
The Wild Ones (Book 2 in the Smalltown Superstars Series)

opposites attract
second chance
friends to lovers

After narrowly escaping a marriage he hadn't really wanted to be bound to, Dawson enjoys his new found freedom when he comes across a vision of wild beauty. Surprised to find out he knows this fierce woman from his childhood, Dawson can't resist the urge to get reacquainted. Chasing after the elusive small-town siren, Dawson finds himself obsessed with his conquest and his life changes.

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“Take your sister with you.” Mrs. Giles called as theboys ran out of the house. Steve Giles groaned as he barely made it out thedoor. He growled and stomped his foot with frustration. DawsonArcher shook his head and rolled his eyes. Every summer when they visited theirgrandfather in Higgins, Dawson and hisolder brother Liam hung out with Liam’s best friend Steve and Steve’s motheralways forced him to bring his annoying tagalong little sister with himeverywhere they went. It was so aggravating because she was so much youngerthan they were. Brook was not only annoying but exasperating. “Whydoes she always have to come with us?” Liam complained leaning against the hoodof his first car, a black nineteen-seventy-nine Charger. He had just got it forhis sixteenth birthday, and they wantedto go cruising. Liam was forced to bring Dawson along too, but Dawson was only two years younger than him,so it was not as bad. They could stillget into some mischief without anytroubles, but Brook Giles was only eight years old, a bothersome little ginger-haired pain in the butt in ribbons andcurls. LittleBrook came bobbing out of the front door excited to join in her brother’s fun. Steve pushed past her heading for thecar. The boys all got into the vehicle then Steve locked the doors. Brook triedto open the rear passenger door. Finding the door locked she kicked it. “Let mein Steve. Mom said you have to take me with you.” “Gostrum your guitar or something. God knows you need the practice you sound likea dying cat.” Steve scoffed at his tiny sibling. “Letme in,” Brook demanded and stomped her little foot. “No.I’m sick of you following me around. Get your own friends carrot top.” Stevemocked her causing the other two to laugh. Brooksgreen eyes narrowed in outrage. “Take me with you, or I’m going to scream.” She warned calmly. “Goahead.” Steve dared her. Dawsonwatched as her tiny fist clenched at her sides, andBrook took in a deep breath, he began to cringe anticipating the shrill bansheeshriek she was about to release. Unlike the other,two Dawson covered his ears just in time for the child to open her mouth andlet it rip at the top of her high-pitched lungs. “Mom!” *** Five years later, Dawsonfell out of bed when his older brother Liam came busting through the bedroomdoor with a bat in his hands and white-hot rage in his eyes. For some time now,Dawson had been carrying on an affair with Liam’s pretty wife, Annie. He had been shocked when Annie came on to him. Atnineteen he was thrilled. Annie Archer was a stunning blond with an incrediblebody, and she wanted him. He knew itwasn’t right to sleep with his brother’s wife but he kept telling himself what Liamdidn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Only now the look in his brother’s eyes madeDawson feel like s**t. Dawson scrambled for his pants while Annie tried tokeep Liam at bay. Liam was yelling at her, andshe was yelling back. When Dawson got to hisfeet, he pulled his pants on. Liam shoved Annie onto the bed then gripped thebat with both hands and swung slamming the bat into Dawson’s side so hard thatDawson could feel his ribs break on impact. Dawson retreated to thecorner and put both his arms up in an attempt to protect himself while Liambeat him without mercy. He could hear Annie threaten to call the police and Liamstopped. He tossed the bat on the bed and grabbed Dawson yanking him to hisfeet and dragging him through the house to the door. Liam threw Dawson out intothe night. “Don’t ever come back,”Liam growled. “We are no longer brothers. If I ever see you again, I will put you in an early grave.” Liamthen slammed the door. Dawson doubled over in pain as he made his way to hiscar. He needed medical attention, and itwas looking like he was going to have to drive himself to the hospital. *** Eight years later, Raven Micelles poured over the guest list and theR.S.V.P cards for her wedding. She was getting married in six weeks, and she still had all the final details to workout. The stress of it was starting to get to her. Lord knew her fiancé Dawsonhad been no help at all. He had been wrapped up, as usual, with board meetings,long nights at work and business trips. Dawson was one of the youngestexecutives in a high-powered advertising company working on making partner. Shewas very proud of his success so far, but she did regret how often it took himaway from her. Shehad to admit Dawson’s career had oftenplaced a wedge between them in the past. Their time apart had been trying. Hislate nights in the office and the numerous business trips had in the pastresulted in infidelity a time or two on Dawson’s part. Resulting in the rockyon-again-off-again relationship they had been painstakingly cultivating for thelast four years. But things were different now. Dawson was ready to settle downand commit to her, unlike in the past. He had changed,despite what her friends might think. Ravensat cross-legged on her living room floorcross-checking the R.S.V.P cards she hadreceived back with her list of the invitations sent out and the seating planher best friend Maggie Diggs was helping her prepare. So far, the totalconfirmed count attending was two hundred and eight between family friends andimportant business acquaintances Dawson could not leave off the list. He saweverything as a tool for advancement. Frankly, she did not agree. Raven did not likethe idea of using her wedding as a setting to schmooze the partners or client.That her husband of only a few hours would be more caught up in talking shopthan dancing with her; but Dawson was adamant about it. “I do all this for us, darling. I work so hard now so that we can haveall the finer things in life. The big house on the lake, the boat; everythingwe could want now so that when we start afamily, we don’t have to worry. I won’thave to work so much.” Shedid not like it, but she supposed hislogic made sense. It would be nice to have nothing to worry about before theydecided to start their family. They could have a little boy with the samedashing good looks as Dawson with his chestnut hair and dark eyes. He alwayslooked so strapping in his tailored suits. A man of power and confidence andonly twenty-nine. Ravennoticed as she went through all the cards again that most everyone had repliedone way or the other to say they were either attending or regrettably could notmake it. After all her careful checking there was still one name on her listthat had a huge red question mark beside it. A name which was still botheringher. The only name which had no card. Liam Archer, Dawson’s older brother. Ravenhad never met Liam in the four years that she had been with Dawson. The familystory went, as far as she had heard, was that eight years ago the brothers hada falling out. No one would say over what but as far as she understood itDawson regretted the fight very much, but Liam refused to speak to him. Theirparents had taken Dawson’s side in the matter, andsince then no one in the family had heard from Liam in eight years. Shedid not know what could cause such a feud, to estrange one son so very much,but she did know how very much it would mean to Dawson if his brother wouldmake peace and attend his wedding. She wanted so much to give this gift to him.She would be damned if she would let some stubborn fool stop her. She hadhunted Liam Archer’s address down on the internet and was surprised to find hedid not live all that far. Less than two hours away in a small town in themiddle of rural Alberta. Some little one-horse town she couldn’t even find on amap. Ravenhad sent out an invitation six months ago, and when she did not receive hisR.S.V.P right away she sent him another, and two more since then. What she had even at one point tried to callhim in an attempt to talk to him and beg him to reconsider, but the man only answered the phone andinstantly hung up again without so much as a hello. He was rather frustrating.So here she was six weeks to the day and still she had no sign that Liam wouldattend. “Maggieis there another R.S.V.P card kicking around here somewhere?” She asked pushingall the papers around hoping she mighthave missed it. “Areyou still looking for that one from the brother?” Maggie asked placing the clipboard on the floor. She stretched andpushed her long blond hair off her shoulders. “I think it’s time to accept thathe is not going to come. It’s been eight years. You are not going to fixwhatever those two are fighting over.” “Whydo men got to be so bloody stubborn.” Raven snipped. “I bet it wasn’t evenworth it. Dawson was young he probably borrowed his brother’s car withoutpermission and wrecked it.” She laughed. “You know how a guy getsabout their rides.” “Well, I think this is a lost cause.” Maggiesighed. “I’m puckish let’s get some ice cream.” “No,I can’t just give this up. Having Liam at the wedding would mean the world toDawson. I have to do this. I got to get that stubborn jerk to show up.” Shesaid thoughtfully tapping her pen to her chin. “Well, what are you going to do? He won’t answeryour mail, won’t answer your phone calls, you are out of luck.” Maggie saidgetting up on her feet and heading into the kitchen to raid the fridge. “So howlong is Dawson gone this time?” “Twoweeks.” She said. Dawson had been called away on business yet again. He leftfor Ottawa that very morning trying to land a huge account. She would notlikely hear from him as he tended to get wrapped up in his work and lose alltrack of time. So, it was just her and the wedding plans. She had taken sometime off work to get things in order, andshe had the whole house to herself. The huge empty house that in truth was fartoo big for two people and way too big for just her. “Toobad you couldn’t just use that time to go to the middle of nowhere there andjust drag the stubborn jerk back kicking and screaming.” Maggie teased comingback with two bowls of ice cream. She handed one to Raven. Thatwas not a bad idea. Why didn’t Raven godown there and speak to Liam in person? If he didn'tanswer her phone calls, she wouldspeak to him one on one. He couldn’t hang up on her then. “That is a greatidea.” She said enthusiastically. “Whatis?” “Goingdown there and getting him.” She said. “Iwas just joking.” Maggie laughed. “Iknow, but why not? He can’t ignore me if I’m standing right in front of him.With Dawson away, he’ll never even know I am gone. I’ll have two weeks to tryto talk some bloody sense into that guy’sthick skull and convince him to drop this silly grudge and come to thewedding.” She said happily, formulating the plan in her mind. “Whatabout everything that needs doing here?” “Wecan still do it all. Liam is not too farfrom here. I’ll juggle some things around. I have to make this work. I’mgetting this guy to the wedding if I have to harass him every hour of everyday.” She grinned taking a bite of her ice cream. *** Two weeks later, Dawson rosefrom the swing on his brother’s front porch. He had been waiting for them toreturn. He had been away on a business trip when he found out that his fiancéeRaven had not only contacted his astringed brother but was now carrying on anaffair. He didn’t blame her; she was onlyacting out because his infidelity wounded her.She forgave him his intercessions, so hefelt it only fair that he forgives her this one slip up. However, Liam was a different story. Dawson knew for afact that Liam had seduced Raven out of sheer spite. He was trying to exact hisrevenge on Dawson for the affair Dawson had with Liam’s ex-wife years ago. Hisinterest in Raven had nothing to do with loveand affection it was payback. And Dawson wasn’t going to let Liam win. Dawson’s expression remained indifferent, but his dark eyes held the only hint of anger.Raven and Liam stopped when they noticed him. Raven looked at Liam and wassurprised to see the same anger flashing in his dark eyes as he looked at hisbrother. His hold on her hand had tightened as he stared at Dawson. “Liam.” Dawson greeted his brother with an obvious struggleto remain civil. “Dawson.” Liam did the same. “Been a long time,” Dawson said. “You got yourself a nice set up here. Nice house. Lotsof lands, and some profitable animals, and let’snot forget my wife.” He said bitterly. Liamnarrowed his gaze. “Last time I checked you weren’t married.” He reminded Dawson. “Last time I checked I was engaged. That makes Raven mine.” Dawson snapped his emotions coming to the surface. “Suddenly you give a damn?” She yelled. “You ignore me and sleep around. What do you care? Youdon’t want me.” Raven said glaring at Dawson. Dawsonstared at her surprised by her rant. “Baby don’t say that. You know I love you.” Sheshook her head in disbelief. “You do not. If you did you would not keep hurting me.” “I am sorry, baby; I was just so nervousabout this wedding…” He triedto explain himself to her as he did so many times. “And you don’t think I wasn’t?” She cried. “You were.” He snapped looking at his brother. “You went out and did what I did so how can you judgeme?” He demanded. He was right she had cheatedon him before she knew he had done the same. How could she chastise him fordoing what she had done? “Only you ran off with my brother of allpeople.” He growled. “Don’t you think that is a little worse?” “I don’t think so. You treat Ravenlike dirt.” Liam snapped. “Oh please.” Dawson laughed out loud. “Is that the bullshit you’re feeding her? That you’re doing this because you don’t like the way I treat her?” He shook his head. “I expected more from you, Liam, after all, yourpreaching about morality. Then you do something like this. Let’s be honest here, why don’t you tell her what this is all really about.” He grinned. Ravendidn’t understand what Dawson meant. She lookedat Liam, and she could see in his eyesthat Liam knew what Dawson was implying.She was the only one in the dark. “What is he talking about?” She asked. “Go ahead Liam tellsher the truth. Tell her or I’ll tell her. Let’s see how she feels about you afterwards.” Dawson challenged. “Tell me what?” She demandedshe was tired of all the secrets. Liam still would not speak. Dawson,however, was more than happy to tell all. “Did he tell you that he used to be married?” “Yes.” “Did he tell you that his wife had an affair on him?” “Yes.” Dawson’s glare lockedwith Liam’s. “Did he tell you that it was with me?” His confession hit Raven like a ton of bricks. “No, he did not tell me that.” She whispered surprised turning her gaze to Liam; she could see the hurt and anger on his face. “For six months, I slept with his wife behind his back,and when he finally caught us, he beat mewith a baseball bat and broke two of my ribs.” Dawson finished the story. “Not one word from him since that day. Now he’s sleeping with my fiancée. Ironic?” Ravenlooked at Liam with a hurt expression as she realized what was going on. Liamhad seduced her to punish Dawson. “Admit it, Liam; thiswhole thing has never been about the way I treated Raven. This whole affair of your has always been aboutAnnie. I took your wife, so you took mine.” Dawson challenged. Ravenpulled her hand away from Liam and stared at him with pleading eyes. “Liam, is it true? Is that what this has been about,payback? All this, it’s all to get back at Dawson for sleepingwith your wife?” “Raven…” He said softly reaching for her again. “Sweetheart I love you.” “Answer me!” She yelled pulling away. “Did you seduce me just to punish Dawson?” “Yes.” He answered yelling back. His answer cut her deeply.He calmed, and she could see the pain inhis eyes. “At first, yes, that was the plan.” He admitted. “I didn’t intend to fall for you, but I did. You mean theworld to me.” “Sweet words from a man that has done nothing but lieto you.” Dawson snipped. Raven’s eyes filled with tears. “That is not true. I have never lied to you.” He promised and then shoved Dawson. “Unlike you, every word from your lips is a damn lie.” “Do me a favour and stay out of my relationship. It wasworking just fine until you decided to mess it all up.” “What relationship? She was property to you. I loveher.” “I loved her first.” “Shut up both of you.” She snapped, glaringat both men. “I want nothing to do with either of you.” She yelled and headed for her car. She was leavingthem both. Liamchased after her reaching her car door as she got inside. “No please Raven don’t go.” “I want nothing to do with you two.” She barked. “I’m nothing like Dawson, please come back and let me explain.” Shestared up at him through her tears that threatened to fall. “You are more like Dawson than you know.” She said slamming the door. She started the car anddrove off. Leaving both men behind her as tearsrolled down her cheeks. *** Raven lay on her bed in her mother’s house crying. She had driven straight to herparents’ house back in the city. They had not bothered to ask her why she wascrying. Raven had come crying to her parents somany times in the past. They simply assumed Dawson had once again upset her.She didn’t mind their assumption. She didn’t feel like explaining to them right now. Her heartwas breaking. Sheheard a light knock at the door and she looked up through her tears to seeMaggie poke her head inside. She saw Raven crying and came inside closing thedoor behind her. “Oh, sweetie I came as soon as I heard.” She said coming to sit on the bed beside her givingRaven a much-needed hug. “How did you hear?” “Steve called me.” She said. Ravensat up. “How did he hear?” “He went by and noticed you were gone and Liam was in abad mood. He called and said Dawson came by and ruined everything.” She said with annoyance in her tone as she spoke ofDawson. Ravencried once more. “Oh, that is the worse part. It’s not even Dawson’s fault.” Maggiewas surprised. “How so?” “It was Liam.” She whimpered. “He used me. This whole time all thishas been between us is a way of punishing Dawson for cheating with his wifeeight years ago. I was a tool, a pawn for payback. He never cared for me atall. It was a sham the whole time.” Maggieshook her golden head in disbelief. “No, I have seen the way he looks at you. You must bemistaken.” “He admitted it.” She said bitterly. “He was using me from the beginning.” “That can’t be right.” Maggie was still having a hard time believing it. “Steve said that Liam was really into you. I don’t think he would have lied to me to cover for him.” “Then Steve doesn’t know Liam.” She snapped. “Neither do I.” She sighed. “Dawson was right, I should have just left it alone, and none of this would have happened. I wouldstill be happily planning my wedding.” “And he would still be cheating on you.” Maggie pointed out. Oh,she didn’t even care anymore. She had done the same; she could hardly hold herself in higherstanding than Dawson. It was odd though;Dawson’s betrayal did not hurt nearly as much as Liam’s. The otherwomen barely even crossed her mind, but Liam’s lie tormented her. It was insane. She had lovedDawson for years and known Liam for a little less than two weeks. Why did sheobsess over his lie more than Dawson’s? It simply did not make sense. Therewas another knock at her door, and Maggiestood up and went to answer it. Her expression instantly turned hostile. “I can’t believe they let you in.” She snipped crossing her arms. “Go away.” Ravensat on the edge of the bed as she watched Dawson push Maggie aside. “Take a hike why don’t you.” He snapped still wet from the storm. “I will not!” She barked. “Why don’t you jump off a cliff?” She suggested. “Maggie please go get some coffee or something. I’ll talk to him.” Raven said softly assuring her friend that it was ok.Maggie glared at Dawson before she reluctantly left the room shutting the door. Dawsoncame over to the bed and removed his wet coat. “Wow, it is coming down out there.” He chuckled hanging his coat over the back of thedesk chair. He sat down on the bed beside her. “How are you?” He asked placing his hand lovingly over hers. Shelooked down at their hands. At the familiar contact. “What are you doing here?” She asked. “We need to talk.” He said. “I mean what are you doing here, in Alberta? You aren’t due back for a few more days.” She said. He had returned from his business tripearly. He never returned early. “Well, you see I called home one night and receivedsome rather disturbing news. My brother had stolen my wife. When I kept callingand getting no answer, I figured you musthave run off with him. I couldn’t lose you. I dropped everything and came straighthome to find you. Luckily, I found all your wedding planning stuff. I found hisaddress on the guest list and thought I might try to find you there. I wasright, I did.” He explained. Had he come home early for her? He had neverdone anything like that before. He had never put her above work before. He hadactively searched her out. He had never spent so much time actively thinking ofher. “You came home for me?” “I couldn’t lose you. I love you.” He smiled caressing her face. “I know I’m not perfect. I mess up a lot, and I probably don’t treat you as well as I should. I took it for grantedthat you would always be there. I won’t do that again.” He kissed her sweetly. “Please baby, let’s not throw everything away over this. I forgive youfor falling victim to him. If you can forgive me my faults, I can forgive youyours. That is what love is all about.” He said wiping away her tears. “We can still get married and raise a family. We canstill make all those dreams and plans we had come true. I see no reason why westill should not go forward with our wedding. Just put this whole sorted messbehind us. No one has to know.” Shestared into his eyes. Was he serious? Could heforgive her like that? Could Dawson move pasther betrayal and be content in marriage to Raven? Wasn’t he even hurt or mad? “Aren’t you upset?” She asked wondering if he cared at all. “Of course, I’m upset. Do you think I like the idea that you sleptwith my brother? That for well over a week he had you in his bed? I don’t; I hate thethought that from now on I can’t tell if you’re thinking of him orme. When we go to bed together are you wishing you were in Liam’s arms?Do you think that is easy for me? It isn’t, but I’ll deal because I love you and I don’t want to lose you.” He went quiet for a moment; his expression went softalmost boyish. “Don’t you still love me?” The room was so quiet; Raven could hear the windwhistling outside the window. She cared for Dawson, she always would,but could she still say she loved him? If she left could she be passing up herchance to be a wife and have a family? After all,she had been content before Liam had poisoned her mind against Dawson, hadn’t she? “Yes?” She said still not entirely sure herself. Dawsonsmiled and hugged her tight against him. “I knew what we had was stronger than that. Come onbaby. Come home with me; I would rathernot stay here, your parents hate me.” He said standing up and reaching for his coat. “What do you say I take you to dinner?” Sheshook her head. “I’m not hungry.” She said softly rising from the bed. Maggie was notgoing to be happy that she had chosen to go back to Dawson. She would have toaccept it was her life. She didn’t want to spend it alone. Dawson was better thannothing. “Alright then. We will head home instead, and maybe you can show me what you already haveplanned for the wedding.” He suggested. Shestared at him surprised by his offer. “Are you serious?” She asked. Was he going to make more time for her?Maybe she should have cheated on him sooner. *** A few days later… Dawsonglared at his brother across the breakfast table. It was the day before hiswedding and both his parents and Raven’s had arrived for the pre-wedding eventsand were staying with them. It had been all going well until Liam showed up onhis doorstep last night. He still had the invitation Raven had given him andhad decided to come to the wedding. Likely to mess with Dawson. Ever since Liamwalked through the door, Dawson hadnoticed the change in his fiancée. She had become quiet and somewhat withdrawn.He also noticed the longing look that pastbetween Raven and Liam when they thought no one was watching. “So, Liam sweetie, you never did tell us last night, isthere a special someone in your life?” His mother asked bringing a plate of food to thetable and placing it in front of him and one before Dawson. Both Dawson andRaven stared at him. “Yes,” Liam answered. “There is… well, there was.” He said looking at his food and poking it with hisfork. “She is a sweet woman. She is also funny and so persistent.” Helaughed. “She followed me fishing to get myattention, and this girl knew nothing about fishing.” He said looking up at her. “But she was just so damn cute, trying so hard topretend like she knew what she was doing. Almost hooked me with her line twiceuntil I gave her lessons.” His mother looked at him with a smile. “She tried to learn the ranching too. Playing with thebaby calf, and mucking stalls. She mucks stalls terribly, makes a bigger mess.” He chuckled. “But she tries so hard. I taught her to ride, and thereis nothing like seeing the sun setting against her hair, or the stars in hereyes when we’re sitting on the porch. I even love thesound of her breathing just after she falls asleep in my lap when we’re watching a really bad movie on the couch.” He said trying to keep back his tears. Dawson felt atug at his heart as Liam talked about the woman he loved; about Raven. Hecouldn’t help but notice that Raven had not taken her eyes off Liam as he spokeabout her. A faint smile curved her lips and tears glistened in her eyes. Didshe love Liam? The pain he saw in both their eyes left Dawson feeling a smallmeasure of guilt. Hismother sniffled. “Oh, my boy is in love.” She gushed. “This is wonderful. Both my boys are in love.”

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