Chapter 18: Desires on the lips

1431 Words
Aurora began to feel a faint, mesmerizing scent permeating the air. Aurora realizes her mind is reeling like drunkenness. Aurora saw a huge naked male figure in front of her in the dark. However, she could still see the erotic creature standing tall toward her, causing Aurora to panic slightly. She didn't expect this horror to be so big. Aurora closed her eyes, suppressing her discomfort, clutching the big warm object, devouring it like a wild cat. Jake reached out his hand to tear Aurora's clothes, even though her hands were still a little shy. His breath hissed through his lips, sending Aurora into a coma of panic. He buried his head in her breasts, clutching her pink n****e. Aurora writhed weakly in pain, trying to free herself from his grip, but he did not let go of her. In the darkness, Jake's eyes flashed crimson-like blood. His hands roamed all over Aurora's body, even in secret places, causing her to shiver in fear. This wasn't the first time she'd climbed into bed with a man, but it was the first time she'd felt herself fall into the arms of such a madman. Jake gasped as the strange sensations surged, suddenly moaning loudly as Aurora's erotic tongue and mouth replaced the painful friction. Jake was not gentle, rough in the middle of her decapitation but thrusting at a strong tempo. Aurora suffocated when trying to endure the lust beyond the body's ability to accept. The coughing lasted. Aurora's hands clutched the firm skin of Jake Hunt's chest. That made him arch his back as Aurora's ten fingers flicked violently, creating numbing tactile oscillations. That act of Aurora left long streaks of blood as a heroic feat of hers. A feat that she had to trade with many things. The other person did not slow down, as if he had become a hungry tiger, grabbing Aurora's breasts and tormenting her until she wanted to burst. Like a storm, the other moved deep inside, causing both bodies to stick together. Aurora screamed in pain because her body had never been subjected to such a crazy stimulus. Aurora quietly thought: “Damn it! Unexpectedly, on the first day of the mission, I had to have s*x with this bastard. Indeed, wicked things can only be accepted but cannot be changed. If this goal is completed soon, I will personally kill this bastard.” Aurora's train of thought ended when his hot, moist tongue touched her lips. Aurora responded enthusiastically without thinking. Infatuation took over both of their minds. Jake Hunt is like a greedy monster when wiping out the sensitive points on Aurora Ward's body. She vaguely identified the rumor that 'Jake is a famous player in this country' because of the uplifting emotions she had been enjoying so far. And that was the last remaining rational thought of Aurora in bed. She is tired of his wild actions. She tried to push him away to get some air forcefully but was quickly locked by his steely hand. Jake Hunt frantically grabbed the body of an amateur athlete, grinding it to the point of bleeding, with deep teeth marks all over her body. Aurora Ward writhed in pain while he was still clutching Aurora Ward's collarbone. She felt her body crumbling to pieces as he put his rough hand inside her weak point. Aurora screamed in pain, then realized an insatiable feeling of stupor permeating her entire body. Her breathing became interrupted by their erotic moans tearing through the air. Jake skillfully used his tongue to quickly glide over Aurora's face and then parted her lips, sneaking inside to devour her. She frantically explored his throat, making them feel like they were about to suffocate. Aurora's lips were bitten to the point of bleeding, swollen with sharp pain. The last bit of her pathetic reason was weaker and more resistant, making him rougher and rougher. He removed all that was left of Aurora's body. Jake suddenly entered Aurora most brutally. Aurora was in pain, screaming again as if she wanted to burst. Jake pinned Aurora's hands to the sofa and began bouncing the motions of lust. Aurora's scream and Jake's lustful moan echoed at the same time. Jake's body tensed in a frantic rhythm, and Aurora's body buckled under the constant and powerful onslaught of fatigue. After more than three hours of struggling together, all the soundproof walls do their job well. Therefore, people outside the President's Office can only guess, not imagine. Jake collapsed on the sofa. He hugged Aurora in his arms, and this was an unconscious action that he did not realize. Never before had he given such sweet affection to any woman next to him after making love. Aurora fainted from fatigue. She seemed to be in a trance in the throbbing pain all over her body. The two lay together for another hour. Then Jake stood up and picked up his clothes. Aurora was also very calm, but he tore her shirt, so Aurora immediately had a dangerous 'rescue' phase. She didn't wear a sweater, just buttoned her coat, revealing her round breasts hidden behind a red lace bra. Aurora stared. She didn't care at all. She applied a new layer of lipstick, letting her hair curl slightly without having to comb it back. "Didn't you tidy up your hair and your shirt?" Aurora showed some curiosity in her eyes. “No matter how welldressed, from the moment I walk out of the room, your staff will tell each other that you and I have an inside relationship here. Excuse me, President, I'm too lazy to explain, so I'll show them all the evidence, so they don't need to talk or doubt anymore." Aurora smiled. “Then let me step out first!” Jake went straight to the door. Suddenly, he turned his head to look at her and laughed: “I think you need to go to Human Resources to take the job, Expert Aurora. We'll see each other later. There's still a lot I want to tell you." He walked out and closed the door. Aurora sat down on the sofa, facing the ceiling. "Don't act like I don't know," she whispered. When having s*x with Jake, she discovers several security cameras hidden inside the room. In the dark, blobs of infrared lights are much easier to spot. Aurora knew that Jake wanted to find out what she was up to with him. So Aurora started doing something shocking, knowing it would drive Jake crazy. From inside the closed room near the President's Office, Jake told his two senior security officers. Jake flashed a devilish smile: “Just now, did you see it all? Keep that video for me. Later, if necessary, we still have something to use. Now, you guys turn on all the security cameras in my room. Let's see what she wants. No one can have an instant relationship with their boss like that.” But as soon as the cameras turned on, Jake could only feel so much shock. He did not expect that Aurora's actions were beyond his imagination. Aurora's actions were a direct blow to his arrogant male pride. Jake was so angry that he smashed the keyboard when he saw the image of Aurora on the screen. Aurora's face tries to be full of satisfaction, but she is extremely painful because of the trauma that Jake Hunt brought. Aurora leaned back, resting her head on the back of the sofa, panting. She packed her clothes and personal belongings, then left Jake's President's Office. And he was shouting in the closed room: "You guys delete it all for me!!! Damn it!!! Who does she think she is?” Aurora had just returned to HM Investments when she saw Evans' text. After she finished reading, the message also self-destructed. Aurora dropped the phone lightly on the desk. She looked around her office, whose door had been closed since she entered. Aurora sat silently, and she burst into tears. She did not expect that the things she had just done and the people she had just faced were beyond her ability to bear. Aurora hiccupped, feeling her body aching. The sudden burning pain made it difficult for her to settle down. Aurora texted Evans for help and that she needed to go to the hospital when the pain hit. Evans appeared in front of Aurora's room. He knocked on the door. She tried to get out quickly, but the doorknob pulled down when Evans walked in to see Aurora collapsed on the floor.
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