The picture

2053 Words
Marissa's POV I do not know what to do about the picture, and I'm waiting for Malone to send me one. I hope it is an old picture where I do not look the same. My eyes are now hazel, although there usually are blue. I'm wearing contacts to make my eyes another color. My hair is blond now, and it usually is black. I must ensure that I dye roots every time before they start growing out. I cannot show anything of Bianca Henderson, not even the color of her hair or eyes. It will be challenging to keep up with everything, but I know I will have to do it. I can never slap up. I will always have to be on my toes. Ethan Maverick is on to me, and I better play my part. I cannot let his suspicions grow even further. I will have to be very careful around him and hope I do not encounter little Eric again. He is my boy, and I think it is an instinct that he knows I am his mother. I would love to have him back, but I know I cannot allow that. He was never mine, and he will never be. Malone sent me an old photo of me. I cannot believe the same person is looking at me in the mirror. I do not look the same anymore. Even my body has changed. I am more toned now. The young girl looking at me in the picture is not me. She was weak. I am strong. I can never be that girl again. I have attached the file as Malone has sent it to me. I sent the file with the picture to Ethan Maverick. It seems like I have hacked into the organization again and stolen that file from the organization. Ethan will not doubt that I have hacked into the organization and have stolen the picture for him. I am not afraid you will recognize me because I no longer look like the girl in the photo. I know that he has been skeptical about Marissa. Perhaps he will see something in the image that I don't. I no longer believe I look like that girl in the photo. "This should answer your question. I do not believe Belinda Henderson and Marissa White are the same person. I will look into it for you and will let you know what I can find out." Viper types, and I go to bed. I did not sleep much last night, hacking all night and working on some of my client's requests. I have to build up my bank account again and want to do it this time for my future, but one day my son will inherit everything I have. I do not care if they find out after I am dead that I am Bianca. I love my job. I love what I'm doing. I love the challenges that hacking is giving me. Malone has something planned for me today, and I better sleep. Marissa White is usually busy at night and not during the day because everybody is working, and nobody cares about Marissa White during the day. New York City is alive at night when Marissa White has to be among the wealthy. She needs to be around when they are parties. I will have to figure out how to be Viper and Marissa White simultaneously because I know some clients will try to contact me while I am at the parties. I cannot let him get suspicious of me, especially not Ethan Maverick. I wake up around noon. I'm hungry, and I'm about to make myself food. However, pizza is on the table when I walk into the kitchen. Malone is sitting in the sitting room reading the newspaper. I smile as I see him because he knows I love pizza. It is one of my favorite dishes and will always be one of my favorites. He knows everything about me; I have seen it in Marissa White's file. I know exactly what I like. "You're the best, Malone. I've been hungry. I was swamped last night. Many of my old clients returned when they saw that Viper was back. I'm glad they know that Viper does not like talking about himself. Nobody asked too many questions, and I accepted that I was back. So what are the plans for today? Do I have to go to a party or something tonight? We must determine how Viper can remain online while I am at parties. I do not want my clients to get suspicious, especially not Ethan Maverick. I thought about it last night because Viper was always online when his clients needed him. They know that he sleeps during the day and is active at night. How will I convince people that Viper is not me if I have to attend parties?" I say. "Do not worry about that, honey. Viper will be online while you are at the parties. He will take messages, tell people he will look into it, and get back to them later that night. They all know that Viper likes to work late at night. Nobody will think about it, and I will take all your messages. You will have to give me your login. Or you can log in and leave it on for me. I want you to train some of our team to help you hack, and they can take over when you are busy. Tonight you are going to a charity auction. Do not worry about the money. I will give you enough money to bet on anything you want. I know it is not ideal, and you do not like to go places like that, but I know you will have to do it close to Liam and his family. We have to get the Maverick family and get them quickly because they are getting out of hand and giving everybody trouble here in New York." Malone says. "I know what I have to do. I don't even feel like it anymore. Don't get me wrong. I do want my revenge on them. They took away two years of my life and my son. I feel like I have a new lease on life. I want to become the best hacker in the world again. Although I have practiced, I did not realize that some things have changed so much. The technology you gave me is wonderful. I am enjoying being a part of the hacker world again. However, I feel that I have lost out a lot. I know I have to catch up with the new technology. It's not like we had the best technology in prison. I know Liam and his parents still have the jewels because I cannot sell them. Ethan has put a trace on it. As soon as somebody tries to sell it, he will be alarmed." I say. I hate the Maverick family. For a while, I felt that I did not hate them anymore. But I realize the more I find out about them, the more I hate them for what they are doing to me and many people in this world, especially in New York City. I know that I need to get my revenge. I know I have to take them out, and I know I have to release the world of them. I am the only one who can get close to Liam because I think I am the newest and best bet for them to keep money. I believe that I am the daughter of a wealthy White family. They think I am their ticket to the top. I am not going to allow them to use me again. I will try to get closer to Liam tonight at the charity auction. I know that he wants me because he thinks I am with Ethan. I gave Ethan my telephone number the night we met at the banquet hall. I know he may need me, and I know he may want me to go with him to the charity auction. I do not have to wait long for his message. "Can you please send me your address? Because I want to take you to the charity auction tonight. The more we are seen together, the best for you and your plans to get closer to Liam." Ethan texts me. My smile as I show Malone the message. "Honestly, I do not believe Ethan wants you to get too close to Liam. I think he is in love with Marissa White but will not admit it. Why do you think he wants to know everything about Marissa White? A man in love will always try to find out about the woman he is in love with. As long as you remember your mission, I do not care who you sleep with or have affairs with. The organization always comes first." Malone says. "Do not be silly. I do not believe that Ethan Maverick can love anyone but himself. He is full of himself, and he's an arrogant bastard. I do not think that he is in love with Marissa White. He believes that she is Belinda Henderson, and that is all. I think he's just interested in finding out if Belinda is dead or not, and he does not believe that I am not Belinda because of what happened between little Eric and me. Liam also did not help when he said I reminded him of something, someone." I say. I sent Ethan my address. My study, where all my equipment is, is hidden behind a secret door. The door looks like a bookcase, and I have to pull on one of the books to open it. I have not heard that Ethan will discover my secret study and discover that I am Viper when he comes to visit me at my place. I also text him to pick me up at seven. I eat my pizza and am full by the time Malone gets up. "I need to go. I will see you again tomorrow. Remember to keep to the basics and never talk too much about yourself. I know Ethan will try to get everything he can out of you. If he is suspicious of you, he may not let it go. I do know Ethan Maverick very well. Besides, today is the funeral, and he did not even invite you to the funeral. I have to go and get everything ready, including the body. Do not worry. We will make the body look just like Bianca Henderson. He will not know the difference, and he will not know that Bianca is not dead. We must show him that she is for him to believe that you and Bianca are not the same person. Do not worry. We already have a person that looks like an older version of Bianca Henderson. Before you asked, we did not kill her. She was already dating a car accident when we obtained her body. She will look just like Bianca Henderson with a little bit of cosmetics. She does not have parents, so nobody will miss her. She will just be buried in a grave that is not named after her. Nobody knows who this woman was, so we are just giving her a burial if you think about it. We could not find any information about her, so I do not know where she came from or who she is. Her injuries are not that bad. She did break her neck, though, and it will help us convince everyone that she is Bianca Henderson." Malone says. "At what time is my funeral so I at least know at what time I got buried?" I tease Malone. I do not care, but I wonder if you will even answer me as it just walks through the door and does not even turn around to look at me. "At four o'clock, Bianca Henderson will be buried and out of this world." Malone says. I do not mind. I smile as I know this is the end of a chapter in my life. Belinda Henderson will be no more. However, Marissa White will live on.
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