Chapter 26: I'm not Taylor!!!

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"Don't my Taylor like to eat like this?" Izabella turned to look at Aurora and handed the cup to her. Izabella showed a bright, happy smile. Aurora was surprised. The dining room space warmed up. But she still couldn't get used to Izabella's affectionate name-calling. After all, Aurora wasn't the Taylor Hunt girl she loved. Aurora didn't like being dragged into a story so mushy, weak, and blind as this. It was almost eleven o'clock, but Izabella did not let Aurora go home. She had to go to her room and beat her back until she fell asleep. Aurora happily followed behind. Jake felt a little awkward when Izabella forced Aurora to do this. But when he thought about it for a while, he felt that this was normal because she had received money from him. Jake realized this was a highly fair oral contract, so he didn't need to feel sorry for her. Jake took a sip of wine and sat upright at the rosewood salon imported directly from Africa. The scent of wood is slightly like alcohol, making the eyes somewhat wistful. The housekeeper approached, put another glass of wine on the table, looked at him, and said: "I have never seen her so happy?" "Me too." Jake drank the milk and smiled. The housekeeper smiled, but Jake found some puzzling part of his smile: “I'm sorry… but I don't know why I always feel like this Aurora is so familiar, it's like She's Taylor." Jake turned to look at the butler. Jake's eyes were filled with displeasure when he said that. Jake disapproves of him comparing Aurora to Taylor, his poor sister. The butler also quickly noticed his displeasure. The butler sternly looked again in the direction of Izabella's room: "If this is the will of God, then it is certainly a good thing. Otherwise, I am afraid that Aurora is certainly not ordinary." “I have the same thoughts as you, but leave it alone for the time being. We still have to observe more. Anyway, let her rest for a while. I still have many projects that need her support, and I don't spare any money to coax her fantasies." Jake put the bottomless glass of wine on the table, his eyes far away. The butler bowed his head and left, leaving him to sit quietly in his thoughts. Jake thought about Aurora. He continued to say: “Personally… Aurora, I have someone investigate her. There is still nothing special to pay attention to, but it is not because of that to be careless.” Aurora sat back and massaged until Mrs. Izabella fell into a deep sleep. She crept to her feet, the clock ticking past twelve-thirty in the morning. Aurora gently added a few more eavesdropping chips located in places no one would expect. Then she went out the door. As soon as she saw Jake, Aurora rushed to say goodbye. Aurora bowed to him and said as she walked, "I have to go home. It's late." “I'm sorry, but it's getting late. It'll be dangerous if you come back. I have instructed the housekeeper to prepare a bedroom. You can stay here for the night temporarily." Jake reached out to hold her, but Aurora smiled, determined not to stay. Aurora coldly walked out of the mansion and drove home all the way home to sleep until morning. The clock struck six o'clock, and suddenly Aurora's phone message alarm rang. The screen displayed a message that shocked Aurora. 'If you want to live, stay away from Thunder Electronics Corporation.' Aurora immediately took a screenshot and sent it to Evans. To this day, Evans is still the person who helps and trusts her the most. Then her phone rang. Aurora picked up the phone. Izabella's voice was happy and comfortable, talking as if it were natural. In her heart, she always wanted to keep Aurora by her side: "Today, Taylor doesn't have to go to work. Come over to my house!" Immediately, Aurora reassured herself and then protested against Mrs. Izabella vehemently as if she were struggling to get out of her grasp: “No, Grandma! Let me go to work. Work is hectic right now. If I don't work, where's the money to live on?" Aurora gently put her phone in her pocket. Her face was deeply etched in a tired expression. She cursed under her breath: “She acts like my grandmother, doesn't she? I have to quickly end this to get out of this mess at all costs.” But despite Aurora's harsh refusal, Jake still sent someone to pick up Aurora. She had just walked downstairs when she saw Billy waiting to take her to Jake's house. Looking at Billy's pitiful appearance when he was still sleepy, Aurora realized that his life was not easy. She sighed and said to Billy, “Did you know? I just want to go to work. I don't want to waste my time on these things. I'm not a nanny or a nurse." "Expert Aurora, don't say that. If the Chairman hears it, he'll get mad." Billy tried to smile to remind Aurora. After hearing that, she immediately replied, her words making Billy's face pale: "If he gets angry, what will he do to me? Thunder Electronics Corporation invited me in, but I did not apply.” Aurora's statement challenged Billy's loyalty and awe for Jake. What she showed during the past made him realize that she was even more terrifying than the President of Thunder Electronics Corporation - Jake. Aurora finally arrives at the Hunt family mansion. She has to have fun and boring breakfast together with Jake and Izabella. Aurora is used to enjoying meals alone, so she finds it difficult to eat with two strangers. At times, Aurora finds herself very unprofessional. Her thoughts were interrupted when Izabella forced Jake to take the morning off work to stay home with Aurora. However, he was also reluctant to accept her request. Jake calculated when looking at the day's schedule and then instructed Billy to replace him in directing some related work at the Corporation. As soon as Izabella left, Aurora asked, “Mr. Jake, is it just you and Izabella here? Where are the others? Tommy too." Jake frowned. His eyes looked suspiciously at Aurora: "What do you care for?" Aurora glared at Jake exasperatedly, her attitude surprising him. She said: "I don't care about your family, so later, if Izabella asks, I will definitely say that your parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins are all dead! And if I meet them, I don't have any obligation to greet them as promised, right?" Jake realized he was too suspicious. He smiled: “I'm sorry, I will send a copy of the information for your reference. Maybe tomorrow Billy will give it to her. Of course, my family's identity remains a secret. I hope you don't put my whole family in the media." Izabella returned, and she was excited to talk continuously as soon as she had finished her breakfast. After her boring stories, Aurora felt sleepy. The story of a relative of Mrs. Izabella being robbed of all her property was still ongoing when Aurora fell asleep. She saw Aurora resting on her shoulder when she fell asleep, then kept quiet and then motioned for Jake to take her back to her room so that she could get a good night's sleep. Jake sighed gently and slowly under Mrs. Izabella's supervision. He held Aurora from the cinema room to the bedroom the maids had prepared. About an hour later, Aurora woke up, realizing that this was Jake's bedroom. She breathed a sigh of relief. She quietly went to the living room to say goodbye to Mrs. Izabella and Jake, but the two had already left the house. She happily greeted the maids and took the bus to Thunder Electronics Corporation. Aurora had just entered the office when an email from the President's Office was sent to her, asking her to handle a case at a subsidiary of Thunder Electronics Corporation. Jake arranged for Aurora to enter the Special Strategy Room under the management of the President's Office. This place is considered the most elite place in the Group because it always has to solve hundreds of 'secrets' and handle the most challenging crisis of great magnitude. But also from here, the most troublesome problems arise. According to Aurora's assessment, the Special Strategy Department will be where she needs to 'attack' to get intelligence for the organization. But right now is a better time. She wanted to focus on earning Jake and Izabella Hunt's trust first. But just as Aurora was thinking about it, suddenly, a figure appeared in front of her office door. Christine Duffy - Head of the Legal Department of Thunder Electronics Group - was named the group's most beautiful flower. But since Aurora appeared, that title is no longer for Christine. So she was very curious to know about the beautiful and talented Crisis Specialist whom President Jake had personally interviewed. She leaned against the door, glanced at Aurora, and said quickly: “Hello, I'm Christine - Head of Legal. Maybe you are Aurora? Aren't you going to the meeting? The Special Strategy Department has a meeting this morning! Don't be late!"
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