Chapter 17: Aurora's Ultimate Skill

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“What do you mean?” Aurora Ward gave Jake Hunt a puzzled look. Jake Hunt laughed. He suddenly threw Aurora Ward's file back at her. Aurora Ward remained silent, looking at Jake Hunt, not making any complicated moves. “Then let me put it like this to make it easier for you to understand! If you want to get ahead in your relationship with me, you need to be aware of the opportunities and challenges in my relationship with other girls." Jake Hunt spoke confidently. "From there, you can gain my trust in all aspects. Am I right? Don't think that I was trying to make things difficult for you. I'm giving you a big chance to approach me, little girl! Jake Hunt said, laughing, but his eyes were terrified. He has experienced many battlefields and met many types of people. But Jake Hunt thinks that women like Aurora Ward are just small pawns in his hands for him to manipulate. Looking at Aurora Ward's face gradually turning red from anger, Jake Hunt was implicitly satisfied because he thought she was hooked. But Aurora Ward is still a lot of things that Jake Hunt probably never understood. “Why would you say that?” Aurora Ward stood up and glared at Jake Hunt. She did not expect that a dangerous wolf hit her on her first day of interview at Thunder Electronics Corporation. The things that Jake Hunt said were extremely fuzzy. Jake Hunt immediately revealed all her hidden thoughts with ease, using her own words to attack. But Aurora Ward still hasn't figured out what Jake Hunt is aiming for. But today, she does not know whether she has been defeated quickly by a few words of Jake Hunt's provocation or that she is winning gloriously. Aurora Ward decided to use a dangerous card, but it seemed in this situation to be the safest solution. Aurora Ward heard Jake Hunt say that, smiled, and approached him. She did not hesitate to look at Jake Hunt for her. Aurora Ward slowly reached out and stroked his chest. Jake felt amused, smiled, grabbed Aurora Ward's nape, and kissed it passionately. Aurora Ward was a little out of breath, reaching out to push Jake Hunt away when she felt the two were too aggressive, even though it was only the first time they had met. However, Aurora did not forget to pinch his n*****s so hard that he squealed with joy. “Chairman Jake Hunt, you should be more patient in figuring out a long-term move with me. This Thunder Electronics Group has only you as the sole owner. Of course, you'll have to be stricter with me. No one wants to rely on a useless person to solve the painful problems of a billion-dollar fortune.” Aurora Ward gently reached into her bag to take out lipstick and apply it evenly on lips that were faded because of the rough kiss earlier. She jerked her head to look at Jake Hunt. “Aurora Ward, don't say things like that. If it weren't for your determination to seduce me, we wouldn't be in this mess." Jake Hunt laughed as he reached into his crotch. He also did not forget to pull Aurora Ward closer, pinning her with both hands and feet. “So, do you want to feel a little daring? Give me a try. Don't you have fun every day for you to enjoy?" Aurora Ward smiled in satisfaction. She narrowed her eyes at Jake Hunt, leaned up to bite his lip, and then rubbed the back of her body against Jake Hunt's lower body. He couldn't help but sigh involuntarily. Aurora Ward's hips make Jake Hunt's lower body look like it's on fire. Aurora Ward smirked, curling her lips. She secretly put her hand behind her back, slowly slipping it deep into Jake Hunt's loose trousers. She tried to grab something familiar that made him squirm and fidget. Jake Hunt's breath began to rise strongly. Aurora Ward turned around, staring longingly at Jake Hunt, who she found highly repulsive. She ran the tip of her tongue over her red lips. Jake Hunt smirked, tilted his head, reached his hand towards Aurora Ward's full breasts, and tormented him continuously. He realizes that there are things that are not as realistic as he thought. Aurora Ward tried to laugh seductively, pressing her whole body against Jake Hunt. She forced each breath of both of them to synchronize and harmonize with each other. Aurora Ward's face was tilted to the short ceiling for tears to flow. Jake Hunt ran his hand over Aurora Ward's face while her lips searched for a suitable position. Jake Hunt devoured Aurora Ward's lips. He bit her earlobe hard, and his hand continued to torment Aurora Ward both's breasts mercilessly. Then there's the sexy butt that always excites his curiosity. The stinging sensation and the lustful emotion mingled together to form savage waves that ignited flames that burned Aurora Ward and Jake Hunt's bodies. She had some regrets about herself. She straddled the line between 'easy' or 'cowardly' or 'professional' or 'half-hearted'. Aurora Ward must have had no other emotions except for naive calculations or worse. The original human instinct was rising like a dangerous forest fire. Aurora Ward winked at Jake Hunt. She ruffled the collar of her suit shirt and ran her hands up to thigh high to show him sensitive areas. Aurora Ward's eyes were full of magic, causing Jake Hunt to quickly approach like a frantic animal finding a delicious meal after long days of hunger and struggle. Jake slid his hand slowly into her suit. Aurora Ward giggled, stimulating him by touching Jake Hunt's sensitive spots with her tongue. Jake Hunt's Chairman's room began to reverberate with the erotic sounds of both of them. Aurora Ward felt her whole body heat up. Jake Hunt suddenly clapped his hands twice. The room was dark, and Aurora Ward dimmed, fumbling in the excruciating, maddening darkness. The darkness raised Jake Hunt's hysteria even higher. Suddenly, Jake Hunt hugged Aurora Ward passionately, kissing her like a thirsty man caught a succulent lip. Aurora Ward also gradually lost her mind, no longer recognizing herself, responding passionately. Aurora automatically took off her outerwear, kicking her shoes away. Jake Hunt's perverted hand tightened around Aurora Ward, groping up to her breasts and stroking even the most dangerous part of Aurora Ward's body. Aurora Ward whined like a feral cat in heat, causing the person, Jake Hunt, to be beside her to frenzy. The hotlines on Aurora Ward's body were brutally possessed, she felt like she was being oppressed to the point of breaking, but it was that that made Aurora Ward so excited. Beads of sweat were running down Aurora Ward's cleavage. Even though her large hands were crumpled, her breath was still burning the temperature inside the room. She felt that they were both in the hell of a craving. Aurora Ward suddenly felt a strange familiarity with Jake Hunt's mysterious stealth actions. The smooth, round, suffocating breast bounced back and forth from the pain. Although it was protected with maximum protection when hiding behind Triumph's 'push up' bra, it still heaved with each choking breath because the wet tongue was tormenting Aurora Ward's oral cavity. Jake Hunt felt bewitched by Aurora Ward's solid, erotic lines. She wasn't pretty like ordinary women would go to bed with him. Aurora's beauty is bizarrely beautiful. Compared to the abundant beauty of women in the land, Aurora is like a mysterious forbidden forest. The scarier it is, the more it excites others. Aurora Ward's hand did not hesitate to stick firmly to the solid back. Immediately, Jake's strong hands groped for the tactile weaknesses of Aurora Ward's body. Jake's body revealed strong, muscular muscles, a beautiful body like a statue. Aurora Ward couldn't help but put her hand inside the crotch of the person above. She felt the hot, huge, massive thing violently convulsing incessantly. The two kissed deeply and passionately, and Aurora Ward's body reacted violently. Her legs wrapped tightly around her hips. Her hands tightened on her biceps, which were imprinted with waves of muscle. Aurora Ward gradually became wild, biting hard on the snake's shoulder, blood mixed in the mouth, and the solid fishy taste stimulated the s****l fire to a high degree. Jake Hunt from above groaned, immediately undressing. The intense love feelings swirling like a firestorm inside made both of them unable to stop. She pulled away from Jake Hunt's lips, grabbed her neck, and continued to bite lightly, an electric numbness running through her body. Aurora Ward quickly found a new place for her lips, her hands groping in the wild darkness. Aurora Ward was a little shocked when she touched something that made Jake Hunt stop. He wondered what she would do.
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