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***DARCY'S POV*** I walked through the alley, lost in my own thought, when I saw the full moon appear in the sky. The moon goddess appear before me, her face radiant and beautiful. "Alpha Darcy," she called out, "you must listen to me. The woman you seek is near, and she is your chosen mate. You must protect her, for she is the key to your future." I was shocked by her words, and I didn''t know what to say. But before I could speak, the goddess was already gone, and I was left alone with my thoughts. The moon goddess's words echoed in my mind, "She is your chosen mate." I didn't know what that means, but I felt drawn to the woman that I found in the woods. I've locked her in a room for her own safety, but I can't stop thinking about her. I wondered if she was scared to be there all alone, or if she understood why I had done it. I wished I could talk to her, but I knew that it is not safe. So, I sent my cousin to bring her food, and I asked her to report back to me about her condition. I went back home, and I decided to talk with my Beta (Marcus). As I talked to my beta, I told him everything that had happened. I told him about the seer who came to me, and the vision she showed me. I told him about the moon goddess, and the words that she spoke to me. And finally, I told him about the woman I found in the woods. He listened to me intently, and when I finished, he asked. "You believe that this woman is your mate?" I didn't know what to say, so I just simply noded my head. "But you don't even know her. How can you be so sure?" He asked again. "The moon goddess told me that my mate would come in the form of a slave," I replied. "Although I did not know what that meant, but when I saw her in the woods, I knew that she was the one. I could feel it in my heart." My beta looked at me with a mixture of confusion and concern. "I don't understand," he uttered. "You're taking a great risk by keeping her here. What if she is not who you think she is?" I shook my head. "I know that she is my mate,I can feel it." I assured him. My beta and I continued to discuss about my mate, just then we heard footsteps in the hallway. The door opened, and my cousin entered, looking nervous and out of breath. "My lord," she greeted, bowing her head. "I have given the slave her food." I nodded, and I gestured for her to continue. "My lord," she hesitated. "She said some things about you, and I thought you should know." I felt a sense of dread creeping over me. "What did she say?" I asked, my voice tight. She said that you are a cruel and unjust ruler," my cousin replied, her eyes downcast. "She said that you are foolish, and that you are easily swayed by flattery. She said that you are blinded by your power, and that you will fall because of your arrogance." I was shocked by her words, and I felt a surge of anger. "How dare she say such things about me!" I yelled my voice rising. "I am a fair and just ruler! I am not swayed by flattery, and I am not arrogant!" My cousin took a step backwards, looking so fearful. But I was so angry that I could barely see straight. I stormed out of the room and I headed over to the room where I locked her up. I wanted to confront her, to demand an explanation. But when I reached the door, I paused. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I didn't want to lash out at her, even though I felt betrayed. I took another breath, and I saw her sitting on the bed, looking up at me. "What have you been saying about me?" I demand, my voice sharp.To my surprise, the woman on the bed didn't look angry or afraid. She looked at me with calm, clear eyes. "I have not spoken ill of you," she confidently said, her voice steady. "I know that the people who work for you are trying to turn you against me, but I have not said anything to them." I felt a flash of doubt. Could it be possible that I had been misled? "You are lying," I said, trying to convince myself. "I know that you have been talking to the servants." The woman shook her head. "I have not," she defended. As I looked at the woman, I felt a change all over me. I feltl a surge of power, and I could feel the wolf inside me, snarling and snapping. I felt my eyes flash yellow, and I knew that I was on the verge of losing control. The woman saw the change in me, and she looked afraid. "Please," she pleaded, her voice trembling. "I have not spoken ill of you. Please, believe me." I tried to calm myself, but I felt the wolf straining against my control. I reached out to her, pulled off her clothes and punished her with s*x. With a stern expression, I address the woman in front of me. "You will not speak of what happened here," I ordered, my voice hard. "You will not tell anyone of my lost of control." She nodded, her eyes wide. "I will not speak of it, my lord," she muttered, her voice barely a whisper. I nodded back, satisfied that she understood. I turned away from her, and I tried to put the incident behind me. I walked out of the room, my fists clenched at my sides. I was still angry at myself for losing control, and I knew that I must regain my composure. I heared the click of the lock as the door closed behind me, and I knew that the woman was trapped inside. I walked down the hall, my head held high, trying to project an image of confidence. But inside, I was still reeling from what had happened. I returned to my study, where I had a mountain of paperwork to deal with. As I sat down at my desk, I tried to focus on the tasks in front of me. But my mind kept wandering back to the incident at the servant's quarters. I tried to push the thoughts away, but they kept coming back. Finally, I gave up and decided to take a walk to clear my head. I walked through the castle, but my thoughts were still swirling. As I walked, I found myself in the gardens. The fresh air and the scent of flowers helped to clear my head, and I started to feel more like myself. I walked along a path, admiring the various plants and flowers. While walking, I noticed a young woman sitting on a bench, reading a book. I recognized her as one of the servants, and I decided to approach her. "Good day," I greeted, my voice polite. She looked up, and she seemed startled to see me. "My lord," the woman was surprised, bowing her head. "What brings you to the gardens?" I paused, considering how to answer. "I needed some fresh air," I said finally. "And I enjoy the gardens." The woman looked at me, and I could see the curiosity in her eyes. "I didn't know you liked the gardens, my lord," she replied. "I thought you were always too busy to enjoy such things." I smiled, a bit taken aback by her insight. "I suppose I am usually too busy," I chuckled. "May I know your name?" I asked, wanting to know more about this woman who has given me such a different perspective. "My name is Anna, my lord," she answered still bowing down her head. "I am one of the kitchen maids." I turned and walked away from Anna, heading back towards the castle. I found myself feeling lighter, as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. As I walked, I reflected on our conversation. I realized that I have never really taken the time to get to know any of the servants before, and I felt a twinge of regret. I resolved to change that, and to make more effort to learn more about the people who serve me. While walking back, I heard a strange sound, like a low growl. I looked around, but I couldn't see anything. I started to dismiss the sound as my imagination, but then I heard it again, this time closer. I felt a surge of fear as I realize that the sound was coming from behind me. I turned and saw a massive wolf, its eyes glowing yellow in the darkness. It bares its teeth, I knew that it was about to attack. And then everything went black.
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