The Maverick family

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Liam's POV Marissa White is undoubtedly a beautiful woman, but I do not know why she reminds me of somebody, and I cannot put my finger on who she reminds me of. I do not care who she reminds me of, but I know one thing, I want her. She is beautiful, and I can see that Ethan genuinely loves her. I must find out who her parents are so I can befriend them. I must ensure they know that Ethan is not the right man for Marissa White. Even if I have to tell lies about him, I do not care. I hate my oldest brother. He is everything that I will never be. My parents do not love him as much as they love me, but it does not mean I am better than him. He has made more money in the last couple of years, and we have, as a family, in our lifetime. He might have the money, but I will not let him have the woman. "Marissa, if I were you, I would not go close to my brother. He is a player. He wants what he cannot have. And once he has it, he throws it away. Isn't that what happened with Bianca, brother? Do you know what happened to her after you and our parents treated her like you did? Did you know that she committed suicide? I bet you did, and I bet you don't care. Marissa, let's go. I want to introduce you to some of my friends." Ethan says, and for a while, I'm taking a back. Is Bianca Henderson dead? Why did my parents not tell me about it? Why didn't I know about it? In a way, I loved being come more than I have loved any other woman. But she has become a burden, and I had to get rid of her because she had no future with the Maverick family. "Are you afraid that I will take Marissa away from you? And is that why you are bringing up a woman I don't care about? Who cares if she is dead or not? I did nothing to her. Everything she did, she did to herself. She stole from our family and ended up where she needed to be. I don't believe it's my fault if she could not take her punishment. Bianca Henderson is from the past, and I do not want to be reminded of her." I say, seeing Marissa looking amused at Ethan and me. Her eyes say guarded, though, as if she does not trust me. Damn, Ethan! He has always been more handsome than me, or so the women think. I bet they would think I am more attractive than him if I had his money. I have to find out who Marissa White is. Is she after Ethan's money? Or does she have money of her own? If she is after Ethan's money, it will be easy to take her from Ethan. "Marissa is not as naive as Bianca was. You might think that you can fool her like you fool Bianca and many other women, but she is not stupid and will not fall for your tricks." Ethan says as he takes Marissa's hand and walks away. I am furious at Ethan. Why doesn't he let Marissa speak for herself? I walked back into the banquet hall and looked for my parents. Ethan has not invited us, but we showed up anyway because we are family, and how can he forget to ask his family? I know Ethan will not throw us out because he dislikes making scenes. Besides, he is a respected billionaire in New York City and cannot afford to be rude to his family. The world will know about it in a few minutes, and everybody will condemn him on social media. And I know my brother is a proud man. He does not like to be disgusted, especially not on social media. I do not know how he made these billions, but we must get closer to him again to get our hands on his money. I planned on coming here tonight and making friends with my brother, but he made me angry, and all my good intentions went out the window. Now,"We made them briefly. They are John and Stephanie White. I hear they are billionaires. Why do you ask? Have you got closer to Ethan yet?" My mother asks. Marinda Maverick may be my mother, but I'm telling you, I do not want her as an enemy. She will not even care about going after her children if that will benefit her. Sam Maverick always does what his wife wants him to do because he does not want to be on her wrong side. If I had to wife like my mother, I would also be cautious of her because she is the type that will kill you in your sleep or poison you to get your hands on your life policy. "No, he has been very rude to me, and he upset me. We got into a little bit of an argument. However, I have met Marissa White. She is the daughter of John and Stephanie White. I think. She just returned from studying overseas, and if I can get close to her, we will not need Ethan's money. Besides, we can get back at Ethan if I get her to date me instead of him. My dearest brother is very much in love with Marissa White. I know it will be a hard blow for him. We need to pretend that we are welfare than him because I think Marissa White is only after his money, as she does not look so much in love with him. I think she's after his money, which is it." I tell my parents. I want to take the woman he loves and make her mine. I don't care about getting closer to him anymore or his money. We will have enough money if the White family is wealthy, and I can marry into them. I see my parents standing aside. I walk straight to them. "Mother. Father, do you know who the White family is?" I ask. Marissa's POV I cannot believe I saw Liam and did not feel a thing. There was not even hatred in my heart. Perhaps it is because I know they are not worthy of my hate. However, I'm not going to let them go. They will pay for what they have done to me and many others. I feel they have also done Ethan wrong, which is why he lived with the family. Ethan takes me around, introducing me to all the wealthy people. I recognize a few, and they are some of our targets. I also remember a few that have paid me for hacking jobs. That reminds me that Malone never answered my question about what happened to my money. He kept quiet when I asked him the question, and I was so deep in thought that I did not even realize it until now. Anyway, I will ask him again later. I hope the organization took the money and used it to help them with their cases. It will be much better than having the Maverick family of my hard-earned money in their hands. "You have now met everybody, and you have the attention of Liam. I'm glad I could have been of help to you now. But from now on, stay away from me. We will pretend that we did not get along. I do not say in a relationship for long anyway. So my family will not think anything about it. But in the meantime, we will pretend to be a couple until you get what you want and get Liam in your grip. I hope it repays my debt to you for saving my son's life." Ethan says, his eyes and voice like a snowy day. They have no warmth, and I know he can play his part very well by pretending to be my lover. If I did not know better, I would have thought he was jealous outside on the balcony a few minutes ago. I look around the hall and see the Maverick family standing alone on one side of the Banquet Hall. I wonder what they are planning to take Marissa White away from Ethan. Take Ethan by his sleeve, and we walk closer to hear what they say. We are protected by the dark corners of the banquet hall, and they cannot see us. My eyes go through the room again to ensure nobody has noticed me and isn't standing in the dark corner, listening to what the Maverick family has to say. "If you can't get Marissa White to date you instead of Ethan, then we don't need Ethan's money, nor do we need to get close to him. I hear they are more wealthy than Ethan will ever be. I only want us to become close to Ethan for his money. You know I do not see him as my son anymore because he chose to leave us alone in our time of need." Marinda Maverick says. "Why haven't you told me that Bianca Henderson committed suicide? I had to find out from Ethan, and he told me in front of Marissa White! I hope it did not influence her impression of me. If only we could have gotten our hands on Bianca's money. I still don't know where she got that money, but I'm telling you one thing, I saw her bank account, and she had a lot of money. That is why we could have used it in court. However, not even the court could trace that money. None of our spies could get anything out of her. She must have hidden that money away. When the court granted us that money, that account was empty. They could not do anything, and they could not trace the money. So we lost it. I should have gone to visit her in jail and pretended that it was not me who did the things to her, but you didn't want me to go near her. I could have found out where that money was, and we could have been wealthy today. The police could get nothing out of her, and she said that she thought we had taken the money and did not know what had happened to the money. We have all the jewelry but cannot do anything with it. You know that Ethan has put a trace on that jewelry, and as soon as somebody tries to sell it, the police will arrest them. I do not know what possessed Grandmother to leave all the family jewelry to Ethan. I thought that I was her favorite grandson. But that's all in the past now. We have to get money so that I can impress Marissa White and her parents." Liam says. So they did not get their hands on my money. Then where is the money I have worked for so hard? Ethan pulls me outside the balcony again. "I knew I had jewelry. You have to get even with them for me and Bianca Henderson. I do not understand how Bianca made that money, but I transferred it while they were busy with the court case. I want to tell you a secret. Little Eric is not my boy. He is Bianca's child that she had with Liam. And I took that money and invested it. I invested it for Little Eric. I knew that was something that she would want. I'm not good at hacking, but I can do the basics. I also ran the money through so many accounts that not even the police could trace it. I know they were searching, and I think the only person who can trace the money is V1P3R, but he has not been in action for a long time. They did not know about little Eric, so they did not know where to look. The money is invested in his name. I love that little boy like my own, and he will forever be my son. That is why I'm hiding informed the world. And that is why I do not want anybody to touch him. My family destroyed this mother's life, but I will not allow them to ruin his. He is my responsibility for what my family has done to his mother." Ethan says. I feel like I can kiss the man, but he will probably slap me if I do. I bet that is why Malone never answered me. He didn't want to tell me that Ethan took the money. He know I would have jumped to conclusions. "I promise I will get revenge for you, Bianca Henderson, and little Eric, who must grow up without his mother. You look cruel and mean to the world, Mr. Maverick, but you have a good heart. Little Eric is a fortunate boy to have a father like you. Besides, I know that little Eric is not your son. I know whose son he is. Did you forget that I'm working with Malone?" I say. My respect for Ethan Maverick has just gone up. "I did forget. You play your role very well. Even if you take revenge, I do not want you to come near Eric and me. It doesn't make us friends. It makes us allies. You know, like business partners." Ethan says. I nod my head as I walk away. It is time for Marissa White to go home with her parents. I had enough of the Maverick drama for one night. This is my biggest mission, but it's not my only one. There are others that I have to help catch. I look over my shoulder as I walk away toward my so-called parents. Ethan Maverick makes a lonely picture standing on the balcony. His back is turned to me as he looks out over the city. He can make me so angry, yet he has a heart of gold. It is such a shame that we will never be friends. I think there is more to Ethan Maverick than he is willing to show the world or even me.
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