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Dawson Archer stood at the entrance of the main hallfor the church. In a few minutes, hewould be saying “I do.” He cared very much for Raven. She was a beautiful,wonderful woman; his parents loved her very much. So why did he feel like a manwalking to his death? He was scared out of his mind. He had been for days. Dawsonhad been with Raven Micelles for some time now, andmarriage was the next logical step. He wasexpected to take the plunge; but lately,things had taken a turn less than expected. His fiancée in her good-hearted wayhad tried to fix a long-broken relationship between himself and his olderbrother Liam as her wedding gift to him. She had schemed to convince hisbrother to forgive Dawson for past transgressions and attend the wedding. Whichwould have been a wonderful gift but bless her soft natured heart she had noidea what tangled web he had used to trap her. Aftereight years Liam had still been bitter about Dawson’s affair with his wife. Anaffair that had ended his marriage and astringed the two brothers for so manyyears. Learning of Dawson’s upcoming marriage had started a chain of events leadingto this moment. Liam had seduced Raven in his vengeance against Dawson; only Liam had not planned on falling in lovewith her. His brother had sworn his love for Raven that night on his ranch whenDawson came for his fiancée. Liamhad said something to him back on the ranch that night that Dawson had not beenable to get out of his head. That he was a s*x addict that would only makeRaven miserable. He had to accept that he couldnot possibly be faithful to her. Deep down Dawson knew Liam was right. If you loved her, you wouldn’t want anyone else. That kept ringing in his mind. Raven had never been able to satisfy him. He hadtried so hard to be happy with her to desire her, but she did not do it for him. She did not excite Dawson the way he wanted, the way he craved.She was sweet and kind and caring, but with Raven life was so mundane he feltlike he was in a coma. Hewas not entirely sure he could go through withthis wedding. Dawson thought back to a few days ago at breakfast with Liam andhis parents. His mother had asked Liam about the woman he was in love with, and Liam had, without mentioning names, toldher how he felt. An obvious attempt to steal Raven’s heart that at the time hadinfuriated Dawson; but the way his brother talked about Raven, Dawson had neverfelt that way about her. In their four years together, he had never seen Ravenin that light, the way Liam saw her. Liam did love Raven, and worse he got thefeeling she loved his brother in return. Dawson looked at the rings in his hand feelingconflicted about his choices. On the one handhe knew what people expected of him, andon the other hand, he knew what he feltwas right. He had a choice to make, andhe did not know what to do. Suddenly someone tappedhim on the shoulder and indicated it was time for him to walk out and stand atthe altar to wait for his bride as he had done at the rehearsal last night.Dawson took a deep breath and headed out. As he walked out to the altar, his feet felt so heavy. His heart beat so loud in his ears. A voicein his head screamed… run! He stood at the altar his hands feeling clammy.Dawson saw Liam sitting in the pews looking like he was dying inside. The maindoors opened, and the piano began to play‘here comes the bride.’ Raven appeared inthe doorway with her father. Her dark hair was up in curls atop her head. Shelooked pretty in her white gown. Her blue eyes though looked as terrified as hefelt. Herfather led Raven down the aisle, and hecould swear she looked ready to blot for the door. Raven’s gaze locked with Liam’sand Dawson could see the love between them. She loved him as much as he didher. She had promised herself to Dawson and Raven would bind herself to himdespite her love for another. Her father handed Raven to Dawson, and they both faced the priest as he began theceremony. How could he have not seen it sooner? How could he have been so blindfor so long? Was it too late? Thenhe heard the priest as if in the distance breaking into his thoughts. “If anyone knows any reason why these two should not be married speak now or forever hold yourpiece.” The room went quiet. Dawson half expectedany number of people to object, but noone did. “Alright then do you…” “Wait.” Dawson piped up surprising everyone. He could not gothrough with this travesty. Raven looked at him with confusion in her beautifuleyes. “Something is very wrong here.” He objected. “What?” Asked the priest. Dawsonlooked around at everyone and waved his hands about as if he was dissatisfiedwith everything. “Someone is not where they are supposed tobe.” He complained. “We can’t continue until everyone is where they are supposedto be.” Dawson objected. “What are you talking about?” Raven’s best friend Maggie Diggs demanded. She hadalways hated him for his constant womanizing. She did not even think Ravenshould be marrying him so she would be happy to know he could not go throughwith it. “Have you lost what little mind you have?Everyone is where they should be.” “No, they’re not.” Dawson objected stepping off the altar and headingdown the aisle. He walked right up to Liam and grabbed his brother by the armforcing him to stand up. Liam looked as confused as everyone else. Dawsondragged his brother to the altar and placed him in his place as the groom. He took both wedding bands from hispocket and placed them in Liam’s palm. Liam stared at Dawson with a question in his eyes. Dawson smiled at hisbrother. “I can’t marry the woman you’re in love with.” He said. “I see it this way. I took a wife you, so I feel I oweyou, a replacement.” “What is going on here?” The priest demanded. “My fee is none refundable.” “Oh hush.” Dawson snipped. “There is still going to be a wedding. I’m paying for this, sosomebody is sure as hell getting married.” He grinned kissing Raven on the cheek. “It would have never worked out darling.” Ravensmiled and threw her arms around him hugging him tightly. “Thank you for understanding.” Dawsonthen shook Liam’s hand. “Treat her right.” He said feeling a huge relief. It was as if theweight of the world lifted from hisshoulders and Liam took Raven by the hand and faced the priest. Dawson turnedand headed down to sit in the front pew relaxing and happily watching thewedding. Raven looked up at Liam who now stood where Dawson had. The bride andgroom were all smiles, and Dawson’snerves had quieted, a relaxed calm had come over him as he watched his brothermarry his bride. Their friends and family cheered, and their mama cried when they said:“I do.” When Liam slid that weddingband on Raven’s finger, everything had felt right with the world. Liam kissed his new wife, andDawson knew that this was meant to be. He would have made a lousy husband, and they all knew it. Everyonestood to congratulate the bride and groom, butDawson hung back. The day had not ended as he had expected when he woke thatmorning but he was not exactly heartbroken. Raven had been a wonderful woman, but deep-down Dawson had always known she wasnot right for him. The only regret he had tonight was that he had let hisparents down. They had been so looking forward to having him settle down. Hesmiled awkwardly when his father came over as the guests began to mingle. “Well, that was unexpected.” His father said. Dawsonsmiled. “Well yeah.” He said awkwardly. “Look I know you and mom wanted me to-” “I’mproud of you son.” His father said stopping Dawson short. “You did a greatthing back there.” “You’renot disappointed?” He asked. “Notif you’re not.” Dawsonsmiled contently. “I’m not.” Hisfather pat Dawson on the back for the first time in a long time. “There is norush. Let’s go celebrate.” *** Brook Giles sat at her table with her brother Steve andhis date Maggie at her side. She smiled as she watched her date enter thereception hall with his new bride on his arm. She clapped along with everyoneso happy to see that in the end, Liam gothis girl. He had been so depressed the past few days believing Raven wouldmarry his brother. It was why Brook had agreed to come with him to the wedding.To be emotional support for him in his time of need,but as she watched him take his bride out onto the dance floor, she was happy her services were nolonger needed. “Ican’t believe Dawson just gave her up like that,”Maggie said with genuine surprise. Maggie had been dating Brook’s older brotherSteve for over a month now. She was Raven’s best friend, and Steve was very taken with her too. She wasa pretty blonde with a voluptuous figure, definitely her brother’s type, andwith his solid rancher’s body and light blond locks,they would make cute little blonde babies together one day Brook was sure ofit. Personally,that whole settling down and make babies thing was not for her. Nope Brook haddreams far too big for this town, and shewas not about to get herself tied down to a family. Not that this sort of lifedid not have its merit and was not right for some people, raising a family wasa perfectly wonderful life for many people, just not her. “I’mnot all too surprised. I never could see Dawson settled down to one woman. Theman is a habitual hound dog. He’s incapable of keeping it in his pants.” Stevejoked. “Always has been. Speaking of the devil where has he gotten to?” Theyall looked around for the reluctant would-have-been groom. None of them hadseen him since he had given his bride to Liam. A seemingly selfless act butmost likely motivated by his desire to flee and get out of a marriage he neverreally wanted. Brook spotted Dawson in the far corner of the room chatting upone of the serving girls. He was a stunningly handsome man like Liam, with darkchestnut hair and dashing boyish features. He was tall with broad shoulders andsleek, narrow hips. Even from across theroom Brook could tell Dawson was a well-built man for one not use to physicallabour. Hebrushed a lock of the girl’s blonde hair behind her ear making her blush andgiggle. Dawson was working his wiles on her and whatever he was saying hadworked because the woman glanced around nodded then disappeared out a door. Asecond later Dawson followed suit. Brook grinned. “I would say he is going tolet it out of his pants.” She said pointing to the door. Stevewatched Dawson disappear and shook his head. “Single not two hours, and already he’s crawling his way under somegirl’s skirt.” “Oh,cut him some slack.” Brook laughed. “The man gave up his bride. He deserves alittle consolation prize.” She said buttering a roll and taking a bite. “You’reas bad as he is.” Steve snipped. “Wearing that dress to a wedding. It’sentirely inappropriate.” Brooklooked down at the dress she had chosen to wear. A strapless red dress with a short flared skirt, and a thick black beltabout her thin waist which matched the black heels she had chosen to wear. Shehad left her long red hair down to fall around her shoulders and tumble downher back. Brook loved this dress because it showed off her long legs and herhourglass figure and of course, the bestpart of the dress was that Steve hated it. “You would think anything I wore wasinappropriate.” She said taking another bite. “You have always got a problemwith the way I dress.” “Thatis because everywhere we go there is always a trail of drooling slobs followingyou around,” Steve complained. “Isthat my fault?” She shrugged. “Yes.”He snapped. “Because you dress like that.” “Ibet if Maggie were wearing this dress you would have no problem with it.” “Thatis different.” “Why?” “Maggieis not my baby sister.” Brook stood up annoyed with Steve. She was going to gosomewhere where she did not have to listen to him for a while. “Where are yougoing?” “Away.”She said walking away from the table. There had to be someplace she could go where Steve would leave her be for a bit.She just wanted a few minutes without some brotherly nagging. Brook wanderedthe room watching the party. She was drawing some admiring stares from many ofthe men in the room, which was not unusual whenshe wore this dress. She offered a flirtatious smile to some and glancedback to her table to see the annoyed look on her brother’s face. Brook loved driving Steve up the wall, it was so muchfun and so very easy to do. However,when she saw Steve stand up from his chair,she decided it was time to slip from the room for a while and make herselfscarce. She did not feel like listening to the lecture she was sure was coming.Knowing Steve was surely behind her Brook looked about for somewhere to hide.She looked at the ladies’ room, but Steve would likely suspect she went inthere and wait outside or send Maggie in after her. Brook looked at the men’sroom and considered it. He wouldn’t think to look for her in there, but it would be rather awkward and gross. ThenBrook looked at the coat check room and deciding it was best she slipped intothe dark room quietly shutting the door behind her. She snuck deep into themany racks of coats away from the door so that if someone looked in, they could not see her. She would wait hereuntil Steve quit looking for her. Brookwas quietly standing in the dark when she heard the heavy panting of a womanfrom behind the next rack over. Curious she moved closer to the rack andlistened. The woman moaned, and Brookheard the strangled groan of a man. She covered her mouth with her hand andalmost snickered. She had unwittingly stumbled across Dawson and the servicegirl. Judging from the sounds of it he was near the end of things. The womanwas panting and moaning like crazy, butDawson was surprisingly quiet with the odd groan. Brookleaned against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest listening to thetryst as they finished up. “That was fantastic.” The woman panted happily. “Uhha,” Dawsongrunted disinterestedly. He didn’t sound nearly as satisfied as she did. “Ihave to get back to work before they notice I’m gone.” She said. “Will you callme?” “Yeah…sure.” He muttered. Brook smiled shaking her head. Foolish girl, he was nevergoing to call her. Brook crouched low when she heard the woman’s footstepsheading for the door. She tried to stay unseen as the door cracked open and thewoman slipped out of the coatroom. Thedoor closed and the room went dark once more. Brook stood up sure she had goneunseen. She listened and heard Dawson curse under his breath then kicksomething out of frustration. Something told her that little tryst had not beenmutually satisfying. The mischievous side of her felt an overwhelming desire tomess with him.
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