Chapter 16: The never ending interview!

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Aurora Ward scrolled through the news and accidentally saw articles about the relationships of a few celebrities that were not very good; an actor or a singer breaking up with a model, an actor having an affair with a singer. .. Evil is displayed before their eyes, but there are dozens of comments to defend them stubbornly. Aurora Ward smiled scornfully, realizing it was a cheap media trick of greedy celebrities. Life is beautiful when events inadvertently create beautiful connections; of course, everything has its opposite direction. Aurora Ward's smile quickly reached the ears of Jake Hunt and the meeting staff. Jake Hunt and they both vaguely thought that she was implying the problem with the Corporation. “Hello, you are Aurora Ward, an emergency and crisis specialist from Singapore, and I am Nicole Stanley - Marketing Director of the Group. I don't know if Ms. Aurora Ward has any opinion on the matter that the Marketing Department is discussing with President Jake Hunt?" Marketing Director Nicole Stanley has a young and dynamic face. However, Nicole's way of speaking and demeanor also clearly shows that she is very straightforward, annoying, and arrogant. Aurora Ward immediately realized that her earlier smile was a bit disrespectful, so she looked at Marketing Director Nicole Stanley with a pleasant smile to calm the tense atmosphere spreading in the room. “Perhaps Director Nicole Stanley is being too sensitive. I don't care too much about other people's affairs." Aurora Ward looked back at the phone screen. This action of Aurora Ward quickly made Nicole Stanley wave. She stood up and looked at Aurora Ward with hatred. “Aurora Ward expert, I want your opinion to resolve this issue. There is a problem like this. Our group has a third-rate model representing a popular fashion brand. Initially, because we wanted to save costs, we made a five-year contract with her, and unexpectedly, the value of that brand's products skyrocketed. But if we change the agent, we must pay the contract tenfold. In addition, public opinion will judge our group as unhuman and ‘Bite the hand that feeds'. What do you think we should do in this situation?" Director Nicole ignored Jake Hunt's gaze. She looked at Aurora Ward because she felt that Aurora had offended the entire Marketing Department of the Corporation. Most importantly, Nicole Stanley's self-esteem was also vigorously attacked. Nicole Stanley came up with a difficult problem she and President Jake Hunt were stuck in. Aurora Ward looked at the faces of Jake Hunt and Nicole Stanley. Aurora Ward hated herself for being unable to slap both of the people facing her. Aurora explained: “Director Nicole Stanley, let me tell you this story. A girl who sleeps with working people is called a social object. She will be called a sugar baby if she sleeps with an illustrious tycoon. If she sleeps with a football star, she will be called Wags. And sleeping with famous stars is called a hot girl." "What do you mean by expert Aurora Ward that we're spending money to create a relationship scenario between her and other male stars?" Nicole Stanley responded clearly and meticulously. "Director Nicole Stanley calculates how often the cost of paying for the contract, handling a media crisis, and creating a script is different?" Aurora Ward looked at Director Nicole Stanley and then leisurely walked to their desks. Nicole Stanley looked at Jake Hunt. She awaited the decision of the brooding Chairman with a stern look in her eyes. Jake Hunt looked at Aurora Ward for a moment, then nodded at Nicole Stanley. Nicole Stanley quickly made a phone call to a media partner. She had brought the proposal of Aurora Ward just told to her partner. Immediately, she received a quote of about twenty thousand dollars for a relationship that lasted about a month and a half, and amicably broke up. Jake Hunte told Nicole Stanley she reported the initial cost of the contract, handling the media crisis, ranged from nine to twelve million US dollars. Jake Hunt curled his lips slightly, his dark eyes looking at Aurora. She realized that there was a terrible danger inside Jake Hunt. She laughed faintly. Aurora tapped her finger on the table and said, “Is there anything else I need to do?” “There is one more thing that I need an expert like you to help me with, but first, I need the Chairman to agree to allow me to disclose this matter.” Director Nicole Stanley looked at Jake Hunt with determination. “You're talking about… tell Aurora Ward to see what she thinks. Of course, we can only trade at the easiest level, right?” Jake Hunt looked up at Aurora Ward. His gaze caused Aurora Ward to switch to a state of apprehension immediately. Nicole Stanley recounted a strange story in detail: “For example, a young bird flying south to escape the cold accidentally got lost in the north wind, so it frozen and fell down a field. However, an ox passed by and took the opportunity to defecate on it. Just think, Miss Aurora Ward, what would that baby bird do?" Aurora Ward smirked. She looked at Nicole Stanley: "That baby bird will have to lie still, wait until it wakes up, then quietly fly away." Nicole Stanley immediately responded: "I think that baby bird, when it woke up, had to argue with the cow because it defecated on it? Where should that bird's honor be?" Aurora Ward continued to look deeply into Nicole Stanley's eyes: “Listen to Director Nicole Stanley, is this a story about the suburban real estate project of our Thunder Electronics Corporation? I guess it's frozen due to the new Parliament decree, right? After that, another corporation jumped in to make Thunder Electronics Group's project a joke worldwide, right?" It's not hard for Jake Hunt to see Nicole Stanley utterly inferior to Aurora Ward. He looked down at the ground for a moment, then suddenly flashed a bright smile: “Aurora also heard very accurate information. But what do you mean when you say that young bird will have to lie still, wait until it wakes up, then quietly fly away?" Nicole Stanley said: “Because President Jake Hunt didn't know that a bird lying in cow dung would be warmed up? Not everyone who stains you is an enemy.” "But why do you have to keep quiet when you wake up?" Nicole Stanley was curious. Aurora Ward raised an eyebrow at Nicole Stanley: “Because when you're deep in the dirt, be quiet. How does the bird know there will always be a cat behind it when it yells at the cow?" “You mean… the cat is…?” Jake Hunt rolled his eyes at Aurora Ward. She laughed: "Inspector of the US Environmental Protection Agency." Jake Hunt laughed heartily: “Thank you very much, Ms. Aurora Ward.” Aurora Ward didn't shy away, smiling at Jake Hunt: "I'm just telling you the story of the bird, the cow, and the cat." Nicole Stanley feels excellent admiration for Aurora Ward. “Can we talk about you now, Miss Aurora Ward?” Jake Hunt smiled at Aurora. Jake Hunt motioned Director Nicole Stanley and the rest of the staff out of the room. They only know how to obey, bowing to obey orders. Director Nicole Stanley saw Jake Hunt's attractive appearance on Aurora Ward, making her uncomfortable. “Director Nicole, can you guess what will happen in that room?” An employee smiled wryly at Nicole. She replied: "Did you know that the cat died of curiosity?" All the staff were silent. No one dared to say a word. Nicole walked faster than usual. The President's office turned out to be much more dramatic than anyone could imagine. “What was your true purpose in applying for the position of Senior Officer at Thunder Electronics Corporation?” Jake Hunt was still glued to the handwriting on Aurora Ward's resume. Jake Hunt does not seem to care much about her appearance, style, or charisma. However, these are the things that a recruiter is quite interested in when interviewing candidates. What he was interested in was her strange obsession with him. Aurora Ward said, smiling as she saw Jake Hunt looking at her. A smile that Aurora would deeply regret later. Jake was suddenly a bit dumbfounded. He felt that Aurora's smile was familiar but fragile, like a cloud of smoke drifting in his mind. Aurora Ward prepared very carefully for the interview. Initially, with the qualifications and capabilities that the CIA's cybersecurity agency had arranged, she could apply for a higher position. However, the current position that Aurora Ward wants is to be as close to Jake Hunt as possible. But she noticed a vague, uninterested attitude in President Jake Hunt's interview. This made her curious and confused. “The more you talk, the more I feel you are worthwhile cooperating with me.” Jake smiled warmly. His smile seemed to have a great charm. For someone as experienced as Jake, her answering his question was just a prelude to 'Never offer to teach fish to swim' full of conventions.
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