A new beginning

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Marissa's POV I woke up the following morning thinking that I had a dream. I did not hold my son. I have to remember to think like Marissa and not Bianca. Today, I will be introduced to the wealthy circles of New York. I will have to act like and spoiled brat and a socialite. I wouldn't say I like those types of people, but I must play my role to get close to Liam and his family again. I need to get revenge on that family for what they have done to me and my little boy. I want to protect my son, and I want him out of the way so they can never harm him. I know Ethan loves him, and I can see it when he tries to protect the little one. I have my apartment. However, Malone and other agents are always around me. They are drilling this new personality into me. I wonder when I can get onto the dark net again. When will they allow me to start hacking again? I know that my money is gone. The Maverick family took it because they accused me of stealing their jewelry, which I did not. I bet they found out that I had money, and I wanted that money. And that is why they wanted to get rid of me. Well, that and the fact that I was sleeping with their youngest son, Liam. I thought Liam loved me. I was young, stupid, and naive. He used me like his family used me and didn't. Then they all threw me into prison. I walk into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Malone is sitting at the table waiting for me. "Are you okay after last night? Are you sure you can play your role? You know when you are moving around in the high circles of New York. You will run into the Maverick family, and you will be unable to take your revenge there and then. You did great yesterday, not showing your emotions after holding your son. You passed the first test. Tonight is your second test as we will go to a banquet. Well, I will not be with you, but two of our agents will be some of our older agents that will play your parents. There is a whole wardrobe full of designer clothes. A wealthy socialite like you cannot wear normal clothes." Malone says. "I'm ready for the banquets. I am prepared for anything. I have seen my son. I held him, and now I am happy. I know he is safe with Ethan and that Ethan loves him. I was always just worried that you would not find a proper home. I was afraid that he would end up like me. You do not have to worry. I will not do anything. As I said, Bianca Henderson is dead. I am Marissa White. Tell me more about the banquet. Who is the host? Where is it going to be? Also, tell me, when is Viper returning?" I ask. "Ethan Matherk is the host, and it will be held at the Banquet Hall of the Lagoon Hotel. Viper will return soon. We need to find a way to bring Viper back. We must find an excuse for why Viper was inactive for a long time." Malone says. "Yeah, I know the community is very suspicious when somebody will suddenly come back. Some may think it is an impostor, so I will have to prove myself from the start again. Viper does not have to give an excuse why Viper was not active for two or so years. Viper is a legend. It will be best if Vipers post on platforms again, proving some conspiracy theories as V1P3R always did. Finding out what the government was hiding from us was always a hobby. Once Viper is back on those platforms, everybody that knows about Viper's other side will go and look for Viper on the dark net." I say. "You're right. Viper does not owe anybody an explanation. Many will believe that he was caught. I do not know why everybody thinks it is a man, but yeah. I'm glad they think it is a man because everybody is looking for Viper, including the FBI, CIA, and governments worldwide. You brought up too many secrets. Where did you get all this stuff from anyway?" Malone asks. "That is my secret. I look up conspiracy theories and see if I can prove them. It is a hobby of mine." I laugh. "Well, Viper made a lot of enemies. That's what I like about you. You do not care what happens. You're a real daredevil on the Internet. I like your attitude, and I like the way that you handle the conspiracy theories thing. It is fun to see how the governments and even the FBI and CIA jump around to prove that it is all just conspiracy theories, but nobody believes them after Viper proves it is not. They are still looking for Viper, although Viper has disappeared for two years—some fires you can't put out. You will have the pants in a knot if you return. I think it is the FBI, CIA, and governments around the world's nightmare that Viper returns. You brought out too many secrets. Secrets they do not want the world to know." Malone says. "What happened to my money that the Maverick family took it?" I ask. I did not have time to put it into other accounts if they could not trace it. I was preoccupied with Liam. I made the biggest mistake of my life. I trusted Liam and thought I was in love with him. I thought he loved me. I thought he would fight for me, although his parents were against our relationship. I trusted the wrong person, and I paid for it. At first, I was hurt. I did not want to live. Then I found out I was pregnant, but luckily the court case was over quickly because Liam and his family had paid the judge, and the jury too found me guilty fast. I am glad they did not know about my child, and Ethan Maverick protected little Eric from them. I know they would not have let him live. He would have been an obstacle on their way to the top. Nobody wants anything to do with me after what I was accused of. My son would have been an embarrassment to them. I knew they had spies watching me, ensuring I stayed in jail. I have to stop thinking about my past, and I have to stop thinking about my future. I keep myself busy the whole afternoon, rehearsing everything I know about Merissa White. I do not want to slip up, not tonight. I wonder what Ethan Maverick will say about me showing up at his party after he warned me to stay away from him and his son. I wonder if the Maverick family will be there. If Ethan is hosting the party, who will invite them? I have to get into the inner circles of the wealthy in the city, and the only way I can do it is by attending parties like this. The party starts at seven. I get ready around six and wait for my parents to arrive. John and Stephanie White arrived on time. They look like normal wealthy parents, and one will not say they are spies for the organization. We talk for a while before we get into the car and drive to the party. We arrive, and we go inside. I take a glass of champagne from the waiter. My eyes look through the crowd to see who is there that I may know. Not that anybody will recognize me because I have changed a lot. My parents started greeting everybody and introducing me as their daughter who had returned to study overseas. I can feel his eyes on me before I see him. He walks straight to me. His eyes are cold, and his whole attitude looks like he is about to kill me. "I told you to stay away from my son and me. What the hell are you doing here?" Ethan Maverick says as he takes me by my arm and marches me outside to the balcony. "I am here with my parents. You know I am a White. You invited my parents, so I have to come. Let go of my arm. I have to get into the inner circles to get to your family. Remember the people that ruined many people's lives? Why don't you just let me do my job? You know very well. I work with Malone. I did not approach you. You were the one who approached me. I was trying to stay away from you all night. I did nothing wrong. All I did was save your son's life. I'm not interested in you. Now, let me go, and let me do my job. I hope your family shows up tonight so I can start doing my job. I know them. They will show up even if you did not invite them. I know everything about them because Melone has told me everything about them. Besides, my parents don't know what I am and what I am doing. I would appreciate it if you did not tell them." I say, pretending to be Marissa White. I think I'm playing my role quite well. I do not want him to think I am just an agent for the organization. I also want him to believe that I am the socialite and wealthy daughter of the White family. Malone is the one that wants me to do it in any way. I have to convince everybody that I am Marissa White. Even Ethan Maverick must think I am Marissa White. "Stay away from me for the rest of the night. I do not want to see you near me." Ethan says. "That was what I was trying to do until you came and grabbed me and pulled me out onto this balcony. I was not the one that came to you. You came to me. Now may I go?" I ask. I'm furious. I was not even trying to get his attention. He thinks too much of himself. He believes that I want him—arrogant bastard. "Ethan, I was looking all over for you." Amanda Krueger says. She walks out on the balcony and looks at me jealously. "Amanda, I'm busy at the moment. Can you please excuse us? Miss White and I were discussing business." Ethan says. I can see he's irritated with the woman. I know her from the Maverick home. Well, this is a test. She does not even recognize me. She used to hate me because she also had an affair with Liam, but I only found out after I was in jail and saw them dating on social media. I smile at her and turn back to Ethan. I know he does not want to be alone with her. I gave him an evil smile, and his eyes warned me. "I don't think we have any more business to discuss, Mr Maverick. Have a good night. He's all yours, Miss." I say. I pretend not to know who she is. I'm about to walk away when Ethan grabs me by my arm. "Marissa, honey, I am sorry. You have nothing to be jealous about. Amanda and I are only friends. Amanda and I have known each other for years, and there's nothing between us." Ethan says. There is an evil look now in his eyes. I feel like I can slap the bloody bastard. What the hell is he thinking? I can't see Amanda is furious. She storms out of the balcony without even saying another word. "Are you crazy? How am I supposed to get close to Liam? If I am supposed to date you?" I ask. "Liam will be more interested in you if you are dating me. He always wants what he cannot get. I am just helping you with your course. I know she will run to Liam and cry on his shoulder. He will see you immediately and come after you." Ethan says. "You're the biggest asshole I know. Amanda is obviously in love with you. And now I have made my first enemy in New York." I say. The next moment Ethan pulls me closer to him and starts kissing me. I am so shocked that I don't know what to do. Someone cleans their throat behind us. Ethan let go of me, and I turned around. For the first time in two years, I'll look into the eyes of Liam Maverick. "Hello, brother. Aren't you going to introduce me to your lovely lady?" Liam asks. "Marissa, meet my brother Liam. Don't trust him, though he's not a good person." Ethan says. I smile as I hold my hand out to Liam as if I meet him for the first time. "You look a little familiar, Marissa. Have we met before?" Liam asks. "I do not think so. I just came from Europe. Perhaps I remind you of somebody else." I say. "You're right. I would never forget a beautiful woman like you if I had met you before." Liam says smoothly. Ethan takes my hand and glares at his brother. I must admit he's playing his role as a jealous lover very well.
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