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Dawson watched as the service girl left the roomgrateful to see her go. Yeah sure he would call her, and he would fly to themoon for a tea party with the queen, he though zipping up his pants. He waiteduntil the door shut and she was gone thenhe kicked a purse in frustration cursing under his breath. It didn’t seem tomatter how many women he slept with he kept suffering the same reoccurringproblem. No matter what he did or who he was with he could never finish forhimself. He never reached his climax. Dawson was bored long before he found hissatisfaction. It was a problem that was seriously starting to infuriate him. “Nobig bang for you?” A female voice asked from behind the next coat rack over. Itstartled Dawson at first to realize he was not alone. Then he began to wonderjust how long she had been there and what she had seen and heard. “Well, at least she seemed happy.” There was ahint of amusement in her sultry voice. “It’snot nice to eavesdrop,” Dawson saidquietly. “Oh,I know, but I stumbled upon you andsimply couldn’t resist.” She purred. Dawsonsmirked. Whoever she was she had a sexy voice and nasty nature he found utterlyalluring. “Bad girl.” He playfully scolded. “Perhaps,but what are you going to do about it? Spank me?” She snickered. Oh, he likedher very much. “So, what was her name?” “Whoknows I can’t remember,” Dawson admitted.“What is your name?” Dawson asked intrigued by this mystery woman. “Oh,but you know my name.” She whispered ever so sweetly. “Ido?” Dawson asked curiously not recognizing her voice. “Youmust, after all, I’m a guest at what wasyour wedding.” She teased. Shehad a point. “That is not helpful in any way, Iknow so many people, you need to give me a hint,” Dawson asked playfully.“Are you here with a date?” He asked wondering if she were single. “Perhaps Ican place you that way.” “Iwas.” She said. “But you married him off a few hours ago.” So,she was Liam’s date which meant she was singlebecause Liam would not have brought anyone that was seeing someone. Still, he had not noticed Liam’s date back atthe church, so he was still stumped. “Myapologies. I did not mean to deprive you of your escort.” “He’sbetter off with her.” She giggled. So, she was not heartbroken over how thingshad turned out. That was a good sign. Dawson racked his brain trying to thinkof who his brother might have brought with him. No one came to mind. It had been so long since he and Liam had talked Dawsondid not know anyone Liam associated. “Perhapsif I take a look at you,” Dawsonsuggested coming around the coat rack to see the woman that was taunting him. “Thatis cheating.” She laughed. As he came around the corner, he caught a glimpse of a red skirt slipping through themany coats on the rack and through to the other side unseen. Shehad given him the slip, and he felt hislips curl in a wicked grin, she was fun. “Now sweat that is not nice. Come backI won’t bite… unless you ask.” He heard her giggle. Dawson went around theother side and once again saw her skirt as she slipped through the coatsescaping him a second time. Dawson laughed and went around the other side tosee her slip through the next rack. “Get back here hellcat.” He laughed playfullychasing her around the coat room. Ittook a few minutes she was quick and wiry, butDawson finally caught up with her. Ambushing his mystery woman as she camethrough one of the racks. She squealed when he grabbed her and spun her aroundpinning her down between him and the wall. She laughed out loud when he pressedagainst her pinning her wrist to the wall on either side of her head. Hefinally had her and Dawson was pleasantly surprised. She was stunning. She wasa good foot shorter then he and her body were thin and curvy, soft and yet firm in allthe right places. She had an hourglassfigure, full breast, and under that short red dress,she had long shapely legs that went all the way up. Her skin had a healthybronzed glow, and her flame red hair hungin silken curls down her back. She had a heart-shapedface and full red lips with a perfect little nose. Her eyes were a brightpiercing green that almost lit up the darkness. Wherewould Liam have met her? Dawson certainly did not know this woman. He wouldhave remembered a woman like her. “I caught you.” He grinned triumphantlyadmiring her striking beauty and the mischief he saw in those wild eyes. “Wellyes, you did. Want a hero cookie?” Sheteased. “Ijust want your name?” “Youknow my name.” She insisted with a cocky grin. “Ido?” “Wehave met before.” She said almost lyrically. “Wehave?” He asked skeptically. She nodded. “I doubt that very much. I would haveremembered someone that looks like you.” “Wellyou see therein lies the thing. Last time we met you were not exactly lookingin my direction.” She said with a smile. “Andwhy was that?” Dawson asked finding it hard to believe he would not havenoticed her. “Lasttime I saw you, you were sleeping with your brother’s first wife, and I wasonly fifteen.” She informed him. Shewas very young then. That would explain why Dawsondid not recognize her now. Still, he wasnot sure just who she could be. Someone from Higgins most likely if she knewall about Dawson’s affair with Liam’s first wife, but she had just been a childat the time. He did not recall associating with anyone that young. Wellexcept for when he was still hanging out with Steve Giles, and his mother would always force them to bringhis annoying little sister along with them. Outside that, oh lord, Dawsonstepped back releasing her and taking a second look at the woman before him.The flame red hair, the bright green eyes, she was certainly the right age. Itcould be her. “Brook?”He asked unsure of his deduction. That wicked smile curving those luscious lipstold Dawson he was right as to her identity. “Oh my god! Brook Giles. I haven’t seen you since you were little.Holy, you grew up.” “Thattends to happen.” “Yeahbut, wow! Look what you became. I remember you in ribbons and curls when you were half my size. Now you’re awoman, and what a woman.” He said his gaze raking over her. “This must driveyour parents crazy.” “Stevetoo.” She snickered. “I came in here to hide from him. He was going to give methe quit flirting lecture.” Dawsoncould see how she could be a handful for a concerned brother. Brook looked likesin incarnate, and she had one of those come-hitherpersonalities. The kind that made men fall all over themselves to get her tosmile at them. He had only spent a few moments alone in the coatroom with herand could already tell Brook was a wild one. Dawsonstared at those lips and found himself wondering how they would taste. He mighthave even made a move if the door had not opened right then and the room filledwith light from the hall. “I found her.” He heard Maggie Diggs’ annoying voice.He no longer dated Raven and the woman was still ruining his fun. InstantlySteve appeared in the door and came into the room. “There you are.” He saidpushing past Dawson and grabbing Brook forcefully by the arm. “You shouldn’t bein here with him. Go back to the party.” He ordered. Brook flashed Dawsonanother flirtatious smile and then left the coatroom with Maggie. That was whenSteve turned on Dawson. His expression harsh. “I know your reputation, Dawson, remember that. Don’t even think aboutmessing with my baby sister. I would hate to make my best friend an onlychild.” Steve warned. “Wouldn’tdream of it.” Dawson smiled. “Let’shope so.” Steve snarled leaving the room. Dawson did not doubt at all that Steve would make good on his threat.Steve would do him great bodily harm if he caught Dawson with Brook. It was ashame too because Brook would have been a ride worth taking. Then again, hiswelfare was only at risk if he got caught, and Dawson did have some skill withsneaking around. He was confident he could slip past the overprotective brother radar. Even if Stevesuspected, he could not do anything unless he had proof, after all, Dawson had an older brother too. Perhapsit was time he rejoined the party and got reacquainted with Brook. *** Brook walked back into the reception hall with Maggie.“Why does he have to be such a brute?” “He’sjust looking out for you. Dawson is not a good guy.” Maggie complained as she fixed her skirt. “That’snot fair, Dawson gave up Raven to makeher and his brother happy. He is paying for this whole wedding even though itis no longer his. I think that is very selfless.” Brook argued. “Ok, so he did something right for a change butlet’s not go making a saint out of a sinner. The man is bad. He cheatsconstantly. I don’t think he even knows the meaning of the word fidelity.” “Whocares we were just talking not planning a life together,”Brook said. “Everybody needs to relax. Imean what is wrong with just having fun with someone. Why does everything haveto be labels and restrictions?” She asked. “Becausethat is the way the world works.” Steve snarled coming into the room. “Andwomen that live like that end up with bad reputations.” He said ushering Brookback to their table. “Dad would kill me if I let that happen to you. Now stopmaking my life difficult.” “Youdidn’t care when I was here on Liam’s arm so why should you care if I’m onDawson’s?” She challenged. “Liamwasn’t likely to hump your leg,” Stevesaid flatly. “God only knows the disgusting perverted things going throughDawson’s mind. I don’t want you talking to him.” “I’ma big girl now Steve. All grown up. I tie my shoes and everything. You can’tforbid me from talking to someone.” She said pulling away from him. “Besides heused to be your friend too.” “Usedto.” He stressed. “Until his true colours started coming through.” “Badboys don’t necessarily make for bad men.” She argued. “Youdon’t know enough men to make that sort of judgment call,” Steve argued. “Notfrom lack of trying,” Brook said rollingher eyes. “Oneday you are going to thank me for all my interference.” He said. “Idoubt that.” She shot back heading for the dance floor. “I think I’m going togo dance with the groom.” Brook walked away leaving Steve with Maggie. Shewished his girlfriend would do her job and distract him. Raven was dancing withher father and Liam was talking with the other guests. She walked up to him andlaced her arm with his gaining his attention. “You ran off on me and gotmarried. Today is officially the worstdate ever.” She teased. “OhBrook.” Liam laughed as if he had just recalled her presence. He turned aroundand hugged her placing a brotherly kiss on her cheek. “Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry I forgot about you. I got distracted.” “It’sok I understand, you’re a married man now with obligations.” She teased. “Butdo you think you can still dance with me?” “Ofcourse.” He said taking her hand and leading her out onto the dance floor. Liamtook Brook in his arms and began to dance her around the floor to the lively two-step that was playing. Liam was a great dancer. Brook had always seen him outon the floor at the Iron Horse, the club she played. He always looked like suchfun to dance with, but she had always been on stage watching everyone elsehaving fun; however tonight, she got her chance and Brook had to admit he wasevery bit as good as he looked. Liamflew her around the dance floor like they had wings and Brook was enjoying herselfso much she had not noticed Dawson approach them until he tapped Liam on theshoulder. “Go tend to your new wife.” He smirked. “Leave some for the rest of us,” Dawson said cutting in. Liamlooked reluctant at first to allow Dawson but then slowly he released his holdon Brook and Dawson took his place. Liam gave his brother a stern warning lookand whispered something in his ear before he walked away to dance with hiswife. Dawson flashed Brook a dashing smile and took her in his arms picking upthe steps where Liam left off. “Whatdid he say to you?” She asked wondering about the whispers. Dawsonleaned in and pressed his lips against her ears then whispered. “Behave.” Hisbreath on her neck sent shivers throughout her body. He stood up straight andlaughed. “Everyone here seems to think I am the devil bent on corrupting you.If only they knew how wicked you were.” Brookchuckled. “My brother says I’m not to talk to you.” She informed him playfully. “Doyou always listen to him?” “Never.”She smirked, but she was not a fooleither. Dawson was exciting and sinfully attractive she would give him that. Hemay even be fun at first; but she, like everyone else, knew Dawson’s historyall too well. She was not interested in becoming another conquest for the legendarywomanizer. “Thatis good news for me.” “Notreally. I may make my own choices, but I’m smart enough to know to stay awayfrom you on my own.” Brook said as the music came to an end. Brook stepped back,and Dawson released her. “It was apleasure getting reacquainted Dawson. You have a lovely evening.” Brook said asshe accepted an offer to dance from another gentleman. Brook glanced back overher shoulder to see Dawson still standing where she had left him with a smuggrin watching her as she danced away from him. Something told her this wouldnot be the last she saw of Dawson Archer. *** Dawson watched as Brook abandoned him on the dancefloor for one of his excited young cousins. She smirked at him as she slippedinto her new partner’s arms and spun around the floor. A lesser man might havebeen insulted or discouraged by her rejection, but Dawson did not slink away atthe first sign of resistance. If anything, he relished a challenge. It made thevictory all the more satisfying when he finally had her. Hisattention was drawn from the luscious redheadwhen Raven took his hand insisting he dance with her. Dawson reluctantly tookher in his arms and began to dance Raven about the floor. “Won’t Liam object?”He teased. “He has a thing about letting me near his women.” “Wellgiving the fact that you so graciously stepped aside for the sake of his happiness, I don’t think he will mind.” Shesaid looking up at him with smiling eyes. “How are you? Today’s events are notexactly what you expected when you woke up this morning.” Dawsonthought for a moment. In one day, his life had changed. He was suddenly single;his fiancée had married his brother and became his sister-in-law. It was not how he saw things ending, but if he had, to be honest, he did not mind.“I think I’ll be fine. You and I were never right for each other. I think weboth knew that.” Ravennodded. “I think you are right. I’m glad you are ok with it.” She said. Dawsonglanced over Raven’s shoulder and looked at Brook once more as she dancedaround the room. Her skirt is flaring outas she twirled. Long shapely legs and aroundtout bottom he would love to see in a bikini. Raven shook her head. “You willnever change. I’m in your arms, and youare still checking out another woman, like always.” Dawsongrinned, he had betrayed Raven over and over, butnow he no longer had to hide his philandering ways from her. “Yes, but youbelong to another man, so I believe I am entitled.” Ravenlooked back to see who he had caught his attention. “I see you have taken aninterest in Brook.” “Wehad met beforewhen we were children. She’s changed a lot.” He said. “But as it turns out shehas been warned to keep her distance.” “Wise.”Raven snickered. “Comenow. Life with me was not all bad.” He said pretending to be wounded. “Yeteveryone seems to think the worst of me. You make a few mistakes, and they hold it against you forever.” “Liam and Steve are veryprotective of Brook. They are not going to like your interest in her.” Ravenpointed out. “I’llfind a way to work around it.” He said. Ravenhugged him tight and kissed his cheek. “She works at the Iron Horse outsideManna Berry.” She whispered in his ear bringing a smile to Dawson’s lips. “Butyou didn’t hear it from me.” Raven then returned to her husband’s side.Dawson’s gaze drifted back to Brook. Perhaps sometime in the country would dohim some good.
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