Chapter 32: Tommy's secret

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“I think you will know how to handle it, okay?” Aurora then turned to the Restaurant Manager and looked at them with gentle eyes. He nodded vigorously. And Tommy, after explaining clearly to Frankie, ran to Aurora's side. He said: “You just healed your hand wound when you ran over here to make noise again. I don't understand what the hell you are." Tommy remembered what happened last time near the headquarters of Thunder Electronics Corporation. He still had the image of Aurora with her bandaged arm covered in blood. Tommy always felt obsessed with such ideas. He felt scared, thinking that Aurora might die because of him. Aurora looked at Tommy and said, “What about you? If you can't fight back, then you call your boyfriend to come to rescue you? Did you think that you would die at the hands of these three pathetic people?” Frankie immediately interrupted: “Today is the day to pay tribute to the boy who died in the fight the other day. He just came here to visit the kid and his family. Everything is clear, the guy who killed that kid was a guy in the same group… and Tommy was just a random person who took the blame. It's just that these three guys want money from Tommy. If he hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known he was here." Aurora feels that both Tommy and Jake are similar in that they are always ruffled at all times, but they are incredibly soft. She sighed and motioned for Tommy to follow her back. Frankie also left the place. He didn't want to drag on more complications later. The two took a taxi, quickly got inside the car, and left the restaurant as soon as possible. “There is something I want to ask you. Tommy, what's the real relationship between you and Jake?" Aurora asked repeatedly, but Tommy did not answer a single question. Aurora was a little annoyed but still managed to be polite to him for now. At least she understood what he was going through. Tommy looked at Aurora and suddenly burst into tears. He said, “Do I reveal everything so easily? I thought no one would know. I… what a fool…” Tommy's voice trailed off, and he started telling her. Tommy had a very peaceful childhood until his mother took him to the Hunt family. At that time, Tommy learned that his mother and Jake's father had been having an affair for a long time. He was also Jake's half-brother. This makes him a massive thorn in Jake's eyes. Although he doesn't like him, he doesn't hurt or beat him because of that. Jake never raised his voice at Tommy. But I never said a warm word to him. The only person Jake loves is Taylor Hunt - Jake's poor sister. But… suddenly, Taylor's death came, causing his family to become chaotic. Izabella was hospitalized for a year because of Taylor's death. Jake's father was also depressed to end up in a hospital bed, and Tommy witnessed his mother's affair with Jake right at Taylor's funeral. Not long after that, Tommy's mother died in a traffic accident. Life with Jake and Izabella in the house was like a horrible hellish scene that he never dared to enter. That place became an unrelenting obsession, like a horror movie for him. Since then, Tommy has rarely returned to the Hunt mansion. Right now, he was also staying at Frankie's house. Tommy suddenly thanked Aurora and said that he could know Frankie and save his life thanks to her. Aurora was quite surprised by Tommy's thanks. She wanted to apologize to him, but she couldn't do it now. Tommy took out his phone from his pocket, but it had already run out of battery. He was a little disappointed because he thought it was damaged after the fight. Tommy turned to look at Aurora with a provocative look. She understood but was determined not to lend the phone to Tommy. She wanted him to speak for himself. Aurora has always been annoyed with the arrogant nature of the Hunt family's blood. This naturally makes Aurora's gaze toward Jake and Tommy more prejudiced and malicious. “Aurora, can I borrow your phone?” Tommy's slightly sarcastic voice made her so tired that she wanted to punch him. Aurora laughed and grabbed Tommy's collar. “You'd better correct your way of talking to me if you don't want to end up like the other three. I don't care who you are, Tommy or the Hunt family, but it's none of my business. So, Tommy, I advise you to be a little more reasonable. Don't be foolish enough to poke your hand into the hive." Aurora growled to spit out the words one by one. Then she gave the phone to Tommy menacingly. Her eyes seemed to want to devour him. It is not difficult for Tommy to realize the extreme danger in each word of Aurora's words. On Aurora's 'advice', Tommy immediately called Izabella, asked for a few gentle words, and reassured her that he was indeed okay. After saying that, Tommy quickly returned the phone to Aurora and bowed his head to thank her. Aurora then took Tommy to Thunder Electronics Corporation. Tommy got out of the car without even saying goodbye to Aurora. Suddenly, he was pulled back by her. Aurora raised an eyebrow, looked Tommy in the eye, and said: "There's a car following us. But it stopped after we parked right in front of Thunder Electronics Corporation gate. Be careful! The first thing you need to do is plug the charger into your phone. Turn on continuous geolocation and send it to me on the phone with Sheriff Frankie.” “Thank you, Aurora. I remember. And how about you?" Tommy looked bored. Aurora released her hand: “Don't worry about me. Take care of yourself first. Do you understand?" She motioned for him to get out of the car and oversaw him until she entered the Thunder Electronics Corporation Headquarters. Aurora then instructs the driver to drive to the basement before sneaking back to the Special Strategy Room. On the way to the office, Aurora thought a lot about Tommy. The boy had a unique expression. Between the boy Aurora met at Jake's house, and today, there seemed to be two different people. What he had told her was like life had plunged him into the depths of darkness. Aurora wonders what he's been through and if he's still traumatized up until now. But this was also not difficult to guess. She knew well what Frankie did to Tommy. Aurora feels a little bad about herself, remembering what she did to Tommy. After all, he was 'r***d' by Frankie himself, thanks to her provocative and cruel actions. Thoughts of Tommy quickly ended as her footsteps reached the door of the Special Strategy Room. Aurora sat in her chair. She didn't want to go home right now. Chances are her pursuers will be able to track down her home address. Aurora suddenly remembered something. She immediately texted Jake: “You should also spend a little more time with Tommy. He also needs to be cared for and loved.” Jake immediately texted back: "Isn't this your business? After all, how can you be so soft and easily share things with her more than me? I think you would be a good sister-in-law to her. I can make up for the familial love for it.” Aurora's sigh was heavy as she listened to Jake's crazy words. She thought for a long moment, then placed the phone on the table, leaning her head back. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Billy appeared with a gloomy face that made Aurora startled. Billy said, "Aurora, can I ask you to help me with this one?" Aurora frowned at Billy. She had never heard the Assistant President come to ask for help before. However, he didn't need Aurora to answer and suddenly knelt before her. Aurora rushed over to help him sit up and quickly said: “Are you crazy? What happened?" Billy looked at Aurora and began to sob like a lost child in the middle of the street: “Jake wants to go on a business trip to New Hampshire in person. Can you stop him?" Aurora has many conflicts in her heart, but she doesn't know how to tell him. She looked at him for a long time, then slowly asked, "Why should I stop him?" “Because there…is the President's greatest enemy. He could be killed at any moment.” Billy started telling Aurora about it. New Hampshire has long been an area where Jake is keen to invest in implementing information technology infrastructure projects for Thunder Electronics Corporation. But he always encountered the people's opposition or, more precisely, the criminal gangs in New Hampshire because the Group's infrastructure deployment items will affect their territory.
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