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Ethan's POV I look at the file that Viper sends to me. I was very skeptical. Everything seems to happen at the same time. Belinda Henderson dies. Marissa White shows up, and Viper returns. I can see that Viper has stolen the file from the organization. This can mean only one thing. Viper is not working for the organization. Viper cannot be Marissa White. What bothers me is that my brother, Liam, seems to think he knows Marissa White. She reminds him of somebody. And I was wondering if she reminds him of Bianca Henderson. I have never seen Bianca Henderson, and I do not believe anybody has a photo of her. Perhaps I should ask Viper if he can find me a picture of Bianca Henderson. I do not know what to believe. I know I can trust Malone, but I do not know if I trust the right guys. The organization is known to work for two people at the same time. They do not care who they work for as long as they get paid. I know they will not withhold information from me because I have used them before. However, I do not know if I can trust him with this case, so I brought in Viper. I was surprised to get a message back from him because he was not active for the last two years. That also bothers me because Bianca Henderson was in jail for two years. Now, she has committed suicide, but Viper is back. I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. "Can you find me a picture of Bianca Henderson?" I ask Viper in a message, but he does not answer, and I think he is offline because it's already late. It is around four o'clock in the morning, and I don't believe he will be active anymore. To my surprise, he comes back on. "I will see what I can do. I will have to be careful with the organization because they are not as easy to hack into as I thought. I think it will be the only place I can get a picture of her." Viper says. I understand what he is trying to tell me. I think the organization already picked up that he once hacked into them. I know Malone. He is not somebody that will like it when their information gets out. Perhaps I should ask Malone for a picture of Bianca Henderson. "If you cannot do it, it is okay. I will contact the organization. I am sure they can show me a picture of her. It would be best if you did not get into too much trouble. I know the organization, and I know how they work. I bet they already picked up on you, hacking into their systems." I type. "I can do anything for the right price. I also believe that they know that somebody hacked into their account. They have upped the security on their systems. It is still not a problem because I know I can get past all these securities. Give me a day, and I will have that picture for you." V1P3R replies. "I will pay you anything for that picture. I have a theory. I will pay you more if you can't prove it to me. I believe Marissa White is Bianca Henderson. If you can prove that to me, I will pay you a hell of a lot of money." I say. "What if I proved that Bianca Henderson is not Marissa White? There is always that possibility. Well, I still get paid." Viper replies. "I will still pay you because then I know that I can rest assured Bianca Henderson is dead." I type. "We will discuss a price as soon as I have answered for you and maybe a picture or two." Viper replies. I know I can trust Viper because Viper will never lie. I get up to go to bed. I'm tired. I have logged off, and I know he will not mind. I gave him the instructions I wanted, and that was all he needed. Viper is not somebody of many words. He likes you to tell him what you want and then log off. He does not like you to waste his time. I can understand that his time is his money. I wonder who else he is working for? Who cares? As long as I get what I want. I have seen the file on Marissa White, but something is still not making sense to me. I want to ensure that she is not Bianca. What makes me wonder is that Liam said she reminds him of someone. He was sure that he knew her. I could see it in his eyes. I do not trust my family and do not want them to come close to my son. I do not want him to find out that my son exists. I know I cannot hide him forever, but I do not want him to know about him now. Hopefully, by the time they learn about him, they will all be in jail where they belong. I believe in Malone, and I know he will get away to get back at them because they have done something to the organization that pissed off Malone. I take my weary body to bed. Before I go to bed, I check on little Eric. He is fast asleep in his crib. I stand next to him for a while. He looks so peaceful. I wonder why he called Marissa Mommy. That is also part of the puzzle. Eric never called anybody Mommy. It also makes me wonder if Marissa White is Bianca Henderson or half relationships to her. A child knows. Perhaps he knows that she has saved his life and that his life feels close to her. I cannot get the picture of her face out of my mind. She is beautiful, and I will not mind getting to know her better. But I do not want anybody in my life because of Eric. Eric's little face looks so peaceful. I know deep down that he one day will miss his mother. I do not want him to feel like he is missing anything, but I cannot be his mother. Deep down, I know I hope that Bianca Henderson is still alive. I hope she is Marissa White because I like Marissa White, and I will make her his mother if she is Bianca Henderson. I know it is wishful thinking, and I think Bianca is dead. I can only hope. I hope Viper can provide me with the right answers. If the organization is involved with Bianca Henderson, I will never be sure if she died. Marissa's POV I am shaken. I did not believe Ethan Maverick would get back to me and ask me for a picture of Bianca Henderson. What am I going to do about that? I do not know. I will have to contact Malone and ask him what to do. I know for a fact that I don't look like Bianca anymore. However, I'm not willing to take the chance. What if he recognizes me? I pick up my cell phone, call Malone, and tell him exactly what happened. "I will send you a photo of Bianca Henderson. He will not recognize you. I promise you. You have changed a lot, and we have dyed to hair and even put in contact lenses so that you will not have the same eye color you had in those photos. Even if he suspects you of looking a bit like Bianca, he will only think that you might be a family member of Bianca and that you are not Bianca. Trust me, Marissa. Please do this. We were hoping that you would suspect something so we could put his suspicions to rest. I do not believe he believed in the organization anymore. I think he believes that the only person you can trust at the moment is Viper, and he will be suspicious of why Viper has returned after Bianca's death and your return from Europe. We must put him at rest and make him think you are not Bianca Henderson. Do you understand me? I think the only person he believes at the moment is Viper. I will send you a file with a photo of Bianca, and you can send it to him. You are very young there, and I do not believe he will recognize you as Marissa White. Do you trust me?" Malone asks me. "I do not have a choice, but trust you do I? You are all I have in this world, so I am free from prison. I will trust you. I believe we can convince him that Viper is not Bianca or me. I do think we can convince him that I am not Bianca Henderson. It has to come from Viper, though. Like you, I believe he only believes in Viper at this moment. It did not help when Liam said I looked like someone he knew. You were also there when little Eric called me mommy. I believe it made Ethan suspicious about Marissa White." I say. I know I would have been suspicious if I were Ethan. Can I blame him for wondering who Marissa White is? Can I blame him for not trusting the organization? Because they were the ones that helped him in the first place. They also supported his family. They helped him get Bianca's child out of prison and protect him from the Maverick family. I would also not have believed them when I told me that Bianca was dead. I know what organization is all about. I have learned how they have operated over the past few days. They only care about money. They do not care about these clients. They are a lot like Viper. I know what Viper is like because I am Viper. When I was younger, I didn't care about anybody's feelings or who I heard with the information I gave to the people who could pay me. Will I do it again? I do not know. I will be more careful with the information I provide to people who do not deserve it. I am terrified that a woman like me will get hurt because of the information I give to the wealthy and famous. I cannot believe that I was so stupid when I was young. How many people did I provide power to because of what I discovered for them? How many families like the Maverick family that I give power to that does not deserve it? "Marissa, I want you to know you always have a choice. You do not have to work for us if you do not want to. We will let you go if you want to become only Viper on one condition: You will always help us when we need your help. We will never force you to work for us. I know you are very grateful to us for saving you from jail. However, you do not owe us anything. You have provided us with so much in the past. And you are still doing it today. If you want to continue as Viper, we will not stop you." Malone says. Malone will never do this to anybody else, but I feel sorry. I know he is feeling sorry for me because I was always an orphan and had anybody to protect me. I can trust Malone with my life. I know he will never let me down. I have to find out everything about my past. I have to hack into Bianca Henderson's files. I had to hack into her actual files to find out who Bianca Henderson was. I had to find out who my parents were. I cannot believe that I do not even know that. My parents must have been very important if the organization interested me.
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