eyes meet. I felt a strange connection, like we were somehow connected, even though we are separated by the window. He took a step towards the window, and I felt my heart skip a beat. Then, he spoke, his voice deep and resonant. "I know you have questions," he said. "And I will answer them, if you will let me." I felt like I was still frozen to the spot, unable to speak nor move. But then, I heard myself say, "How do you know I had questions?" The Alpha tilts his head to one side, as if considering my question. "I can feel your uncertainty, your fear, and your curiosity," he replied, "You want to know who I am, what I am, and why I brought you here." He paused, and then continued. "Beth, I am going to tell you a story. It is a story of love and loss, of hope and despair. It is a story that will change everything you know about the world." The Alpha took a deep breath, and began his tale. "Long ago, in a world very different from this one, there was a girl. Her name was Elora, and she was a princess. She was beloved by her people, and they thought she would one day be their queen. But one day, a terrible illness swept through the kingdom. Elora fell ill, and no one could help her. She was on the brink of death when a mysterious figure appeared at her bedside. He paused. "This figure was shrouded in shadows, but there was something familiar about him. He reached out and touched Elora's forehead, and she was immediately cured. The figure then turned to the king and queen, and he told them that Elora was destined for great things. He told them that she would bring peace and prosperity to the land, but that she would need their help." The Alpha paused, and I felt myself hanging on his every word. "What did the figure ask of the king and queen?" I asked. "The figure asked for their daughter's hand in marriage," the Alpha replied. I felt my eyes widen in surprise. "But Elora was only a child!" I exclaimed. "That's true," the Alpha said. "But the figure told the king and queen that he could grant them a boon. They could choose for their daughter to stay a child, or to grow up in an instant. They chose the latter, and Elora was transformed into a young woman, ready to take on her destiny." "But then, a miracle happened," the Alpha continued, his voice low and dramatic. "As Elora lay dying, a tiny baby emerged from her womb. The child was born with golden eyes, like the sun. The child grew quickly, and within days it was a toddler, and then a child, and then a young adult. The child's hair was as black as night, and their skin was as pale as snow. And when they spoke, it was with a voice that was both ancient and wise." "The king and queen were overjoyed, and they named the child Darcy," the Alpha said. "They knew that Darcy was destined for greatness, and they raised him to be a wise and just ruler. And the Darcy is me, i am destined for great things just like my dead mother" he bosted. After telling the story and leaving me in my own world of curiously, he left. Weeks have passed, and i have been staying in this unknown house. I was alone in the room, lost in my thoughts, when the door opened. I looked up, and I saw the Alpha's cousin standing in the doorway. She was holding a tray of food, but she looked uncomfortable, as if she had something to say. She hesitated, and then finally spoke. "Beth, I need to tell you something." I felt a sudden sense of dread, and I looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "What is it?" I asked. The Alpha's cousin looked at me with pity in her eyes. "The Alpha has a dark secret," she whispered, her voice low. "He hates pregnant women. They make him... angry." I felt my heart start to race. I had no idea that the Alpha felt this way, and I'm not sure what to make of this information. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked, my voice trembling. She took a deep breath, and she looked me in the eye. "I'm not sure, but I felt like I had to warn you, because you are two weeks pregnant" she continued. "I'm not sure what the Alpha will do when he finds out that you are pregnant. He might..." She trails off, and I felt my blood run cold. "He might what?" I asked, my voice shaking. She looks down at the floor, and she seems to be struggling with what to say. Finally, she says, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me, and I didn't even know what to think and I had no idea that I was pregnant until now. "You need to get out of here," the Alpha's cousin urged me, her voice urgent. "I can help you escape. But you have to decide right now, before the Alpha comes back." My mind was racing and I didn't know what to do anymore. I felt torn between my fear of the Alpha and my gratitude for the Alpha's cousin. Finally, I make a rash decision. "I'll go with you," I said, my voice trembling. The Alpha's cousin lead me out of the room, and we made our way through the castle. I felt a sense of urgency, and I was afraid that at any moment, we would be discovered. We reached the stables, and I saw a horse waiting for us. The Alpha's cousin helped me onto the horse, and she mounted on her own horse. "We need to ride fast," she said. "Can you do that?" I nodded, even though I've never ridden a horse before. "Let's go," she ordered, and we took off at a gallop. The horses galloped through the forest, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I keept my eyes on the trees, afraid that we would be stopped at any moment. But we rode for what felt like hours, and we finally reached the edge of the forest. The Alpha's cousin turned to me, now you need to go alone. I'll stay here, and I'll cover for you." I was not sure what to say, but I knew that I couldn't ask her to risk her life for me. Then she let me, a common human all alone in that thick forest filled with wild wolf's.
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