Chapter 31: Comback with Tommy

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Rosie was shocked. This expression convinced Evans that the person behind the story was not Jake. Rosie dropped the folder on the ground: “But… this isn't true… it can't be true. Why would you give Aurora such an important task? Do you know how dangerous that is?” Evans looked at Rosie with eyes that harbored an obsession. He smirked: "You care too much about Aurora, don't you? Dangerous for her or dangerous for your career?" As for Jake, he returned home in a tense and frustrated mood despite a drenched love affair with her, but watching Aurora leave with a wound on his arm made him feel highly insecure. He called Aurora repeatedly, but she never answered. The cold, emotionless sound of the waiting music kept ringing in Jake's ears, making him unable to rest assured. Jake pulled a cigarette and put it to his lips, the flame flickering red, and he took a deep breath. If Jake rushed to Aurora's house alone, she would be sent back immediately. Heartbroken, he sighed along the smoke. Jake's grandmother passed by his room, peered in, and when she saw him, she caught Jake's restless state of mind. Grandma went to ask about the situation. Jake was delighted and told his grandmother all of Aurora's afternoon stories. She angrily punched Jake on the back a few times, bursting into tears, blaming him why he didn't tell her earlier: "You're such an i***t!!! This kid!!! Can't I do anything good? How can you be so cruel to little Taylor?" Jake hastily retorted: “Aurora is Aurora! Not Taylor! Don't be like that anymore." “I know… but the image of Taylor kept popping into her head.” Mrs. Izabella sighed, only gently stroking his shoulder, and then advised him to go to Aurora as soon as possible. She did not forget to warn Jake: “Don't lose this opportunity! You have to hold Tay's hand… Aurora… hold it tight.” The following day, Aurora decided to go for a walk. She wanted to practice a little more for mental relief. The past few days' events made her feel so tired that she couldn't stand it. While walking around the headquarters of Thunder Electronics Corporation, Aurora suddenly felt something strange. Aurora quickly swept through the crowds, Aurora's intuition telling someone to follow behind. She immediately squeezed her feet into the busy flow of people walking by. Then Aurora slipped into a nearby Convenience Store hidden behind a street corner. She stood inside the Convenience Store watching the passersby. Aurora suddenly discovered that thugs had blocked her way the day before, near Thunder Electronics Corporation. Aurora felt like they weren't just taking orders from Jake for some reason. This made her think, and she decided to monitor their attitudes and actions to find the cause. Aurora called Jake and growled, "You let your underlings spy on me?" "No! I didn't know that! Run away now! When it's safe, text me to let me know. Do not show up!” Jake frantically talked on the phone and then rushed out of the office of the Chairman of Thunder Electronics Corporation. Meanwhile, the four thugs are still confused in the crowd, thinking they have lost track of Aurora. They turn back to search in the opposite direction. Aurora smiled, tying her hair back. She wore her coat upside down. It was initially a double-sided shirt, but each side was a different color. From her pocket, Aurora pulled out a large pair of sunglasses and put them on. Aurora had entirely successfully changed her identity just now. Aurora quickly left the Convenience Store. Aurora went to the Thunder Electronics Group's Subsidiary Restaurant, where she could learn more about the matters related to the Berlin and Moscow branches. Aurora went straight to the front desk to inform the Manager. The Restaurant Manager quickly appeared and led her into the office. He exchanged documents asking Aurora to review them. She checked it carefully and promptly put it back in her bag. The Restaurant Manager led her to the lobby, passing a dimly lit VIP room, but she suddenly recognized a familiar figure. It was Tommy. And he was being beaten up by three other people. Seeing his pained face made her feel a little soft at that moment. Originally, Aurora intended to walk away to avoid trouble. Because she could easily see that the matter was not so serious, perhaps this was just another blasphemy of the arrogant boy of the Hunt family. But the words of Aurora's conscience were faint in her ears, as well as the regret for pushing him into the hands of the sheriff, making Aurora unable to ignore this. Aurora closed her eyes and sighed. She quickly pulled the Restaurant Manager into the VIP room like an angry whirlwind. Aurora shouted: "You guys, stop!" “If you use violence here, we will ask you to leave the Restaurant. Otherwise, we will report to the police immediately. Please note that!" The manager spoke seriously. The three thugs stop beating Tommy, but they look fiercely at Aurora and the Manager. Aurora rushed over, grabbed Tommy's hand, and quickly pulled him away. She didn't understand why Tommy was so easily attached to these guys. He weakly followed her: "Tommy, let's go!" "It's not easy to go anywhere. If this is not resolved, we will not go anywhere.” The bald guy in the middle shouted, making the Manager jump. Aurora frowned in displeasure. Aurora's angry face scared Tommy, and he quickly huddled behind her: "What do you want?" “This bastard got my juniors arrested at the police station, so I will make him pay no matter what. It even killed another of my juniors. Both of these things must be resolved today.” The bald man smiled wryly and rushed over to grab her hand. Aurora looked closely to see that he was ugly and strange, a tragedy of nature. Beauty could not be swallowed. She recognized him as the one who had something to do with what had happened at the police station the day before. Aurora was not polite. She pulled her hand back and slapped him in the face enough for him to understand how terrible his mistake was. "Then old debt, new debt, I will calculate it all today!" Aurora has been in a bad mood for two days because of Jake. And fortunately, just in time to release negative emotions. These guys appeared right in front of her as if to invite her. Aurora didn't say another word, just glanced at the Restaurant Manager. He understood what was going on, so he stepped back, and she rushed forward and slammed her fist into the bald man's face. Immediately, he staggered to the floor. He would have hit his head on the floor if it weren't for the two juniors in the back. The pain evident on his face made her laugh. The bald guy was stunned and angry but could only hold his face and whisper. Aurora handed Tommy's bag, and she rotated her neck, grasping her hands skillfully to perform a warm-up position. Aurora's appearance is powerful, surprising Tommy and the manager, and the three thugs are afraid of her preemptive attack. The two juniors immediately grabbed the wine bottle and rushed to attack Aurora. Like a whirlwind, she quickly dodged her body. Aurora used all her strength to use her legs to kick the chest and abdomen of the two men, causing them to fall hard against the wall and roll on the ground screaming in agony. The bald guy suddenly took advantage of Aurora's lack of concentration, smashed an empty beer bottle, and pointed the sharp iron glass at her. He waved his hand repeatedly as if he wanted to stab the beer bottle straight at her. Aurora is like a quick cat. She gently dodges to the left, then escapes to the right. None of the skinhead's attacks could reach her body. On the contrary, he was punched by her until he choked on his nose. He yelled like a madman. Tommy was beside him with round eyes, still cringing like a small, pretty rabbit. Suddenly, Frankie rushed in from outside and quickly caught the skinhead's opening. Sheriff Frankie's series of direct attacks hit the skinhead one after another. He was in so much pain that Aurora didn't stop but continued to punch him hard in the stomach, causing him to fall backward, screaming in pain and then losing consciousness. She then jumped on top of the other two and started punching the dust bags, which looked like two sandbags under her hands. In the end, both of them fell to the floor. Tommy and the Manager stared at Aurora with Frankie's neat handling of the three burly men. Frankie took Tommy's hand and dragged him outside for a while.
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