The return of V1P3R

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Marissa's POV When I return to my apartment that night, I can see all the equipment I have always dreamed of as a hacker. I smile as I see my Malone sitting there, waiting for me to come home. He has a big smile on his face. He looks like Santa giving me a present. I smiled back at him as I walked to the study, where they installed everything I needed. "Welcome back, Viper. John and Stephanie said you did an excellent job. I'm very proud of you. I think it is time for you to return to the dark net." Malone says. "You don't know what it took from me. Seeing the Maverick family was not very easy for me. But I realized something. I don't give a s**t about them anymore. I do not care about Liam or his mother and father anymore. I have no feelings toward them and do not even hate them. I want to continue with my life, my new life. I am so happy to see all this equipment. I will always have the past following me like a dark shadow. But I know now that I can move on. My son is safe. He has somebody that loves him, and he will never be like I was when I was young. He will not go from foster home to foster home like I did. He has a secure future with Ethan Maverick. I cannot give him the future that he has right now. Ethan also told me what happened to my money. He invested it all for my son. He's a good man. I used to hate him, but now I have respect for him. I know nobody else would have done what he has done for my son. I am happy for the first time in my life. I know I have a future, and my son has one, too." I say. "That is my girl. I know that you want to be close to your son, but you are also clever enough to know that Ethan will suspect something if you get too close to him, and he will not allow us to proceed with his case. When was the last time you locked into your account as Viper? But I think it is time for one V1P3R to return. Let's see who your first customer will be." Malone says. "I can't wait to log in and see what the hell was happening in my account while I was gone. Let's see who is asking questions and who I can assist." I say, login into Vipers account on the dark net. I was stunned when I saw my first message. It is from no other person but Ethan Maverick. He asks Viper to contact him as soon as he gets this message. I wonder what he wants from me. The message reads that he does not understand what happened to me but needs me to help him. He needs to find out something about somebody. He wants to know about Bianca Henderson. I wonder why he wants to know about me. Doesn't he trust Malone? He says that there is something that he cannot put his fingers on, and he needs me to confirm that Bianca Henderson died. I frown. I have older messages in my inbox, but I do not care about them. The ones that catch my eye are from Ethan. How did he know that I would return? How did he know that Viper would return? Is this suspecting something? Does he think I am Viper? "It seems like Ethan Maverick is not trusting you. He is asking me about Bianca Henderson. He is asking me to prove that she died. How would he know that Viper is going to return? Is he suspecting something? We need to find out. And the only way I can find out is by answering his email." I say. I answered him by naming a number. That is how Viper works. Viper doesn't ask questions. Viper only asks for money. Viper does not care what Viper's clients want. Viber only cared about money. "He will not take long to respond. I think he thinks that Marrissa White is Bianca. I do not know how he knew that Viper would return. Perhaps he had a suspicion that Bianca was Viper. I do not know. The funeral is tomorrow. He will be with his son, and I do not want you to come near. It would be best if you stayed away from your own funeral. If you do not show up, he will start believing that Bianca is dead. We cannot allow him to find out that you are Bianca." Malone says. "I'm not f*****g stupid. Why would I want to go to my own funeral? I also believe that the Maverick family will be there because I do not believe they believe Bianca is dead." I say. I know they are planning to go to the funeral. Before I left that banquet hall, I heard them say they would be at the funeral tomorrow. They want to ensure Bianca is dead and Ethan is not hiding her from them. I don't need to tell you this to Malone because I know he already knows. Nothing escapes the organization. I have learned that in the last couple of days, I have been with them. They don't talk much. They do not say much, but they work. They know everything about anybody that they want to know. The Maverick family has pissed them off. I know they want revenge on the Maverick family as much as I want. "What are you waiting for? Go to work Viper, and welcome back." Malone says as he walks out of my apartment. As he leaves the apartment, I go to the computer and equipment. Ethan answered me, and I could not believe it was so fast. It is like you were waiting for Viper. Does he know who I am? I like playing games with Ethan. "Are you a man? I'll give you double the price if you can prove to me who you are." Ethan's mail reads. "Listen, dude. I have a great setup here. Why would I reveal to you who I am? If you want me to discover whether this woman is still living, you must trust me to tell you the truth. I am not stupid. I know what I'm doing. Ah, let me check my files. Bianca Henderson, this is what I got from the jail files." I say as I forward him all the files I got from the jail I was in. It states that Bianca Henderson is dead. She died at her own hand. She is unalive herself. I smile at the term for committing suicide. I see Ethan type. "So she is dead? I was hoping for the sake of someone else that she was still alive." Ethan says. I almost stepped into his trap. I won't tell him I am alive, but I almost asked him for whose sake. Viper is not supposed to care about anybody. I bet he wanted to catch me because he wanted me to reveal myself to him. If I had asked who, he would have asked me why you want to know? "Well, I'm sorry for your loss, but this is what I can do for you. So um, about my money. You have the details where you can pay it into. I am not getting emotionally involved with my client, so sorry, dude. I'm sorry for your loss, but damn, get a life. Why the hell would you care about the woman that was in prison? Do you know where to find me if you need me again? I'm sure you do. I've sent you all the files I could get from jail and everybody involved. I want my money. I'm here for the money, and that's all. It will be one hundred thousand dollars. You know what will happen to your files if you don't pay me. I will spread it worldwide." I type back. I don't want him to know who I am. Viper is a heartless money wolf. I know how to play Viper. I have been playing Viper since I was fifteen. "I already transferred your money. Don't worry. You know I always pay you. There's something else I want you to find out for me. I want you to find out who Marissa White is." Ethan types. I smile because I know precisely who Marissa White is. I can make up any fucken files I want to if I have to. "I know about the white family. I will delve into them, but the money is twice as much. I will work on that and give you your answer tomorrow." I type. "Good. I am looking forward to hearing from you tomorrow. Remember, I want to know everything about how she was born and which hospital I want to know. Everything about Marissa White." Ethan types. I will have to break into the organization's files to find out what they know about Marissa White. I smile because I will love to send him those files so he will think I am not working with the organization. It will always give me a chance to prove to the organization that I can hack them. They will not even know that I have been in their files. I hack into their main base and get everything I want on Marissa White. Of course, they have a file on her as thick as a book. They never mentioned my name. So I can attach the file and send it to Ethan. However, I ensure that all the information that is not useful to him is removed. I do not want him to know who I am. Everything that cannot reveal my identity, I remove. Well, that was easy. I wonder if the organization is as stupid as I think they are or if they are testing me. That was way too easy. My cell phone starts ringing. I see it's Malone. I smile. I knew they were going. They will contact me as soon as I go into my files. I pick up my cell phone and answer the call. "Who is paying you to find out about Marissa White? Is it Ethan Maverick? Please give him everything on that file. Do not retract anything. I have to give him some clues. I believe that he is in love with Marissa White. He will never admit it. And I don't want him to think that she is fake. Give him the whole file as it is. Bianca Henderson is dead, and Marissa White is alive. Do him all the information you have on Melissa White. We do not want him to think we are bullshitting him." Malone says. "I retracted some areas where you could find out that Marissa White is Viper. We do not want him to know that, do we? There are too many clues, and I must go through the file and ensure everything is safe." I say. "Marissa, listen to me. Do not retract anything. He will not discover who you are, but we need him to stay interested in Marissa White. Remember, he thinks Viper is a man. He will never suspect Marissa White to be clever enough to be the best hacker in the world." Malone says. "I'm sorry. I'm going to give him the retracted file because you know why I don't underestimate my enemies. I know he is not as stupid as you think. Ethan Maverick is clever. He already asked about Belinda Harrison, and then immediately after that, he asked about Marissa White. You may think he's stupid, but I don't. Let me give him the information he needs, and that's it." I say I know better than Malone that Ethan Maverick is no stupid wealthy playboy. "Fine. Do you as you like, but I'm telling you, you will never find out who you are. He thinks that Viper is a man. Why would he think otherwise?" Malone asks. "Because everything is too convenient. Bianca Henderson is dead, Marissa White appears, and Viper is back. Anybody with a little common sense can put things together. Ethan Maverick is not stupid. That is why he is asking me all these questions and trying to test Viper," I say. I talked for a little while with Malone, and he agreed with me. Ethan Maverick will only see the file that I gave him. We must be believable and ensure that Ethan does not expect Marissa White to be Viper. I sent Ethan the file of the organization. I smile because I know Ethan will be confused. At least, Ethan will think Viper is not working for the organization because he hacked into the organization. This file will prove to me that Viper is independent.
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